Monday, 31 October 2016

Our Glory

Our Glory
India is unique among the nations of the world for it's deep rooted spiritual civilization. There are forces at work today that want to suppress its spirituality and replace it with a crassly(devoid of refinement) materialistic system. This is how I read the political struggle going on in the country today.I see the present political turmoil as the outcome of forces of materialism mostly destructive in nature trying to impose an alien materialistic culture camouflaged as secularism. If they succeed, India will share the fate other ancient nations that were destroyed by the imposition of materialistic ideologies. Greece and Egypt are examples from the ancient world. American Indian civilizations destroyed by the Catholic empires of Spain and Portugal. China at a time was engaged i think now also is engaged in destroying the highly spiritual culture of Tibet. All that the destroyers have left in these countries are imitative societies with little to call their own. A visit with inquisitiveness to any ancient country like Egypt, Greece or Mexico and see the glaring contrast between their wonderful monuments and their current cultural deprivation.This is what a materialistic ideology invariably does to a civilization.
Hence a version of history is created to turn the victims into villains and the destroyers into heroes and this is what has taken place in our case also. In defending a civilization, it is extremely important for the leaders to preserve and protect its culture and traditions. Monuments can come and go, but an awareness of history and culture must be preserved. Our ancient sages and medieval heroes largely succeeded in this. That is why our civilization has survived the assault of theocratic (guided, or is pursuant to the doctrine of a particular religion or religious group.)and imperialistic forces, while other ancient civilizations have failed to large extent.
A young French student of the Vedas, Jean Le Mée wrote:
"Precious stones or durable materials gold, silver, bronze, marble, onyx or granite have been used by ancient people in an attempt to immortalize themselves. Not so however by our ancient Vedic Scholars."
See this fact:
"The pyramids have been eroded by the desert wind, the marble broken by earthquakes, and the gold stolen by robbers, while the Veda is recited daily by an unbroken chain of generations, traveling like a great wave through the living substance of mind."
But today, so many decades of years after independence, a different picture stands before us. Instead of trying to preserve and perpetuate its ancient heritage, and build upon it, the political party that claims to have brought freedom from colonial rule is trying to glorify the destroyers and even restore foreign rule! How do we explain this? For all the period after independence, the leaders have failed to build national institutions rooted in the culture and the history of the land. Instead, they have been trying to import ideas and models from their former colonial masters. This has now reached its absurd limit with the party claiming to have fought for freedom from European rule asking a European to lead them and the country! This is enough to make one wonder if these leaders really understand the meaning of nationalism. I hope they do not .

Monday, 24 October 2016

Saffron or Zafraan or kesar or kukuma puvvu in Telugu

Saffron or Zafraan or kesar or kukuma puvvu in Telugu

Saffron or Zafraan or kesar or kukuma puvvu in Telugu as it is commonly known is a wonder spice that is beneficial for not only your skin but your immune system and hair too. Here’s how. (With inputs from

However an adult can safely consume 5-6 strands of saffron everyday while children can have 2-3 strands. There is no medical research that confirms that drinking saffron milk during pregnancy helps in having a fair baby! However, saffron does build up the immunity of a pregnant woman and that in turn leads to a healthy baby. The tradition in India is followed from time unknown.
The application of Zafraan over the scalp is good in treating of baldness (alopecia).
Saffron is highly beneficial for radiant skin, when combined with turmeric, raw milk and sandalwood.
Saffron has many antioxidants that are beneficial in contending of free radicals thereby helping in prevention of diseases and promotion of health.
Potassium in saffron is good in controlling heart beat by allowing to slow down thus protect the heart.
The zafraan spice contains many minerals such as copper, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. Some of these are helpful in controlling blood pressure as well as in the formation of hemoglobin.
Saffron contains bio-chemical compounds such as zea-xanthin and lycopene, all these are acts like as immune modulator and protect the human body from cancer.
The presence of carotenoids is beneficial in boosting the level of immunity and reduces oxidant-induced stress.
Zafraan contains safranal and alfa-crocin, a volatile oil compound, effective in controlling depression and acts like as anticonvulsant. Saffron contains many bio-chemical compounds as antioxidants, which are good in contending of various diseases by controlling free radicals thus promoting the overall well-being of the body.
Saffron has many therapeutic applications and helps in the detoxification of the body. It is also used in body healing, cramps, spasms and spas. Saffron is good for digestion due to presence of multiple medicinal compounds. It stimulates digestion. Due to presence of many macro-micro nutrients, especially potassium and magnesium, it is helpful in the growth of cells and tissues.

Since the ancient times, zafraan is used as pain reliever. Period pain can be eased by taking tea or milk along with saffron. Saffron, mixed with warm water is helpful in curing of cough and cold. Saffron has an appropriate percentage of Vitamin C, that acts like as immunity booster and saves you from various ailments. Since the ancient times, saffron is used on the forehead because of its neurological benefits. It also has a cooling effect on the forehead and does not leave any stains on the body.

Massaging the tooth with saffron and honey helps to relieve pain from gums.
Saffron is used in curing of age related muscular degeneration. Saffron not only reduces the degeneration process but also helps in healing the damaged cells.
The fragrance of saffron has healing properties and can help alleviate mood swings.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

The selfish nature of so many philanthropic organisations we speak about, may be of a million or 10 million worth rupees. But she whom we refer as mother, to whom the Government of India confered the highest civilian award and who attained the sainthood by the catholic church, swallowed billions, of dollars in the guise of philanthropy and charity. She tried to baptise all those who came to her home for shelter. The contacts she had with Pope and several other premiers of various nations and the dealings with them cannot be told so easily.
 If you are interested you can read about her from the books authored by Walter wuellenweber. Serge Larvie, a researcher from the University of Montreal, said: "Given the parsimonious management of Mother Theresa's works, one may ask where the millions of dollars for the poorest of the poor have gone?”
Christopher Hitchens is cited in the report and Hitch spoke out loudly against Mother Teresa in 2003. In his own words "MT was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of poverty. She said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her life in opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory reproduction. "And she was a friend to the worst of the rich, taking misappropriated money from the atrocious Duvalier family in Haiti (whose rule she praised in return) and from Charles Keating of the Lincoln Savings and Loan.
Where did that money, and all the other donations, go?"

Arguments related to 'Other Side of Mother Teresa'
A comment by an elite Reader: Appearances r deceptive. God only knows who is real and who is pretentious. Let her soul rest in peace. Let us not think too much in any aspect. All r human,prone for weaknesses and failings.
Like · Reply · 14 hrs
Cheruku Ramamohanrao: Here the aim is not to find fault with teresa. It is to equip the youth to counter anybody who raise their voice in support of her. That is important.
Like · Reply · 11 hrs
Cvln Sastry చెరుకు వారిని అభినందిస్తూ ఉన్నాను, నా వంటి వారు తెలిసినా నిజాలు చెప్ప లేరు, అమ్మా ఇక్కడ ఆమెది బలహీనత కాదు, కుట్ర ఉంది అని చాలా మంది నమ్ముతున్నారు.
One thing,it is all postmortem. Today after so many years of her recognition and appreciation u realise as Ramamohanrao Garu suddenly woke up and found because he read about her somewhere about her corruption.
Now he thinks it is the appropriate time to undermine her. It does not serve any purpose. Even if u call her a dog or bitch. It is only self satisfaction. U r vitiating the minds of everyone. Even Nehru,Gandhi had so many shortcomings. Who is above,God only knows.
So let us not take it to heart. Yes she was bad,she converted everyone to Christianity. Amassed wealth in the name of charity.
She is no more. U should have come out with these facts when she was alive and hanged her. U did not do. Today whether she was a saint or a sinner,it is only a record. Just we see in our pouranima kadhalu. Think. And leave the matter. We expressed ourself adequately. All dead r good and great. Have a nice day,for both of u. With regards.
Rama Mohan Rao : At the out set let me clarify that I did not wake up all of a sudden. Once I was an ardent fan of her and I had the privilege and appreciation from my DGM and the AGMs (SBI) as I brought her to our Zonal Office premises though she refused when some other person from ZO invited.Only me and the then DGM had the privilege of having a snap with her. When the smoke started spreading about her I could come across the literature depicting her true figure. Then itself I shunned the photograph.
Though I got up long long back I could not have a medium like FB where I can present the facts. (Ramamohanrao Garu suddenly woke up). Hence the delay.
The other point is to equip the youth with facts who are zealous to know and keep such things in their repertoire to use at the appropriate time. We are on a different plane of FB where we do not come to see controversial arguments. But the young peoples' FB will be an admixture of so many such things. Hence the should know the facts.
Next thing is, in history books prescribed for even the school children so many Muslim and christen rulers who were wicked and cruel were introduced to them as bad people only. lakhs of brahmins were massacred by Portugals in Goa and so many churches were constructed in the place of temples there. All those reprobates are good you mean as they are no more now. It was not taught to the children that 'All dead r good and great.' Do you know the ladies are molestered in the sanctum sanctorum of Srirangam by the Muslim Soldiers. Because now they are dead you mean to say they are good.
Unless the facts come out and the awareness of the past is increased in the youth, I feel, we can not build up our Sanathana Dharma to that point to which height no man made religions can reach.
How much detrimental the operations like,love Jihad, Project Thessalonica etc. to this nation and our dharma.
That is why Swami Vivekananda said
उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत,
क्षुरासन्न धारा निशिता दुरत्यद्दुर्गम पथ:
तत् कवयो वदन्ति | 1.3.14 (కఠోపనిషద్) (Kathopanishad)
Arise!Awake! Approach the great and learn.
Like the sharp edge of a razor is that path,
so the wise say− otherwise it is hard to tread
and difficult to cross.
Let provocative arguments do not crop up. AANO BHADRAAH KRATAVOYANTHU VISHWATAH
let noble thoughts come from all directions.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Traitors of 1857 Revolt- Why India Lost In ‘The First War of Independence’

Traitors of 1857 Revolt- Why India Lost In ‘The First War of Independence’ 
  The Revolt in 1857 played a great role in India’s Independence in1947. The revolt that was started in the Meerut is also known as the India's first war of Independence.
1857 revolt played a big role in uniting India, where Muslims and Hindus are fighting together for the same cause. The Deceleration of Bahadur Shah Jafar II as the King was the example.

The revolt was so huge that it was an easily win-win situation for India against British East India Company. But, due to some people backstabbing the mutiny, then, we lost the war and a rest became a bruising history.
I feel no shame in touting them traitors, because if not for them back then, we could have earned our independence already in 1857.

Mir Jafar was the first Nawab of Bengal under British influence. An Arab by birth, he rose to power in the Nawab's army and in the battle of Plassey (1756) he conspired with the British to depose Siraj-Ud-Dullah to become the Nawab himself.

He paved his way to success through conspiracy and forgery into becoming a confidante of Nawab Alivardi Khan; he later conspired to overthrow his empire and become the ruler himself, but that couldn’t happen.

During the British invasion, Mir was secretly conspiring against Nawab’s grandson, Siraj, who was ruling the throne back then, and when the time came, he joined hands with British force to betrayed Siraj and demolish the Bengal army, where the Nawab was killed in the battle of Battle of Plassey in 1757.
Mir took over the thrown and continued to support East India Company, against India. He forced his entire army to fight against the 1857 mutiny.

Several zamindars were bribed and forced fed, by the British army with wealth and land to give more power to their empire, so that they could be used at relevant times.

So, during the 1857 revolt, zamindars supported the British Army and betrayed the Indian freedom fighters, fearing that if East India Company would lose, all their wealth and property would be at stake too.
Back in 1857, when Indian Freedom Fighters were battling with their heart, soul and blood, there were a few Indians, who back at home were conspiring against these brave men; one of them was the Scindia family.

When Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi, was injured and asked for help against the British Army, he refused and excused himself for being neutral. More so, on seeing the Indian side turning weaker, he led his forces to Morar to fight a rebel army led by Tatya Tope, Rani Lakshmibai and Rao Sahib.

Later, when an injured Rani Laxmibai, asked for refuge to recuperate and retaliate against the British, he betrayed her by luring the Army inside the shaft, where she was put and later to hide his forgery, offered her a weak horse to escape British army, which led to her death.

Rajputs back then were known for their loyalty to their motherland. But, there is one name that has blackened the reputations of Rajputs.

After Prithviraj & Samyukta eloped and got married, Jaichand was furious; enough to have got Prithviraj Chaunhan killed, after inviting Mohammed Ghori to invade India in first place and battle Prithviraj Chauhan.


Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Varanasi and the facts coming to light

Varanasi and the facts coming to light

So far and so long we considered every thing related to our puranas to be myth. Now the dark is disappearing and the twilight has started. So many facts are coming to our sight. Thanks to the government for the trust they have upon our elders and the heed and regard it has, to know the truth.See the astounding out comings in regard to Varanasi. 

It is perhaps time to take a re-look at India’s history. IIT Kharagpur is about to make an explosive announcement. It is ready to put the clock 6000 years back on Varanasi, bringing it at par with the Indus valley civilisation, if not older. What’s more, the seven departments of IIT Kgp, that are working on the project, are tracing the different stages through which the civilisation has progressed and has yet been able to maintain its continuity as a living civilisation, unlike comparable ancient civilisations around the world.

The project, which is completely funded by the union ministry of human resources development, has attracted the attention of none less than Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, who made it a point to explore its progress on Sunday at Varanasi, when he met the IIT Kgp faculty members and inquired about the possibilities and the scope of the project.

The results that have come from a detailed geo exploration through the GPS(Global Positioning System) conducted through 100 metre deep bore holes all over Varanasi shows continuous settlement history till 2000 BC. The indicators are that at the end of data collection, this will be put back another ‘1500 years to establish the final habitable antiquity of Varanasi at 4500 BC.

The geo-exploration, that is being conducted jointly with the British Geological Survey, has already established the existence of Naimisharanya, a forest that finds mention in the Vedas and in the Kashipurana. This forest was considered mythological all these years.

Language, music and iconograohy play a major role in Sandhi. Old texts like Kashipuran or Skandapuran, Mahabharata and Ramayana and the Buddhist text Anguttaranikaya are being re-read for descriptions of Kashi and Kashiraj that were considered mythological all these years.

“We are encountering surprises every day. What was thought to be lore or myth is gradually getting established as history, and that is our biggest achievement,” Sen said.

The MHRD is completely funding the project and has already released Rs 20 crores for it.

Source: Times of India

Monday, 17 October 2016

Psychology the most dominant weapon

Psychology the most dominant weapon --1
 Psychology the most dominant weapon --1

Now we are in an age where we don’t have time to think to find a solution for any muddle we enter into and seek a tip or two from anybody even whom we don’t know. Why this. We are well educated we are well knowledged. But we lack the expertise to face a problem. Having got, say it brought, so much sociability in our work culture, are we acting soulfully. Definitely not. Because what we are importing from the west is in the form of a dogma or a canon which when implemented is not giving the desired result. The defect also lies with the people who mostly have hypocritical approach to things. Then such people land in the state of jealousy and neither have they lived happily nor allow the others mainly the subordinates in the office. Such people can never digest the high ground of his/her adjuvants. For all such subordinates whom I consider the real working force to accomplish the given task, give here under a few tips which will definitely save if followed and executed mindfully. As you (he/she) know the hardest task is to get what you want. Here I try to give you a few psychological tips which may deal with your boss on the mental plane and keep you in a safe haven.

Psychology the most dominant weapon --2
Offer him/she something they cannot deny. Your careful thinking helps you here.
Nod while he/she is explaining something. This makes him to note that you are submissive and polite and enables the other person more inclined to agree with you.
Stare at the hairline of his/her head who talk is insipid. It makes him\her uncomfortable. But remember you should not enter into, giving any advice or arguing with him\her.
For girls especially, if someone is mad at you, sit next to them in a meeting or a social gathering so that they cannot stay mad at you.
Notice the way people talk, and talk to them in a similar fashion to make them to like you more.
Stay silent after making a statement, people will tend to agree more.

In a meeting arranged by you, take them for coffee than for a feast as it makes you to speak only important things. If it is otherwise your conversation may land in unproductive topics and thus making you forget what you actually want.
Psychology the most dominant weapon --3
 Write things in bold to attract attention. Better you opt for typing than writing if you are not good at writing. If you are good at writing let it be bold and beautiful.
Use nouns instead of verbs to get people to change their behavior. For example, than to say ‘you come sir’, ‘your presence graces the occasion sir’.
Scare people to listen to you when presenting them with solutions.
To get a song out of your head, think of how the song ends. This reveals your clear perception of the task you have taken up.
If you want someone to believe something, tell them it comes from an elder in your family.
Move your hands while giving a presentation to grab attention.

Speak faster in an argument for getting your opponent to give up and agree with you.

Sunday, 16 October 2016




At the outset I would like to bring about very briefly about what ‘Sath’ and ‘Chith’ is before I start to tell about Chidambara Rahasyam. ‘Sath’ is that which exists. ‘Chit’ is the one which is self-illuminated. One Astronomical reality is Sun is also moving round something and what it is, is yet to be proved. So that one which expresses itself as self-illuminating is ‘Chith'.
‘Ambaram’ in Sanskrit has got two meanings 1. Sky 2. Cloth. So here is one who has the sky as his cloth to wrap up himself. Shastra says ‘Akasam’ is ‘shunyam’ that is, it vacuum. Then what is he wrapping up. The entire universe.
Now let us derive what that 'Rahasyam or secret' is which is prevailing in Chidambaram.
Since ancient times, it is believed that this is the place where Lord Shiva and Parvathi are present, but are invisible to the naked eyes of normal people. In the Chidambaram temple of Lord Nataraja, Chidambara Rahasyam is on the other side of a curtain (Maya), which is meant for hiding. Darshan of Chidambara Rahasyam is possible only when priests open the curtain (or Maya) for special poojas. People who are privileged to have a darshan of Chidambara Rahasyam can merely see golden Bilva leaves (మారేడు దళములు) (Aegle Marmelos) signifying the presence of Lord Shiva and Parvathi in front of them. It is also believed that devout saints can see the Gods in their physical form, but no such cases have been officially reported. That needs sadhana, and such people can visualize God sitting at their own place. As described above there is a particular kind of curtain which when removed enables us viewing the secret. The real significance of doing so is that, when the curtain which is "maya", is removed one can see his real self. And the seeing of oneself removing the curtain of Maya is viewing the secret of himself by himself. According to legend, "Chidambara Rahasyam" will never be revealed as it is the secret relating to a particular person who sees it removing the screen of "Maya". In the temple, when the Poojas are performed and the screen is removed, one will be able to see the secret only when he applies this to his mind and soul. Chidambaram also called ponnambalam (Golden hall), is the famous temple for Shiva devotees in Tamil Nadu. I am coming straight to the point please read. After 8 years of R & D, Western scientists have proved that at Lord Natesa's or Lord Nataraja’s big toe is the Centre Point of World’s Magnetic Equator. Ancient Tamil Scholar Thirumoolar did bring this to light five thousand years ago! His treatise Thirumandiram (tirumantram Namassivaya) can be reckoned as a wonderful scientific guide for the whole world. To understand his studies, it may need a 100 years for us. However let us know what Chidambaram temple embodies, very briefly.
Anybody will get dazed if follow the following characteristics carefully:
1)  This temple is located at the Center Point of world’s Magnetic Equator. 
2) Srikalahati – Srikalahastiswara Temple (13.749802, 79.698410) Kanchipuram – Ekambareswara Temple (12.847604, 79.699798) Chidambaram – Nataraja Temple (11.399596, 79.693559) 
The above three temples were built on the same longitude according to the yogic sciences, and are placed in a certain geographic alignment with each other, so that the entire region reverberated with the possibility they offered. Source: . Of the "Pancha bhootha" (5 Elements viz. prithvi (land) aapas(Water) tejas (Light) vayu(Air) aakaas (Sky)  i.e. 5 temples, Chidambaram Nataraja denotes the Skies.  
Srikalahasthi Srikalahastiswara denotes Wind.  
Kanchi Ekambareswara denotes land.  
All these 3 temples are located in a straight line at 79 degrees 41 minutes Longitude. This can be verified using Google.  An astounding fact & astronomical miracle! 
3)  Chidambaram temple denotes Human Body having 9 Entrances denoting 9 Entrances or Openings of the body ('తోలు తిత్తి ఇది' త్రోవలు తొమ్మిది తుస్సుమనుట ఖాయం).
4) Temple roof is made of 21600 gold sheets which denotes the 21600 breaths taken by a human being every day (15 x 60 x 24 = 21600) Normally a human being takes 15 breaths every minute.
5) These 21600 gold sheets are fixed on the Gopuram using 72000 gold nails which denote the total number of Nadis (Nerves) in the human body. These Nadis transfer energy to certain body parts that are invisible.
6)  Thirumoolar (Mulavirat) in Chidambaram represents Sadasivam which means Sadanandam who represents cosmic dance with his consort and at Chidambaram it is 'Ananda Tandavam' hence Sadanandam. That is (prkrithi-Purusha) Ardhanareeswara tatvam.
7) "Ponnambalam” is Kanaka Sabha and lord Siva here is called as Kanaka Sabhapathi. We find him being placed slightly tilted towards the left.  This represents our Heart.  To reach this, we need to climb 5 steps called "Panchakshara sopanamulu” or in Tamil “Panchakshara Padi”
"Si, Va, Ya, Na, Ma” are the 5 Panchakshara mantra.
There are 4 pillars holding the Kanaka Sabha representing the 4 Vedas. 
Here I will clarify that in Puranas have mentioned five Lord Sivas’ dancing halls as under:
 Kali Thandavam, Rathna Sabha, Vada Aaranyeswara Temple Thiruvalangadu, of Chennai.
Ananda Thandavam, Kanaka Sabha, Nataraja Temple, Chidambaram Sandhya Thandavam, Rajatha (Vendi) Sabha, Meenakshi Temple       , Madurai Muni Thandavam, Thamra Sabha, Nellaiappar (Venuvana natha) Temple, Tirunelveli Triupura Thandavam, Chithra Sabha, Kutralanatha Temple, Kutralam
8)  Ponnambalam (Kanaka Sabha) has 28 pillars denoting the 
28 ‘Agamas’ which are the 28 methods to worship Lord Shiva. 
Agama texts (Tamil) describe cosmology, epistemology and philosophical doctrines, precepts on meditation and practices, four kinds of yoga, mantras, temple construction, deity worship and ways to attain six fold desires. There are 28 Saiva Agamas and hence the pillars denote it. 
These 28 pillars support 64 +64 Roof Beams which denote the 64 Arts.  The cross beams represent the Blood Vessels running across the Human body.
9)  9 Kalasas on the Golden Roof represent the 9 types of Sakthi (Nava Durga) or Energies.
The 6 pillars at the Artha Mantapa represent the 6 Vedangas. The 18 pillars in the adjacent Mantapa represents 18 Puranas.
10) The dance of Lord Nataraja is described as Cosmic Dance can be defined as follows:
“According to quantum field theory, the dance of creation and destruction is the basis of the very existence of matter. Modern physics has thus revealed that every subatomic particle not only performs an energy dance, but also is an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and destruction. For the modern physicists then, Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter, the basis of all existence and of all natural phenomena.”
When we evince interest we can come across several amazing things in our ancient Temples. It is all the perseverance and patience that counts.


Sunday, 9 October 2016

Nehru and Prime Minister-ship

Nehru and Prime Minister-ship

It would have been a matter to rejoice if I had been elected in the ordinary way...but it was not by main or side entrance; I appeared suddenly by a trap door 
-- Pt. Nehru in his Autobiography remarking his first election in 1929 

Jawaharlal Nehru was a well educated, refined man who came from a very influential family, had a powerful father (Motilal Nehru) and a dream of a mentor (Mahatma Gandhi). He came off age at the right time when Indian freedom movement was gaining critical. At the time of Dandi Satyagraha, Gandhi was 60, Patel was 50 and Netaji was just over 32. Nehru was in the middle at about 40 - providing him the ability to have both the energy and respect just when things were heading for the grand finale. 
From a young age, Nehru was exposed to politics. Top Congress meetings used to happen at his massive "Anand Bhavan" residence in Allahabad - allowing the young Nehru to make good connections and grow an appreciation for politics. Although Motilal initially wanted his son to become an ICS bureaucrat, the plans all went off as soon as Gandhi entered the field - attracting both the father and the son to a new phase of India. 

Jawaharlal became a devout follower of the Mahatma, as soon as Gandhi landed in India at the instance of his father. Mahatma grew a quick liking to this energetic young dude, who saw India very differently. The tutelage of two Indian legends - Motilal (his father) and Mahatma (his godfather) made Jawaharlal much more refined and respected. Due to his father, Jawaharlal had opportunity to work close with Gandhi. The Gandhi proximity had 10 -20 people only. All of them are now in History textbook.
How Bose was compelled to go out of Congress and how Patel was deprived of Prime Minister-ship is  a known fact to most of the educated.
People can know better about Nehru in the following link. Link:–

GOLDEN RULES from Swami Vivekananda

GOLDEN RULES from Swami Vivekananda

1. 3 rules

Who is Helping You, Don’t Forget them.

Who is loving you, don’t Hate them.

Who is believing you, don’t Cheat them.


2. Anything that makes you weak physically, intellectually and 

spiritually, reject as poison. Swami Vivekananda Motivational 


3. Talk to yourself at least once in a Day.. Otherwise you may 

miss a meeting with an EXCELLENT person in this World…

4. Relationships are more important than life , but it is important 

for those relationships to have life in them…. ~ 

5. You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, 

none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your 

own soul. 

6. Like me or Hate me,

both are in my favor,

If you like me I am in your Heart,

If you hate me I am in your mind. –

7. BY the study of different religions we find that in essence they 

are one. -

8. Where can we go to find God if we cannot see Him in our own 

hearts and in every living being. ~

9...Fill the brain with high thoughts, highest ideals place them day 

and night before you and out of that will come great work.

10. Where can we go to find God if we cannot see Him in our 

own hearts and in every living being. ~



Saturday, 8 October 2016



If success is the thrown then determination is the quality of the wood, commitment, concern, dedication and devotion are its four strong legs. Decency and discipline are the hand rests. Satisfaction is the backrest amicability and adjust-mentality are the foot rests. The seat itself is your success.

Fools never start a work. Mediocres take up the task but will not sustain it up to the end. Only a self-commandant person will thrive hard till he attains success.

Here are a few points for those who are in a hesitation to take up sustain and fulfill the task.


Your life is your statement to the world as it represents the human values, beliefs, and dreams and the achievements you adopt. It is your world of enjoyment or misery, emotion or tranquility. When you enter into adolescence it is not to run after girls it is to run after your wants and needs. In the end when you could decide that the obstacles or problems that are appearing in your life are your own, the first thing then you should do is do not blame them on your parents, society, or the economy or any other thing whatsoever but own them. You realize that you are the controller executor and the terminator of your own destiny.


Life is a balance between what we can and cannot control. You must learn to live comfortably between effort and surrender. Life does not owe you anything; it has already given you everything you need. Freedom is not overcoming what you think stands in your way; it is understanding that what is in your way is part of the way.

Exchange of work with Time

The true price of a task you take up is the amount of time you exchange for it. If the thing you’re doing or thinking isn’t fixing or improving the situation, then you are wasting your time. Then choose between turning the page or closing the book.


Start walking your own walk. This journey is yours. You know you were born, and you also know that death is imminent. Tread your own path and start walking your own walk. The in between is all up to you. Stop wishing, and start doing. Either you run your days, or your days will run you is within your hands.

Good Company

It’s not always where you are in life, but who you have by your side that matters most. Some people drain you and some others provide soul food. Be sure to get in the company of those who feed your spirit, and give the gift of your absence to those who do not appreciate your presence. Just consider three drops of the same rain. One falls on hot iron and gets evaporated immediately. The other falls on the leaf of a lotus and starts glittering as a pearl but the third one falls into the shell and becomes a real pearl. Hence note that the company is all that matters.

Think constructively

Our thoughts are the makers of our moods, the inventors of our dreams, and the creators of our will. That is why you must sort through them carefully, and choose to respond only to those that will help you build the life you want, and the outlook you want to hold as you’re living it.

The Foundation

Being yourself is the foundation of happiness. Knowing yourself is the foundation of wisdom. Pushing yourself is the foundation of success. If these are realised the success is deemed to be at your threshold.


Let it not be mistaken to selfishness. Caring for yourself is not an act of self-indulgence, it’s an act of self-respect. The day will finally come when you have to accept that you need to be your own caretaker. There will be times when you’ll have to work hard to care yourself with compassion and patience that any messed up kid would need. Doing so, will prove to be a great challenge, but a happier life is your reward. We need to fix ourselves first before we fix others.

Restrain pain

The strongest people you know became strong because of the pain they once faced, and conquered. So in spite of all the put-downs and negativity you’ve heard from others in your life, stay focused on your goals, and remember that how you rise up is no one else’s business but your own but ,mind you this is is not any advice to follow unscrupulous ways for your elevation. Be God fearing in any deed you decide to do. Sometimes it takes the worst pain to bring about the best change. One day this pain will make sense to you.

Don't Quit Make Fit

No matter what you do, no matter how many times you screw up and think to yourself that there’s no point to carry on, and no matter how many people tell you that you can’t do it – keep going. Pick yourself back up. Don’t quit. Don’t quit, because a few months from now you will be so much closer to your goal than you are now. Focus on the road ahead. Do something with all zeal and enthusiasm. Your commitment is the rocket .Once you ignite it with your will then sky is the limit for it.


India the origin of knowledge

India the origin of knowledge
Dr. VVS Sarma's recent post kindled me to write these few lines. Please bear with me if I am wrong.
India is the origin of knowledge and let this not be a disputed fact what so ever. As far as I am concerned I cannot claim myself to be a gnyani. Hence there will be innumerable number of things I do not know. But my anxiety is to pass on the little to the posterity hoping that they can continue the legacy with all their concern commitment, devotion and dedication, their inquisitiveness and research. One request I would like to make to the readers is that if anybody's post is not accompanied by any authenticity first consider it to be true and start your research, you may then arrive at a conclusion that whether your research confirms or contradicts the posted material and then can discuss with the person who posted. The mindset of the present day old people, people crossed 60,  accept things told by their elders. For certain things, their experience would have given the result, right or wrong, and the rest they take it as axioms till disproved. This type of proving things in Mathematics is called 'reductio ad absurdum' tried to give an account very briefly, after going through Sri Sarma Garu's post as to how we are getting exploited by certain so called great Christian and western scholars.
The numerals were first learnt from us by gulf countries and even today they call them 'Hindsa' which was there after crept to western countries.
Pythagoras theorem was plagiarised by him from his disciples who got it from Bodhayana 'Sulba Sutras' and ultimately he was killed.
In the first stage, a Westerner approaches an Indian guru or tradition with extreme deference, and acquires the knowledge as a sincere disciple.
Once the transfer of knowledge is complete, he will progressively erase all traces of the original source, repackages the ideas as his own thought, and may even proceed to denigrate the source tradition.
In the final stage, the ideas are exported back to India by him and his followers for consumption. Thus Christian yoga came to India.
Plotinus is one such person who came to India to acquire assimilate Indian philosophy about 'Ekameva Adwiteeyam Brahma' or adwaita and after accomplishing he went back his mother land and presented it to be his own and the 19th century philosophers attributed all the greatness to his theory and termed it as 'Platonism.'
If the educated Christians of India scrupulously could go through the Texts of this dharma they can find back their origins.
If the atrocities of Muslims and Christians for over 800 years are noticed by any sincere reader of the Indian History, irrespective of his present religion he can realise what he lost. Moreover he can also realise how his ancestors were lured or threatened and their great-great grand ladies were molested and converted.
Maharshi Veda Vyasa says in the prelude of Maha Bharata 'ధర్మేచార్థేచ కామేచ మొక్షేచ భరతర్షభ
యది అస్తి దన్యత్ర యన్నేహాస్తి నతత్కచిత్.
'He says this work MAHABHARATA contains the Gist of anything and everything that any book in the world may contain, but nowhere in any book can anybody see what is not contained in this. This is authenticity with which he wrote the MAHABHARATA. Can any author of whatever greatness he eulogized, challenge like this? This one book is enough to study and attain knowledge of both 'iha' and 'para'.
ధర్మ ఏవ హతో హన్తి ధర్మో రక్షతి రక్షితః
తస్మాద్ధర్మో న హన్తవ్యో మా నో ధర్మో హతోవధీత్
చంపబడిన ధర్మం ఆ ధర్మాన్ని చంపినవాణ్ణి చంపుతుంది;
రక్షింపబడిన ధర్మం అ ధర్మాన్ని రక్షించినవారిని రక్షిస్తుంది;
కనుక, ధర్మం చేత మనం చంపబడకుండా ఉండేందుకు
మనం ఆ ధర్మాన్ని సదా రక్షించాలి
 Dharma if killed it kills. It safe guards if safeguarded. Hence protect it and get protected.
So let us safe guard dharma. Somehow we spent our days with the help of the light thrown by our elders. It is the time now for the youth to throw light to make things visible and then proceed.

