mouse is the vehicle of Vinayaka. What is the inner significance of
mouse? The mouse has a keen sense of smell. The mouse is
a symbol of attachment to worldly tendencies
(vaasanas). It is well known
that if you want to catch a mouse, you place a
strong-smelling edible
inside the mouse-trap. So in one way the mouse
is conveying us
not to get trapped by Vaasanas. The mouse also
the darkness of night. The mouse can see well
in the dark.
Therefore Vinayaka’s mouse signifies an object
that leads man from
darkness to light. This is nothing but
‘Tamasoma Jyothirgamaya’.
The Vinayaka-principle, thus, means that it
removes all the bad qualities,
practices and thoughts in men and inculcates
good qualities,
good conduct and good thoughts. This symbolises
the Rigveda Mantra
“AanobhadraaH krathavoyanthu VishwataH.’
Meaning ‘Let Noble Thoughts come from all
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