Monday, 24 May 2021

One Moment Please (Personality Development)


One Moment Please (Personality Development)

All of us experience - anger, sadness and disappointment. Mostly this    stems from a feeling of threat, some form of inner pain, fear, anxiety, shame, hopelessness, powerlessness, or failure to achieve our goals etc. The other reason is our inability to be realistic in our expectations which makes all the difference between having such feelings of disappointment and sadness, and experiencing intense anger.

Developing more realistic expectations between what we really need and what we desire, and cultivating positive emotions is an antidote- that helps us to become more receptive and alert to positive experiences and less prone anger, sadness and disappointments! 

- Arrogance


Arrogance is one of the most dangerous traits one can possess. It overshadows all the positive traits we possess. The best substitute for arrogance is humbleness. The higher we go or the more success we achieve in life, the more humble we should become because our progress and achievements in life is not solely due to our own efforts. It has direct or indirect contributions and sacrifices from many others. 

 Humbleness halts arrogance and self-indulging trap. Humble people always share the credit and wealth, remaining focused and hungry to continue the journey of success because they know that *Life is a team event where success and failures are shared with other team mates.*


When we help others, our life starts to have meaning and purpose. Real joy comes not from material possessions but from people. When we give our hearts in kindness and love, we get the riches of the universe, and the greatest of these is happiness.

We rise by lifting others. So let's be the, encouraging understanding and a helping  friend and a guide, one who can spread love, positivity, joy, smiles, laughter and spread kindness in other's lives!_ 



God brings us closer to exactly who we need, even if we don’t know it yet. But the day we meet the person who is meant to be special, we’d be able to spot them from a mile away, we’d recognize them in a crowded room because we finally understand the difference between someone who touches our hand and someone who touches our  hearts and soul.*Look out for that special person: and if you have one in your life thank them now!


 The pain of all our experience and strength of lessons learnt is what makes us the person we are now. And without our experience--- we are an empty page, a blank notebook, a missing lyric. What makes us brave is our willingness to live through our life and hold our head up high the next day!

_*Do not live life in fear when situations challenge us or even when the memories pinch our heart,. Because we are stronger now, after all that has happened!*_


To win a battle with the enemies, one takes with them soldiers who have courage and not fear. Similarly, to win the battles in the journey of life, we need to choose to travel with thoughts that have courage and not fear.

 _*If we cultivate courage it  marches alongside us when fear shows up and makes sure difficulties disappear, and obstacles vanish into air!*_

It is not possible for anyone to hurt our ego when we are asleep. It proves that hurt is generated by our own active thoughts and not on account of others comments. If we pay no heed to what others say and remain dormant to the provocation we feel calm and happy. We need to understand how our brain processes other's words and behaviours that create our own pain, then we can keep it at bay.

_*Reprogram your brain to deeply challenge the initial thoughts to process others words differently, to reduce your pain!*_



It’s so easy to criticize others and so hard to give a single honest compliment. It’s also so easy to see ourselves in a good light and to be keen to focus on imperfections of other people. Remember, criticizing people is a complete lose-lose situation. That only creates distance, spreads negative energies and causes tensions.

Often those that criticise others reveal what they themselves lack.

_*Negative criticism is one of the worst kinds of negative thinking and talking which has no rational benefits. Avoid it!*_


People spread rumors which are uncertain, Which  often end up creating confusion, discomfort,  misunderstandings, and even destroy lives, separate couples and friends, causing clashes, generating hatred, rancor and resentment. If it's not our business let us refrain from spreading it!

*Let us not invent things with our small mind and spread it with our big mouth what we don’t ascertain it for ourselves!*_


When you begin thinking about something that stresses you, just shift your thought process to something more pleasant, like good times with friends, a holiday, or your passion for your hobby like mellifluous music. Remember the thoughts you choose to focus on will determine how you experience the moment and your life!! Hence don’t strain thinking about problems, on the other way round think for solutions, before which you clean the screen of your mind. Over thinking only results in Blood Pressure.

_*Replace your thoughts when you are stressed to be happy!*_


Being patient, above all, means that you have not given up, ever. If something doesn’t happen the way you want it to, you don’t abandon your goals. It’s important to remember that patience is also being calm and confident.

*When you cultivate patience you will learn to observe, and think in silence, pay attention to your surroundings, and develop the intuition that can help you find the best moment to act. Patience is virtue.*_

 Life has a funny way of teaching us. It will create deep sadness so we know how to truly understand happiness. It will create chaos in our lives so that we may appreciate the peaceful times and it will take those we love away from us so that we will truly understand what their presence meant to us!

 _*Remember to love before you recieve ; give more than you intend to get and you will amazed, at the bevy of surprises that come your way!!.!!*_

In any relationship in our lives — family, friendship, romantic, friendship, etc. — it's key for us to be humble, patient, kind, and eager to listen. If we channel these good traits in all that we do, we'll receive the same qualities back from others. Remember that relationships are all about building each other up and supporting each other, no matter what!!

 Although the beginning of the relationship may be exciting, it's the long game that is the best part. So put in your best!


We keep telling that we should forget the *Past*, live in the *Present* and not worry about the *Future* But, what we don’t realise is that the Present and the Future are not permanent in life, only the Past is. The Future will become the Present in some time and the Present will become the Past in no time, whereas the Past will remain the Past all the time.

To make our Past beautiful and worth looking back with pride, we must make optimal use of our past mistakes and ensure a successful and fulfilling present and future. Let us work on our Present and Future!


Sometimes in life we face challenges and difficulties that 

may seem insurmountable. We need to learn to overcome 

these obstacles which is important because an ability to 

overcome obstacles allows us to move forward in life, 

and not be held back by the challenges that we face.

      Like the sunshine behind every dark cloud; there 

ihappiness behind the obstacles, which will come out 

once the cloud rains. So when you see an obstacle, grab 

your courage and work on it.

Intentions aside, we’re all capable of hurting people and moredo hurt those who care for us. We use harsh and thoughtless words which  cause more wounds than sticks and stones. It is  indeed a terrible thing  to wound someone we  really care for -or  those who really care for us !

_*Hurtful words are deep cuts in the heart.They may heal over time, but the scars never completely disappear. So think before you act, reason before you react, especially with those who really care for us

Sorry (18\08\21)

Whether we drop a brick accidentally or intentionally on someone's toe, there is an injury caused.

Similarly, remember that we cause hurt to others by our habits and, sometimes by our unintentional actions. Saying 'Sorry ' after this will not reduce the other's pain. We have to work hard to identify and remove the unintentional hurts we may be causing and never repeat them.

 Never ruin a *Sorry* *with an excuse or reasons. Instead promise to make amends which means you won’t repeat the same mistakes that you won’t continue to do any harm!



We have two ears and one mouth, which means, we should listen more than 

we say. And, if you bring the two ears together, they form the shape of a 

heart.So imagine ears as the extension of the heart. Learn how to listen more 

and you will know how to love.

Just offering a listening ear and an understanding heart for 

someone's suffering can be a big comfort and great gesture to reflect our 



Expertise in making Relationships

 If we add water to milk it will dilute the taste but if we add ice with rose milk essence it enhances the taste and enables us to love it. Ice is a different form of water. Similarly in each relationship, identify which form/role of yours is suitable based on their character to enhance the experience. Play more of the identified role in each relationship. Any other form may not add as much value to it.

We don't have to be a Life coach but should be able to know how to add value to our relationship and, also when they need that extra support!


Don't keep your problems to yourself .If you don't talk about your problems, you may find your pent-up tensions or feelings, burst out in a way that is embarrassing or inappropriate.

You might also find that things may get worse if you don’t try to get on top of them straight away.

  It is important to find ways to express your feelings. Find the right person who you trust to talk to. This will help release built-up tensions and aid you in making better decisions.


The self-awareness of our own emotions, predispositions and assumptions can help 

our ability to effectively communicate, deal with conflict, and empathise with others. 

Learning how to utilise these skills is very useful because each of us have our own 

internal values which may or may not align with our thoughts and feelings.

 The ability to be aware of our emotions   helps us respond appropriately to situations 

instead of reacting impulsively and is also beneficial during a confrontational or a 

difficult conversation! Be self-aware!


We live in a world where we have unparalleled access to instant applause. Share a picture of a baby, an event, an engagement, a wedding, or a dinner, or some crappy writing, or an announcement and we’ll receive instant applause. But instant applause is not an accomplishment and causes us to focus on the prize instead of the process. Posting about something we haven’t actually accomplished gives us a delusional sense of accomplishment. Most of us, are guilty of doing this.

Instead of trying to figure out how to get audience attention, let’s focus on creating something worthy of their attention, In the long run, the only viable strategy to build an audience for our work is to be so good they can’t ignore us.


An important part of living a happy and fulfilling life includes being part of a close-knit relationships where you can share, help, and support the people you care about. It also includes being kind to needy, and learning to replace envy and anger with understanding and empathy.


While it’s important to put yourself first sometimes, it’s even more important to help others whenever you can. Becoming more generous and compassionate will have real tangible benefits in your own life!


 The most fundamental harm we can do to ourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at ourselves honestly.

Self-analysis and self-awareness: both are   essential for our growth and success. While Self-analysis requires reconsideration of who we think we are; Self-awareness requires us to reassess where we came from and where we are going. Remember, an unexamined life will not lead to happiness or success!!

Self-assessment and attempts at self-improvement are essential aspects of "the good life.”Self-evaluation and assessment should be a major part of our lives because we can't IMPROVE what we don't ASSESS!



It's always important to reflect on all of the blessings we have and be grateful. And with good reason: Gratitude is something that we should be able to express on any occasion—no matter how big or small. So don't reserve these thoughtful messages for a particular day!

Gratitude allows us to be happy, so have an attitude of gratitude! And remember to live a life full of humility, gratitude, intellectual curiosity, and never stop learning.



There’s nothing that drives home the unpredictability of life like a sudden disturbance that stirs up a storm in our placid, happy little existence. You will be challenged emotionally, physically, spiritually and psychologically. Adjusting to something new with its set of challenges is not easy for many of us. It requires us to tune our mind and acquire new tools and resources.

     Acknowledge and accept the situation instead of fighting or resisting it. The transformation process starts once the acceptance happens or even without it. Take the transformation to your stride.

Build your inner strength, stop seeing yourself as a victim and do not give up hope.

*****************************************One Moment Please (Personality Development) 

Many of us spoil a conversation and sometimes a relationship by speaking- especially when we are not sure of the accuracy of what we are about to say. Instead of highlighting our ignorance it is better to remain silent Because, giving an answer that is inaccurate will prove us  wrong, while remaining silent will leave the participants in the discussion sceptic about our knowledge on the subject.

We should treat the ability to argue as a skill that needs to be practised and developed. The aim of an argument, or of a discussion, should not be victory but progress.

If we open our mouth and spout nonsense about what we  don’t know, all doubt will be removed- people won’t think we ’re stupid, they will know we are stupid. Remember not to spoil an excellent dish by adding a bad sauce.


Family Tradition

Ever since social media has come to rule, it is virtually ruling the lives of many people. It has been redefining every action we have been doing all these years. It tells us how and when we should drink water, how and when we should eat our food, how we should pray, how we should control and cure our ailments, including cancer. When we read all these things, we wonder whether everything we have been doing all these years was wrong. I have seen people who have been leading a relatively healthy life all along, suddenly changing their lifestyle totally to live *"healthier and longer"* *by falling prey to the WhatsApp wisdom.

*Everything that is posted on social media is not gospel truth. Anyone can post any nonsense and it will surely be reposted blindly by many without even knowing its original source. Moreover, the life style we are following is a time tested one and more than anything, we have been enjoying it. Why should we change it just because someone said it's not right? Let's ponder before we change our habits blindly.


Facebook or WhatsApp wisdom

Ever since social media has come to rule, it is virtually ruling the lives of many people. It has been redefining every action we have been doing all these years. It tells us how and when we should drink water, how and when we should eat our food, how we should pray, how we should control and cure our ailments, including cancer. When we read all these things, we wonder whether everything we have been doing all these years was wrong. I have seen people who have been leading a relatively healthy life all along, suddenly changing their lifestyle totally to live "healthier and longer" by falling prey to the Facebook or  WhatsApp wisdom.

Everything that is posted on social media is not gospel truth. Anyone can post any nonsense and it will surely be reposted blindly by many without even knowing its original source. Moreover, the life style we are following is a time tested one and more than anything, we have been enjoying it. Why should we change it just because someone said it's not right? Let's ponder before we change our habits blindly.

Cheruku Rama Mohan Rao 


If we want to know how others treat us , the best starting place is to look at how we treat others.

And, if we don’t like the way we're treated, there's only one course of action--to change our own attitude and behavior, because we can't change anyone else's. 

 Relationships function like a mirror--eventually that change will reflect back onto how we  are treated.!Let us be grateful to these mirrors for revealing to us, what we are!


Leading a happy life

If someone did you wrong LET IT GO. They will ruin more of your life if you allow them to invade your mind. It is like a virus which will only affect the quality of your life in every other area. So the best revenge is always ‘MOVING ON’. Be brave enough to confront and let go. Those who still live amazing lives, when things don’t work out in their favor, they move on quickly and focus on the next opportunity waiting for them.

Don’t cheat on your future with your past. It’s over. Commit to your future and it will be a strong, healthy attitude. If you don’t let go of your past, your future will suffer. Understand this very important fact. 



A car may have a full tank of fuel, but without a spark it cannot start. Similarly, while you fuel your brain with ideas every day, ensure you have the spark in your soul to start the day well.

There are quite a few practices that can pull us out of the dark place and help us regain the spark - that can make our life vibrant, exciting and also bring back the feeling of deep joy and gratitude. Find and practice them!


The rain drops falling from the sky can never bounce back to the same height in the same state. However, it does reach the sky again as vapor and form   clouds. Similarly, if you can't bounce back up in life after falling down, patiently transform yourself and become a different person to rise again!!

Success comes when you transform to bounce back from failure. The transformation enables you to confront the challenges you face and will support you in growing, learning more about yourself. It strengthens your resilience, and helps you move forward.



Each minute of our life is a lesson but most of us fail to read it. We need to learn our daily lessons by seeing the people around. We all have the power to shape our day and our life. So no matter what is happening in our lives we can make the decision to be happy and enjoy every moment.

We are here in this world for a short period of time. It is fast and has no replay, no rewind button,  so enjoy every moment as it comes: Don’t  hold for tomorrow as there is no system for refund on unused life.



Being a perfectionist you may feel proud and it may make you ambitious, but nothing ever great comes from that. Perfection actually doesn't exist. The more you try for it, it rises your stress, anxiety and depression, may even lead to self-harm. All the efforts ultimately lead to complications and make it  messy and uncertain leading to ambiguity. It’s up to us to make the best of what we have and find happiness in it.

Remember happiness comes from embracing our imperfections, which allow us to lead an authentic, content life.


   People become complacent due to tradition, laziness, lack of appreciation ,bad bosses, or bad pay and  incentive structures. But if you’re willing to make changes and not settle for the status quo, you can find a better way to do whatever you do, and achieve a lot more — often in a lot less time.The lesson is, don’t settle for the status quo. Instead, try to “level up” at what you do. 

There’s usually a better way to do things. See if you can find a tweak that’ll drastically improve your results. Acquire new skills, awareness , network and don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.                                                                         *****************************************

           Whenever we *speak with others*, we always have them in front of us, and not behind us. Similarly, whenever we *speak about others*, we should speak in front of them and not behind them. Most of us speak behind people in many glorious forms - of gossiping, dissing, trash talking etc. But while we do it we forget that being talked about us behind our back is never /./.fun!! 

 Speaking behind the back of someone—especially about their inferior qualities and bad behavior—can serve as a great distance. Instead of such talk, be the person who always tries to see the good in others; and be the one who employs*_ *COMPASSION instead of CRITICISM..


One of the most powerful things you can say to someone else isn’t actually a word. It’s

not even a gesture. It’s simply: nothing. Your silence is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal in silence, you consent to nothing, you offer nothing, and you tip the scale of control in your direction.

If you’ve found yourself in a heated conversation or a downright fight, and if there’s no clear way out, you can create your own doorway and walk through it by being silent. Remember that "No response, in fact, is actually a pretty powerful response".



People only change if they want to change. We cannot force someone to respect us or love us or to admit they were wrong or even to apologies. Regardless, of whatever we do this change is just not going to happen.

Instead of trying to change people, let’s make a realistic decision about where they fit into our life based on who they are and be with it.


One of the greatest gifts we can give another is kindness. If someone is in need, lend a helping hand. Don't do it only for the people you like and respect--that's easy--but sometimes you should also for the ones who drive you crazy and those you don't even know.

True kindness lies in the act of giving without the expectation of getting something in return. Remember that giving is the best way of communicating!


The Ideal Guide

Some people come into our life for a REASON and it is usually to meet a need we expressed. They come to assist us through a difficulty; to provide us with guidance and support; to help us to be successful, to aid us physically, emotionally or spiritually. They seem like a godsend,and they are; and we need them to be there.

These people teach us lifetime lessons, and help build a solid emotional foundation. Our job is to accept the lesson they teach , love the person, and put what we have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of our life!. 


Advising people how to swim won't make them a swimmer. But helping them practice certainly will. Similarly, follow up on your advice to others with the coitment to help them practice till they can perform.

Giving advice is one part of helping ,its providing  the support that can make the difference between success and failure which is  important Try to promote the realization of another person's dream!


Healthy Relationship

Body builders go to the gym daily because without regular exercises, strong muscles become weak too. Similarly, nurture your strong relationships regularly. It will not remain strong on it's own for long without efforts.

A healthy relationship requires both parties to put in the time, attention, and love required to strengthen the partnership. Make an effort to work at your relationship every day, and you will be rewarded with a deeper connection.


Obstacles are the stumbling blocks that prevent you from reaching your goals. Life at times becomes unbearable as unexpected setbacks and obstacles set in.These limiting factors hinders you from achieving your desired dreams. Remember, it ’is not enough to set goals; you need to realise your goals !

Every success comes with challenges. These challenges often come as problems you need to solve. If you can solve them, you can then have the assurance that you reach your goals.


Short and sharp words spoken by a loved one

pokes us like a sharp iron nail, and we definitely

go back and rub our skin. Not every short and

kind word has i the effect, but every sharp one

does. So make sure to taste your words, before

you spit them out!

It is always the best option to improve your words

instead of raising a voice .Remember it is rain

that grows flowers, not thunder.


Bluetooth does not work between an Apple device and an Android device due to incompatibility. However, you can transfer files and messages using a common platform like WhatsApp or Email. Similarly, when your brain does not accept another's point of view or vice versa, try connecting through the heart and soul which can work on a common platform.

Remember that  rivals have come together many times to work for a common cause .So look to your heart and soul first, rather than looking to your head first, when you are accepting others and their views !


A smile on the face is a magnet to attract people

You need a reason to cry but don't need any to smile. When you cry, people will ask why but when you smile, they don't.  When you cry, you have to cry alone but when you smile, people will smile back at you. You are the only one to decide whether you want to keep crying or keep smiling ?

You have the power to either enliven or dampen the atmosphere around you.Make sure to carry your own.


A Sensitive and A Hard Worker 

Both tears and sweat look similar; they are liquid and salty. Their origin is different and their significance too. They yield different results. While tears get sympathy, the other will get success and satisfaction. Work on your character. It is not how you look, speak or behave that produces the results, it is the commitment dedication and hard work.

People love you and value for achievements and not being docile and emotional.

It is not on how good you look, it is success that elevates your status. success is impossible without sweat, and those who cannot sweat , cannot change anything or receive any rewards!.


Positive energy

Electrical wires transmit electricity that can kill us, but electrical appliances convert the same electricity into energy that provide us happiness. Similarly, instead of transmitting the negative energies that you get, be a person who can transform those into positive energies to provide happiness.

Taking yourself out of the emotionally-charged negative by moving into the action-oriented positive will help you solve more problems rationally and live in positivity. Always try turn to negative energy in positive action.


Recognition and appreciation are two of the most essential ingredients in life. They keep us nourished mentally just as food keeps us nourished physically. While we all expect others to appreciate and recognise our work and action, we are very conservative in doing the same for others. We don't realise that just as we need them, others too need them. 

Appreciation cost us nothing but carries a lot of value for others. Let's  be more vocal in recognising and appreciating the good work of others.The more  the more we do this, the more we will  appreciate fundamental things like relationships, love, and understanding!



While power banks charge phones, they don't get reverse charged by the phone. They have to be connected to a better power source for that. Similarly in life always connect to the higher and a better power to get energized yourself instead of expecting energies back from those you give.

Being with people better than you, people of excellent and exceptional talents and skills you will be able to get many benefits, including the learning process that never stops .Know that you are the average of people you spend the most time with.



Calmness is often underrated, or overlooked entirely, but the ability to remain steady and focused under stress is one of the most valuable qualities anyone of us can develop.  Keeping calm is easier said than done during tense and unpredictable times. However, it is in these sorts of situations that it’s even more important to stay grounded and cultivate our inner peace.

Calmness is a super balm against anxiety that fosters inner strength and self-confidence. Keep in mind that inner peace is inspired by calmness.



Relationships run much deeper than the moments we spend with each other physically. Even though someone isn’t right there with us at that particular moment, a part of them is still present when we keep them in our mind. So missing someone is a part of loving them, so no matter where we go, some people will always be in our heart.

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated. and if you are really missing him, tell you miss him - just to remind that how much special he is to you.



Whenever the computer stops responding well, we close it by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL (Control + Alternate + Delete) in that sequence. Similarly, whenever your brain stops responding well, first take Control of your emotions, then evaluate Alternate solutions, finally Delete what is not appropriate.

To make your life meaningful you can use CTRL +ALT +DELETE as a principle to restart the operating system of your life and to have a better Heart-ware!


Do not lose spirit

The Diwali Diya keeps burning through the night since it has enough oil or else we refill it.Similarly, make sure your passion in life does not reduce and you continue refilling it with motivations to keep it burning! Motivation is one of the driving forces behind our behavior.

Motivation fuels competition, sparks social connection and encompasses the desire to continue striving towards a purpose, and make life worth living. Stay motivated.

My sincere request to all my dear senior citizens-Please bear the pain from your chronic ailments to the extent of your endurance. Indulge in deeds that keep you active and lively.


If we focus on life keenly we find it ‘the balancing act of three things viz. choices, chances, and changes. The three ‘C’s of Life. Only when you make a choice to take a chance, your life will change and when you adapt to these three C’s it will help you to create a life that you don’t regret.

Life is the sum of our choices. The clarity to choose makes us to wait for a chance, which will provide elevation in your status and that is called Change. Hence remember always that C+C+C = Life.


Banks cannot grow if they focus only on activating new accounts and let the older accounts become dormant. ( inactive.)They try to ensure all accounts are active. Similarly keep your old relationships active. Activating new relationships and letting older ones become inactive impacts the emotional bank !!

Its said that old friends are gold new friends are like  diamonds . if you get diamonds don't forget gold because only gold can hold a diamond.So when establishing new acquaintances,always  keep your old ones in mind.

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