Sunday, 9 October 2016

Nehru and Prime Minister-ship

Nehru and Prime Minister-ship

It would have been a matter to rejoice if I had been elected in the ordinary way...but it was not by main or side entrance; I appeared suddenly by a trap door 
-- Pt. Nehru in his Autobiography remarking his first election in 1929 

Jawaharlal Nehru was a well educated, refined man who came from a very influential family, had a powerful father (Motilal Nehru) and a dream of a mentor (Mahatma Gandhi). He came off age at the right time when Indian freedom movement was gaining critical. At the time of Dandi Satyagraha, Gandhi was 60, Patel was 50 and Netaji was just over 32. Nehru was in the middle at about 40 - providing him the ability to have both the energy and respect just when things were heading for the grand finale. 
From a young age, Nehru was exposed to politics. Top Congress meetings used to happen at his massive "Anand Bhavan" residence in Allahabad - allowing the young Nehru to make good connections and grow an appreciation for politics. Although Motilal initially wanted his son to become an ICS bureaucrat, the plans all went off as soon as Gandhi entered the field - attracting both the father and the son to a new phase of India. 

Jawaharlal became a devout follower of the Mahatma, as soon as Gandhi landed in India at the instance of his father. Mahatma grew a quick liking to this energetic young dude, who saw India very differently. The tutelage of two Indian legends - Motilal (his father) and Mahatma (his godfather) made Jawaharlal much more refined and respected. Due to his father, Jawaharlal had opportunity to work close with Gandhi. The Gandhi proximity had 10 -20 people only. All of them are now in History textbook.
How Bose was compelled to go out of Congress and how Patel was deprived of Prime Minister-ship is  a known fact to most of the educated.
People can know better about Nehru in the following link. Link:–

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