selfish nature of so many philanthropic organisations we speak about, may be of
a million or 10 million worth rupees. But she whom we refer as mother, to whom
the Government of India confered the highest civilian award and who attained
the sainthood by the catholic church, swallowed billions, of dollars in the
guise of philanthropy and charity. She tried to baptise all those who came to
her home for shelter. The contacts she had with Pope and several other premiers
of various nations and the dealings with them cannot be told so easily.
If you are interested you can read about her
from the books authored by Walter wuellenweber. Serge Larvie, a researcher from
the University of Montreal, said: "Given the parsimonious management of
Mother Theresa's works, one may ask where the millions of dollars for the
poorest of the poor have gone?”
Hitchens is cited in the report and Hitch spoke out loudly against Mother
Teresa in 2003. In his own words "MT was not a friend of the poor. She was
a friend of poverty. She said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her
life in opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of
women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory
reproduction. "And she was a friend to the worst of the rich, taking
misappropriated money from the atrocious Duvalier family in Haiti (whose rule
she praised in return) and from Charles Keating of the Lincoln Savings and
did that money, and all the other donations, go?"
Arguments related to 'Other Side of Mother Teresa'
A comment by an elite Reader: Appearances r deceptive. God only knows who is real and who is pretentious. Let her soul rest in peace. Let us not think too much in any aspect. All r human,prone for weaknesses and failings.
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Cheruku Ramamohanrao: Here the aim is not to find fault with teresa. It is to equip the youth to counter anybody who raise their voice in support of her. That is important.
Like · Reply · 11 hrs
Like · Reply · 11 hrs
Cvln Sastry చెరుకు వారిని అభినందిస్తూ ఉన్నాను, నా వంటి వారు తెలిసినా నిజాలు చెప్ప లేరు, అమ్మా ఇక్కడ ఆమెది బలహీనత కాదు, కుట్ర ఉంది అని చాలా మంది నమ్ముతున్నారు.
One thing,it is all postmortem. Today after so many years of her recognition and appreciation u realise as Ramamohanrao Garu suddenly woke up and found because he read about her somewhere about her corruption.
Now he thinks it is the appropriate time to undermine her. It does not serve any purpose. Even if u call her a dog or bitch. It is only self satisfaction. U r vitiating the minds of everyone. Even Nehru,Gandhi had so many shortcomings. Who is above,God only knows.
So let us not take it to heart. Yes she was bad,she converted everyone to Christianity. Amassed wealth in the name of charity.
She is no more. U should have come out with these facts when she was alive and hanged her. U did not do. Today whether she was a saint or a sinner,it is only a record. Just we see in our pouranima kadhalu. Think. And leave the matter. We expressed ourself adequately. All dead r good and great. Have a nice day,for both of u. With regards.
Rama Mohan Rao : At the out set let me clarify that I did not wake up all of a sudden. Once I was an ardent fan of her and I had the privilege and appreciation from my DGM and the AGMs (SBI) as I brought her to our Zonal Office premises though she refused when some other person from ZO invited.Only me and the then DGM had the privilege of having a snap with her. When the smoke started spreading about her I could come across the literature depicting her true figure. Then itself I shunned the photograph.
Though I got up long long back I could not have a medium like FB where I can present the facts. (Ramamohanrao Garu suddenly woke up). Hence the delay.
The other point is to equip the youth with facts who are zealous to know and keep such things in their repertoire to use at the appropriate time. We are on a different plane of FB where we do not come to see controversial arguments. But the young peoples' FB will be an admixture of so many such things. Hence the should know the facts.
Next thing is, in history books prescribed for even the school children so many Muslim and christen rulers who were wicked and cruel were introduced to them as bad people only. lakhs of brahmins were massacred by Portugals in Goa and so many churches were constructed in the place of temples there. All those reprobates are good you mean as they are no more now. It was not taught to the children that 'All dead r good and great.' Do you know the ladies are molestered in the sanctum sanctorum of Srirangam by the Muslim Soldiers. Because now they are dead you mean to say they are good.
Unless the facts come out and the awareness of the past is increased in the youth, I feel, we can not build up our Sanathana Dharma to that point to which height no man made religions can reach.
How much detrimental the operations like,love Jihad, Project Thessalonica etc. to this nation and our dharma.
That is why Swami Vivekananda said
उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत,
क्षुरासन्न धारा निशिता दुरत्यद्दुर्गम पथ:
तत् कवयो वदन्ति | 1.3.14 (కఠోపనిషద్) (Kathopanishad)
Arise!Awake! Approach the great and learn.
Like the sharp edge of a razor is that path,
so the wise say− otherwise it is hard to tread
and difficult to cross.
Let provocative arguments do not crop up. AANO BHADRAAH KRATAVOYANTHU VISHWATAH
let noble thoughts come from all directions.
Now he thinks it is the appropriate time to undermine her. It does not serve any purpose. Even if u call her a dog or bitch. It is only self satisfaction. U r vitiating the minds of everyone. Even Nehru,Gandhi had so many shortcomings. Who is above,God only knows.
So let us not take it to heart. Yes she was bad,she converted everyone to Christianity. Amassed wealth in the name of charity.
She is no more. U should have come out with these facts when she was alive and hanged her. U did not do. Today whether she was a saint or a sinner,it is only a record. Just we see in our pouranima kadhalu. Think. And leave the matter. We expressed ourself adequately. All dead r good and great. Have a nice day,for both of u. With regards.
Rama Mohan Rao : At the out set let me clarify that I did not wake up all of a sudden. Once I was an ardent fan of her and I had the privilege and appreciation from my DGM and the AGMs (SBI) as I brought her to our Zonal Office premises though she refused when some other person from ZO invited.Only me and the then DGM had the privilege of having a snap with her. When the smoke started spreading about her I could come across the literature depicting her true figure. Then itself I shunned the photograph.
Though I got up long long back I could not have a medium like FB where I can present the facts. (Ramamohanrao Garu suddenly woke up). Hence the delay.
The other point is to equip the youth with facts who are zealous to know and keep such things in their repertoire to use at the appropriate time. We are on a different plane of FB where we do not come to see controversial arguments. But the young peoples' FB will be an admixture of so many such things. Hence the should know the facts.
Next thing is, in history books prescribed for even the school children so many Muslim and christen rulers who were wicked and cruel were introduced to them as bad people only. lakhs of brahmins were massacred by Portugals in Goa and so many churches were constructed in the place of temples there. All those reprobates are good you mean as they are no more now. It was not taught to the children that 'All dead r good and great.' Do you know the ladies are molestered in the sanctum sanctorum of Srirangam by the Muslim Soldiers. Because now they are dead you mean to say they are good.
Unless the facts come out and the awareness of the past is increased in the youth, I feel, we can not build up our Sanathana Dharma to that point to which height no man made religions can reach.
How much detrimental the operations like,love Jihad, Project Thessalonica etc. to this nation and our dharma.
That is why Swami Vivekananda said
उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत,
क्षुरासन्न धारा निशिता दुरत्यद्दुर्गम पथ:
तत् कवयो वदन्ति | 1.3.14 (కఠోపనిషద్) (Kathopanishad)
Arise!Awake! Approach the great and learn.
Like the sharp edge of a razor is that path,
so the wise say− otherwise it is hard to tread
and difficult to cross.
Let provocative arguments do not crop up. AANO BHADRAAH KRATAVOYANTHU VISHWATAH
let noble thoughts come from all directions.
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