Monday, 4 July 2016


Water Beneath The Mat

Mat is,durin  olden days, was made up of a type of grass called 'Jambu' or 'Jammu' In Telugu )which grows just adjacent to the river on it's bank. This was also being used by the fishermen as a protection against rain to cover their head and body. Suppose we pore water beneath a mat that is spread, the water will make it's way to the other side of the mat without wetting the mat on the top. This is a nearer synonym than  'In camera" for the mission that is being executed but without even an iota of feel by the subject. Let us now equate this to the following : The  population,of Christians is something like three per cent, is very misleading. Not long ago India’s millions populi were ruled by a cadre of 30,000 Christian foreigners. It is not a question of numbers but of institutional wealth and influence, of organization, political ambition and high ideological motivation, and, especially, of due control of institutions like education and health care that counts. And then there are the special constitutional privileges for minorities that make Hindus second-class citizens in their own land, and the uncritical sympathy for all things to minorities  in the English-language media.

 No country in the world allows a minority community to dictate to the majority the way India does, or to allow a foreign-trained minority community to proselytize in a society that has never attempted   to do so in any of the world nations. On the contrary our country was\is always under the threat of 'the socio political organisations' whom they call as religions resort to conversions by uncountable dubious methods like psychological and emotional assault and material inducements, seductions and marvels and thus making them gullible.

 Let us consider Christianity for the purpose.  No country in the world would allow virtually unchecked the foreign money and expertise that flows into the Indian Churches, much of it under the guise of social aid, when the bigoted leaders of these Churches have declared over and over again that they intend the religious and spiritual annihilation of the Hindu community.

 The Christian Church in India is still a 17th century colonial Church financed from abroad. It has a sophisticated international support system in place (and this is especially true of the newer American evangelical Churches). It is very arrogant and corrupt, a quasi-independent state that is coddled and pampered by the Indian government and media alike. It is answerable to nobody, which is reason enough for a responsible national government to order a white paper investigation into its finances and activities.

Calumny and more calumny is the Church’s current weapon of choice and all of the bad press India and Hindus get in Europe and America originates in bishop’s houses, Church councils and the offices of Christian NGOs in India. Their “authoritative” and “secular” views are picked up by an accommodating English-language press and broadcast abroad with alacrity.

 The truth of this observation can be verified by listening to Indian scribes and Christian fathers reporting from Delhi and Madras to their English masters in London on the BBC’s various religious programmes and South Asia news services in the morning. It does not enter the heads of these Indian media worthies that the BBC is a neo-colonialist radio network dedicated to the promotion of Christian culture and values and British government foreign policy, which does not have a kind word for Hindus or Hinduism or Hindu issues even though Hindus make up a large part of its world audience.

 Historical records of religious violence are extensive for medieval India, in the form of corpus written by numerous Muslim historians. Will Durant states that Hindus were historically perseuted during Islamic rule of the Indian subcontinent. The total number of deaths of this period, are usually attributed to the figure by Prof. K.S. Lal, who estimated that between the years 1000 AD and 1500 AD the population of Hindus decreased by 80 million.Religious violence in medieval India began in centuries before the start of Delhi  Sultanate, with the raids by Turko-Mongol, Persian and Afghan  armies. It intensified during Delhi Sultanate, continued through Mughal Empire, and then in the British colonial period. (Wikipedia)

 St.Francis Xavier was a pioneer of anti-Brahmanism, which was adopted later as a major plan in the missionary propaganda during British Rule as evident below. Lord Minto, the Governor General of India from 1807 to 1812, sent some propaganda material used by the English missionaries in India to British Parliament and in particular referred to one Christian Tract about which he said ‘the remainder of this Tract seems to aim principally at a general massacre and extermination of the Brahmins’.

 St. Francis Xavier wrote a letter to the Society of Jesus in which he said, ‘Following the Baptisms, the new Christians return to their homes and come back with their wives and families to be in their turn also prepared for Baptism. After all have been baptised, I order that everywhere the temples of the false Gods be pulled down and idols broken. I KNOW NOT HOW TO DESCRIBE IN WORDS THE JOY THAT I FEEL BEFORE THE SPECTACLE OF PULLING DOWN AND DESTROYING THE IDOLS BY THE VERY PEOPLE WHO FORMERLY WORSHIPPED THEM’.

  Today the Christian Churches are the largest landowners in India after the government. Much of this land is alienated temple land that was given to them by the British in the 19th century. They also own large amounts of prize commercial property in the cities. This fact has become a scandal among many of the Christian faithful who do not feel that their Churches should be real estate agents and owners.

However, this observation is not true of the newer, smaller American Churches like Pentecostals and Evangelicals who have mounted a caste war against the Hindus and seek to provoke the Hindu community at every opportunity. They simply grab land in the towns and districts by painting crosses and Christian slogans on stones and hillsides and then claiming the property as their own.

 This activity is especially evident in Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. In Arunachal Pradesh where proselytizing and conversion are illegal, Christians claim whole villages and put up signboards that say “NonChristians Not Allowed” at their entrances. These Arunachal converts originate from Mother Teresa’s institutions in Assam where they are indoctrinated and baptized and then sent back to their villages to convert the elders.

 Unless the youth know the real history of what has happened  to this great nation in the past 1000 years they can not commit themselves to bring back the old glory of this world's greatest civilizationto the present era.

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