1. Vedas were composed by more than 200 Rushies mainly belonging to Viswamitra Kula..
2. These Rushies composed Vedic hymns separately and Krishna Dwaipayana recognised as Veda Vyasa compiled them as Rigveda, Yajurveda, Saamaveda and Atharvaveda.
3. Veda Yyasa compiled the hymns in such a way that the knowledge (jnaana kaanda) based hymns are included in Rigveda, Yaaga perfoming (karma kaanda) hymns were included in Yajurveda, music/songs oriented hymns included in Saamaveda and all other subjects connected with common men like agriculture, health, medicines, and so on were included in Atharvaveda. There are many common hymns in all these Vedas too.
4. When Puraanaas give messages through stories; epics (Iitihaasaas) give messages through experiences of the people; Vedas give the messages DIRECTLY. That is the significance of Veda. Generally Vedas contain no stories and experiences by plain messages as statements, prayers or adorations.
5. In short words or lines, thousands of messages are given in Rigveda. Some of the Rigvedic hymns are included in Yajurveda for performing yaagaas. Some hymns are also included in Saamaveda for chanting as Saamagaanas during yaaga performance
6. Vedas are known as anaadi and apourusheya. The Rushies composed these Vedic hymns by directly watching the nature. Thus these Rushies are known as mantra dhrushtaara. Since, composing these hymns are not possible by ordinary human beings, hence they are known as apourusheya beyond humanly possible.
7. Vedas have 10 sruthies (sounds) (udaattha, anudhaattha, swaritha, repha, hraswa, pracheya, anunaasika, kampa, deerghkampa and plutha). Learning these sruthies is very difficult, hence it is told that one need not learn Vedas but anyone can listen them.
8. Vedas should be learned (by anyone) from childhood without committing any mistakes in pronunciation and those who know Vedas are known as Brahmins. It is wrong to say that only Brahmins can learn Vedas. Brahmin is a title and not a caste. (Caste of Brahmins can be Smartas,Vaidikis, Namboothiri, Iyer, Iyyengar, Shenoy and so on)
9. All the four Vedas are composed in different styles and the oldest one is Rigveda. The rules of learning all these Vedas are the same. Vedas are now included in the list of world heritage by UNESCO.
10. It has been scientifically proved that Veda mantra chanting has excellent positive effect in brain functioning and growth, tension releasing, maintaining the smooth functioning of body including brain, heart, lungs and so on
11. Try to listen at least one Veda in your life, whether you are a Hindu, Christian, Muslim, or an atheist. This can be done while working in your computer, driving car, or taking rest or through temple speakers.
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