Friday, 13 January 2017

The Indian Genius

The Indian Genius

India unlike other civilizations, is the world’s most ancient and the only surviving ancient civilization. Much that has been destroyed in the records and even the records were destroyed by the barbaric foreign rulers under whose legs we were stamped for about 800 years. But even in what survives, we have continuity going back at least ten thousand years. Sequences, lineages of knowledge, of leadership, of Kings and so on, still surviving. This is the only civilization which has dared to explore every single field of human endeavor without exception. For any civilisation to flourish language is the base and our base language is Sanskrit. This language consists of a whole science of linguistics, a science of language in which we go down to the very root sounds and those root sounds are not arbitrary conventions as all the modern languages today are including our favorite English . Every word in these languages is only a convention and we have to refer to the dictionary for the meaning there of.  The most noteworthy character of Sanskrit is if you have something to say, you can express it, even create a new vocabulary to express it. On the other hand if you hear something which you do not know, you can go back into the root sounds and recover the essential meaning that is being communicated. The researchers at NASA, explained that Sanskrit is the best language for artificial intelligence though it was created as a natural expression to articulate what is true and permanent. What was expressed and articulated 10,000 years ago can be decoded, it takes effort though. We can say that it is the only natural language. Certain things that are recorded in code languages like 'Katapayadi' and Bhuta Sankhya' or in some other code it may take time, at times may not be possible also for the reason that the things mentioned there in might have extinguished or our intellect may not be sufficient to decode it as in the case of 'Vimana Sastra'.

 In fact, if you look back at the history of Europe and philosophy in Europe, you find philosophy got a boost in Europe when they began to study the Upanishads.  It was link point to India which was the cause of the renaissance in Europe, and with that philosophical awakening, began a series of other explorations including mathematics, medicine, physics, chemistry and so on, linking back to India for inspiration which became the basis for the renaissance and subsequent what we call   Western modern civilization. In case of mathematics when The experts recommended our system of numbers, that being very simple, the Church resisted for a long time with the fear that they would lose controls over people’s minds.

 Look at this ancient culture.  An interesting display in the British Museum of Indian Jewelry along with  a note there said, 'It was about 300 years ago, the jewelry displayed from India in Paris in that period’ and it astounded Europe as they couldn’t imagine that such complex intricate and beautiful work could be done by human hands! These founded the base for their renaissance.

India was the only civilization which sustained economic development without taking from others but giving more than it took as against the European countries who conquered for their own selfishness by usurping their sources of raw material.

India was so rich and self-contented since thousands of years back. Just notice this small sentence in Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice' that Antonio becomes rich suddenly at the end of story because the three ships arrived from India. Venice was their famous port where from they were trading more with India overseas. It was the kind of thinking that existed in Europe, because India was the focal point for wealth. It is a falsehood to say that India, because she was spiritual, was not strong or rich.

We had the world’s largest ship building industry producing ships which could go across the ocean for six months carrying all the food supplies and people in it; for 6 months without stopping at a port! And this involves very advanced navigation skills. When, Vasco da Gama was heading for India, he was hugging the coast, he was afraid to go into the ocean and at some point on the African coast, he bumped into a ship which was 3 times the size of his ship. It was a trader from Gujarat and Vasco do Gama said, ‘I want to go to India, I don’t know how to go and I am scared’. The trader said, ‘follow me’. He followed the rest of the journey behind these big ships from the Indian traders.  That’s how he came to India.

You will be surprised to know perhaps that Shivaji had a massive battle out there in the sea with the Portuguese, because he was protecting the sea coast line with 200 ships. And there was massive gun battle across ships in the waters, in which Shivaji won.  This is recorded and is in fact displayed by the Indian Navy as one of the early traditions of warfare in the sea. The misery is that we never find these facts in History as it was concocted by invaders, especially by Europeans. To get their roots penetrated, they have realised to conquer our minds more than the land as they can rule us forever even though they handover the country to us.

We know the word Sastra. Sastra is that which gives the ruling. We can develop anything on the basis of the rule. But the rule will not change as in the case of modern science. Take the case of Vimana Sastra.

The shastra of aero plane,  not only teaches how to construct an aero plane, but the specific alloys necessary to make the aero plane,  the kinds of dresses that the pilot should wear to protect himself against different kinds of radiation. It categorizes different kinds of radiations at different heights from the earth. It makes a distinction between flight in the atmosphere, flight in outer space and flight across in the solar system and different kinds of radiations and dangers at each of these levels. It specifies the kinds of food that pilot should eat. It specifies the kinds of machines, According to this shastra 32 machines make the aircraft complete. Among the machines are things which we cannot even imagine, things which we also have developed.  We take an example or two.

One is, “apasmāra dhūma prasārana yantra”

Apasmāra – forgetfulness, dhūma – smoke, prasārana – spreading, yantra – machine – that is, machine that spreads the smoke of forgetfulness. When the Vimana operates during war, it can spread the smoke which knocks out people and makes them unconscious. This we hear in Mahabharata where Arjuna uses in 'Uttara Gograhanam'.


Now imagine a description like this existing then. They dealt with 'tamogarbha yantra' which means machine that produces darkness from its womb. We cannot imagine this as so far we have no information of research on this topic. Our physics is a description and not an explanation. We have formulae which describe behaviors, but do not explain why they are, what they are. There is an interesting description of glass and the whole process of manufacturing it, in which you can see the other vimanas flying all around like ‘dots’, like stars in the sky, that is it works as a radar. Here one thing we should realise. What are not seen now and we believe that they were by our belief or research we endorse it otherwise we reject it. How can this be correct? Let us take the present case. The shastra that was written was systematically written. Confirming certain things that we know. Then how can we ignore the other things to be false without inferring its correctness.


 Please find a reply for my above statement. Recently, Dr. C.S.R. Prabhu in Hyderabad replicated 3 or 4 of them (he has decoded about 16 formulas so far). Among them was a material which belongs to the ‘thamo garbha yantra’.  He developed from that formula a ferrite material which was absorbing something like 94% of light shown on it.  He developed from those formulas a copper alloy material which was harder than steel and which doesn’t corrode in the sea water.  And as evidence that these things actually existed then he got a piece of copper alloy from Dwaraka which has been sitting under water for the last 5000 years, it has not corroded.  And it shows you that these things did exist.


The immediate question is 'Then why don't we try on these lines. The answer depends on our analysis. 1. This is a culture of not less than 10,000 years as per the proof till date. If we say it is since lakhs of years the western scientists and their eastern followers will not accept it. 2. The Government does not evince any interest to promote such researches and further researches. 3. The modern vocabulary is subjected to a sea change and moreover all those documents are in Sanskrit about which we know little. However we contributed and are also contributing our mite to make it dead. Hence we cannot realise the correct meaning of the word used in the then shastras. 4. While Kaliyuga was about to be started the then entire technology was subjected to be submerged in the sea. Therefore we cannot get the opportunity of making any research on the instruments. 5. Our ancient’s great works were destroyed mercilessly by both Mohammedan and the British rulers. But swamy Vivekananda exhorted so firmly “We do not belong to the past ‘dawn’s but to the ‘noon’s of the future' – whatever was achieved then, however great was, only a beginning and there is so much more to be done. India is destined to be the Guru of the World”. See how authentic was he in his expression. Let us not just wait for that day let us also contribute as much as we can by means of our knowledge, intelligence, commitment, concern, devotion and dedication. This is possible if we trust in Guru - shishya parampara and not Teacher - student culture, as Teacher is not equivalent to guru, as Guru is far far superior to him as he takes care of several aspects of his disciple other than teaching which a teacher does.

Hebrew civilization, the ideal there is ethics and morality, the Greece civilisation , the Ideal was elegance of thought, beauty of form, Roman civilization , the Ideal of law, order and discipline and the total European civilisation is the sum total of this.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent presentation.your post educated me. Frankly speaking, I am not aware till I went through your post. 🙏
