A Little Knowledge about
The following is the response by Srimathi Seshu Bhandaru
from Australia for my article on 'Vegetarianisms' on 28th
October 2013. As she suggested I now add a little about
Veganism and republish the article.
Seshu Bandaru
Informative Ramamohanrao garu. You left out Vegan Diet.
A total vegetarian (vegetable) diet with no diary products at
all. I thnik there is a sect of followers in India who are
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Seshu Bandaru
Sorry I should say Plant produce not vegetable
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Cheruku Ramamohanrao
IThat's true amma. I got the idea of writing this on aquestion
posed by a face book friend in a group. My concentration
went on answering his doubts and hence I lost this point
from the track. we will
discuss about that after some time.
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Seshu Bandaru
Thanks your postings are always interesting informative and
some are hilarious
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Cheruku Ramamohanrao
Thank you very much Amma
The original article
A simple question arose in my mind that if milk
Seeds leaves all go under nonveg where the
word does
Veg exists and if veg doesn't exist how can
nonveg be a
word. So if veg is taken out only 'non' remains
certainly it sounds nonsence.
We know the human body according to our sastras
'Trigunaatmakm' which are 1.satva 2.Rajas
Whereas the human body when emerges will imbibe
the permutation and combination of these
qualities, and as infinite number
of combinations we can
get from these things, we find different
qualities in
each individual. The food irrespective of
veg or nonveg
contribute to these qualities in different
proportions. All
the living thing are distinguished into staavara
and jangama. 'Staavara' means immovable and
'Jangama' is movable. Though both are living
beings the
Jangama will have more emotions and the Staavara
as we know. The Jangama dies with all such
like anger revenge and helplessness etc.
these qualities
percolate into the body of the jangama and its
flesh or
meat harm the user of food. Fish is
included in non-
vegetarian food and has marginally less Tamasa
component than white and red meat hence bangaly
Brahmins are used to consume it. When we
observe, a fish will have very less emotions as
it would
not be knowing when it would be pulled out of
and more over it would also not know that it
is being
tried to be pulled out. In the non-vegetarian
category, mutton and chicken differ marginally
from each other in terms of their Sattva, Rajasa and
Tamasa components. The reason
for the increased Tamasa in meat after the animal dies is
because of the extent of suffering when it is being killed. Also the
thoughts of anger and revenge in the animal are
far more pronounced as compared to a plant
which has
a rudimentary mind and intellect as explained
This is the main reason for the increased Tamasa
vegetarian diet would have a higher proportion of the
subtle Sattva component. As a
result of the Tamasa
in meat, the act of eating non vegetarian
food is
a tāmasik activity. On vegetarian means food obtained by
killing living animals, birds, and other living creatures. Vegetarian
food does not mean killing of
such living creatures.
Eggs are
live. They have life and if hatched they give
This is how birds are born. It is the first stage of life
for birds.
Eating eggs means killing the birds in first stage
itself. So
these are considered non vegetarian. Milk is a
food given
voluntarily by animals for feeding its kids.
Even for
this there is a stipulation that the milk is to be
drawn from
the animal only when it satiates its
Drinking milk is not resulting in killing of
or birds. Similarly honey is collected by bees
from flowers and stored. These are vegetable products.
honey is not killing birds. A lacto
(Sometimes referred to as a lactarian; from the Latin
lactis, milk) diet is a vegetarian diet
that includes dairy
products such as milk, cheese, yogurt,
butter, ghee,
cream, and milk kefir, but excludes
Lactovegetarians also abstain from cheeses
that include
animal rennet and yogurts that
contain gelatin. The
concept and practice of lacto-vegetarianism
among us
is from our ancestors who were
more sages and seers or very highly pious people.
We are really blessed to have born in this great
where everything is scientific and to have ready
to serve
Let me say a little about veganism a latest cult
in the west and now crossing the continental
Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of
animal products in diet, as it rejects the commodity status
thereof. An individual who follows the diet or philosophy
is known as a vegan.
The following is an excerpt of the content in Wikipedia.
They refrain from consuming meat, eggs, dairy products,
and any other animal-derived substances. An ethical
vegan, also known as a "moral vegetarian", is someone
who not only follows a vegan diet but extends the
philosophy into other areas of their lives, and opposes the
use of animals for any purpose. Another term is
"environmental veganism", which refers to the avoidance
of animal products on the premise that the industrial
farming of animals is environmentally damaging and
Well-planned vegan diets are regarded as appropriate for
all stages of life, including infancy and pregnancy, by the
American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the
Australian National Health and Medical Research
Council, the British Dietetic Association, Dietitians of
Canada, and the New Zealand Ministry of Health. The
German Society for Nutrition—which is a non-profit
Organisation and not an official health agency—does not
recommend vegan diets for children or adolescents, or
during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There is inconsistent
evidence for vegan diets providing a protective effect
against metabolic syndrome, but some evidence suggests
that a vegan diet can help with weight loss, especially in
the short term. Vegan diets tend to be higher in dietary
fiber, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron,
and phytochemicals, and lower in dietary energy,
saturated fat, cholesterol, omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin D,
calcium, zinc, and vitamin B12.[h] A poorly-planned
vegan diet may lead to nutritional deficiencies that
nullify any beneficial effects and may cause serious
health issues,[30][31][32] some of which can only be
prevented with fortified foods or dietary
supplements.[30][33] Vitamin B12 supplementation is
important because its deficiency causes blood disorders
and potentially irreversible neurological damage, though
this danger is also present in poorly-planned non-vegan
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