Use of Honey and Ghee by Vedic
(My article in FB May 6,
An Introduction to Ayurveda
Ayurveda teaches that honey and ghee should not be taken in equal
proportions (by volume). We have compiled various textual references from the
sages of yore that demonstrate this viewpoint:
It is not common for people to take honey and ghee equally but all
should be aware that it should not be done as it harms Ayu or life force.
References for HONEY AND GHEE not good in equal quantity:
Reference: Astanga sangraha. Sutra sthana. 9th chapter 14th and 15th
shloka. (Viruddhaanna vijnaaneeyamadhyayam)
Combination of any 2 or 3
of Honey (madhu), Ghee (ghRutaM), Vasa (వస
ఆయుర్వేద మూలిక- పూర్వము చంటి బిడ్డలకు ఉగ్గుపాలతో దీని గంధమును కలిపి పోసేవారు), its paste to required extent, used in
olden days for babies, Oil(Thalia), water(udaka) should not be taken in equal
“madhusarpirvasaathailodakaani samadhritaani dwisha strishah samasthani
Effects: It leads to immense vata Prakopa (wind aggravation).
Reference: Charaka, Sutra sthana, 26th chapter 84th and 90th shloka. (Aatreyabhadrakapyeeya
Honey and ghee taken in
equal quantity is called maatra virudha.(incompatible due to the equal
“Madhusarpihi samadhritam maatraya tadvirudhyate” (90)
Reference: Sushruta, Sutrasthana, 20th chapter15th shloka. (Hitaahiteeyamadhyayam)
Honey and ghee taken in
equal quantity is called as maana viruddha (incompatible due to the equal
“madwambuni madhusarpishi maanatastulye naashneeyaat”
What kind of foods becomes viruddha in general?
Mixing of sheeta and ushna veerya items together.
Mixing of new and old items together.
Mixing ripe and unripe fruits or vegetables becomes viruddha.
What does viruddha ahara do to the body in general?
It makes the doshas to
aggravate and move from its place (doshamutkleshya), but is not capable of
throwing it out of the body. This kind of aggravated doshas combine with the
dhatus and causes the diseases in the body. (Charaka, Sushruta, Vagbhata)
Effects of viruddha ahara on the body in general:
Reference: Astanga sangraha (9/ 29)
Regular intake of the
viruddha ahara causes Visphota(boils), shopha(oedema), mada(intoxication),
vidradhi(abcess), gulma(abdominal tumors), yakshma(tuberculosis). It will also
destroy the teja (luster), bala (strength- physical and immunity), Smriti (memory),
Mati (intellect), Indriya (sense organs), Chitta (mind) of the person. It can
also lead to major diseases like Jwara (fever), Raktapitta (bleeding disorder),
Kushta (skin diseases), Ashmari (stones), Prameha (urinary disorders), Udara (abdominal
diseases), Bhagandara (fistula in ano), Arsha (piles), Grahani (digestive
disorders). It may cause death of the person like poison.
Reference: Charaka (26/ 102, 103)
Napumsakata (impotency), Aandhya
(blindness), Visarpa (herpis), Udakodara (ascites), Visphota(boils), Unmade (mental
disorders), Bhagandara (fistula in ano), Moorcha (fainting), Mada
(intoxication), Aadhmana (bloated ness of abdomen), Galagraha (stiffness or
obstruction in the throat), Paandu (anemia), Aama Visha (Diseases due the semi
digested food), Kilasa (vitiligo), Kushta (skin diseases), Grahani Gada(disorders
of digestion), shoth (oedema), Amlapitta (acidity), Jwara (fever), Peenasa
(coryza),Santana doshas(different anomalies of the fetus or newborn), Mrutyu (death).
These can happen to a person who takes viruddha ahara
Reference: Sushruta (20/19)
The one who takes
different types of viruddha food will suffer from different diseases, weakness
of sense organs and death.
Qualities of honey (Reference: Bhavaprakash):
Rasa (taste): Madhura (sweet), Kashaya anurasa (astringent subtaste).
Guna (attributes): Laghu (light), Rooksha (ununctous), Vishada (non-slimy),
Sookshma (minute),
Veerya (potency): Sheeta (cold).
Action on doshas: Kaphahara (alleviator of kapha), Alpa vatalam (mild
wind aggravator)
Specific actions:
Grahi (constipative), Lekhana (depleting or scraping), Chakshushya (promoter
of eye sight), deepana(digestive stimulant), swarya(promoter of voice),
saukumarya karam(giving tenderness to the body parts), Hlaadi (which gives
freshness), Prasadajanaka, Varnya (good for complexion), Madhakara (promoter of
intellect), vrishya(aphrodisiac), Rochanam (promoter of taste), Srotovishodhaka
(good for clearing the obstructions in the channels), Vrina shodhana ropanam (good
for cleaning and healing the wounds), Yogavahi (which enhances the efficacy of
other drugs when mixed).
Therapeutic uses:
Kushta(skin disorders), Arsha
(piles), Kasa (cough), Raktapitta (bleeding disorder), Meha (obstinate urinary disorders
including diabetes), Klama (fatigue), Krimi (worms), Meda (excess fat
accumulation), Trisha (thirst), Vami (vomiting), Shwasa (dyspnoea), Hikka
(hiccough), Atisara (diarrhea), Vidgraha (constipation), Daha (burning
sensation), Shtakshaya (phthisis).
Qualities of Cow’s Ghee: - (Reference: Bhavaprakash)
Rasa (taste): Madhura (sweet)
Guna (attributes): Guru (heavy), Snigdha (unctuous).
Veerya (potency): Sheeta (cold).
Vipaaka (taste after digestion): Madhura (sweet).
Action on doshas: Alleviator of vata, pitta, and kapha.
Specific actions: Chakshushya (promoter of eye sight), Vrishay (aphrodisiac),
Agnikrith(digestive stimulant), Medha (promoter of intellect), Laavanya
(beauty), Kanti (complexion), Ojovardhaka (promoter of ojas), Tejovardhaka(
brilliance), Alakshmighnam (good to remove the inauspiciousness), Paapaghnam (good
for reducing papa karma), Rakshoghnam (good one to prevent evil spirits), Vayasthapaka
(restores the age), Balya (promoter of strength), Pavithra (clean), Aayushyam (promoter
of lifespan), mangala (auspicious), Ramayanam (good for the channels),
sugandham(sweet smelling), rochanam (promoter of taste), and it the best among
the ghee category.
SHUNTHI (Reference: Bhavaprakqasha and Madanapala nighantu)
Botanical name: Zingiber officinale
Rasa (taste): Katu (Pungent)
Guna (attributes): Laghu (light), Snigdha (unctuous)
Veerya (potency): Ushna (hot)
Vipaka: Madhura(sweet)
Karma (action): Ruchya (causing Arelish for food), Paachani (carminative),
vrishya, swarya (promotes voice).
Action on the doshas: Kapha vata hara (alleviates kapha and vayu)
Therapeutic usage: In Aamavata (rheumatism), Vibandha (constipation), Vami
(vomiting), Shwasa(dyspnoea), Kasa (cough), Sula (colic pain), Hridayamaya (heart
diseases), Shlipada (filariasis), Shopha (oedema), Arshas (piles), Aanaha
(flatulence), Udara ( abdominal diseases.
Kiran Mva
Wow...excellent information sir
· Reply · 6y
Varanasi Gangadhara Rao
The postings in face book are of authority which i admire at .all the
important suktulu are of great value and useful in human life.thanks
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