Monday, 2 February 2015

Wake Up

Wake Up

This is an essay posted some six years back, on 26th of August 2015. This was attracted by many readers and as many as 38 people shared the article. This in fact serves as food to us who follow Sanatan Dharma. If we do not evince interest to know about our own Dharma what will be its fate during course of time. I our culture, tradition, Shastras are lost we will have nothing to claim that we are Indians. Please read the article.

Not a day passes without us seeing a lot of negative information that is being spread about Hinduism by the social media, news media, and vested interests who want to present Hinduism in a negative light. As responsible readers we have to screen a lot of dirt people try to bring to surface about Hinduism using whatever gimmicks they have learned about the social networks. Since we have to rely upon the internet for each edition, we have to spend a lot of time to separate the propaganda and misinformation from truth. Still some news, may be on account of our misinterpretation, penetrates into our mind and blocks our thinking process. Here is an example. An educated lady, a Facebook account holder, belonging to sanathana dharama had some physical set back and was attracted by a lady who was her colleague. The friend shut her eyes for some time and declared that the victim's pain had gone. She asked the victim emphasizing whether she was relieved of the pain. The victim accepted to have relieved from pain. The Christian lady said it is on account of Christ. This is a pychological thrust on the victim compelling the mind and nothing else. This is rather a sort of persuation on the gullibles to believe their faith. I have seen a Shirdi Sai devotee also used to decive skeptic people in the same manner.   

If we think according to a logic, the event is absurd and a myth. God or his son, or his messenger who is called 'Christ' can not be there to heal physicalor mental hardships. Irf it were to be true, the entire world have embraced Cjristianity. Our affliction or exhilaration purely depend on our past deeds as our Dharma catagorically clarifies it and emphatically says that we wioll have punarjanma.

The readers might not have forgotten the way their church tried none other than mother Teresa to attain sainthood and how they failed miserably. Another lady keeping the dead body in the house with the faith that Jesus restores his life. At last she was compelled to take the corpse to cemetery on account of foul smell and the threat to epidemic deceases due to dehydration and decay. In Kerala the Christians constructed a temple with a cross on its top. Why all these imitations. Just to attract people.

God is not there to act as a doctor of miracles. Any ache or ailment is the outcome of the deeds we performed in the earlier births or even in this birth. It may even vanish by a spell. But there is no competence in such gullibles. Nobody need pray on our behalf. You have god within you. Pray him realise him. Don’t become a prey to hypocrites.
Lot of Hindus do not seem to care about their religion, but we know what kind of danger the religion and the community are currently facing in this age from organized religious propaganda and affluent organizations that want Hinduism to evaporate into History. We have to try our best to put up a brave front and fight back these elements. How long a few individuals here and there can carry the flag of Hinduism. It is very much discouraging if we see, the least attitude, and apathy shown by a majority of Hindus so far towards the few brave souls who take up its cause. There are a lot of rich influential Hindus out there, caught up in their own greed and selfishness and yet to evince interest in protecting their culture and Dharma. Let us be hopeful that people will awaken soon and notice the truth of the precarious situation through which Hinduism is passing and stand for their beliefs before it is too late.

Wake up Hindus, you have slept enough. Stop worshiping demi-gods for materialistic ends and be part of the revival, which Swami Vivekananda wanted to see in independent India. He died a hundred years ago, and here we are, just quoting him, but never truly following his vision or wisdom. Rediscover the soul of your tradition, your culture and your identity before it is completely undermined and destroyed. Think of your children, the coming generations, and their future.

A new "Quit India Movement" has arisen in recent years. Unlike the old quit India movement, which was established by Indian freedom fighters in the early part of the century to remove the British rule from India, the recent movement has an opposite intent-to embrace Western materialist culture and abandon traditional Hindu culture and spirituality perhaps altogether.

This movement is very strong in India itself, particularly among so-called modern Hindus, who are largely Western educated and trained to look at their native tradition with alien values and suspicious eyes. The intellectual elite of India takes pride in being in contact with the latest developments in Western culture, art, science and technology, while remaining ignorant and unappreciative of traditional Hindu teachings.

India will be a servile nation without its distinct culture and identity.


Gopal Balaji

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 · 6y

Jyothiprakasan Sambasivapillai


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Srinivasa Rao Karri

Yes sir,

Swamy Vivekananda had foreseen today's plight of followers of Sanatana Dharma and he cautioned us -

"When a man has begun to be ashamed of his ancestors and his past, the end has come"
----* Swami Vivekananda *

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Gpraoo Gade

I agree with u.

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Anuradha Gadiyaram

Thank you sir for educating with good informations

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Sivasudheer Susarla

Sir! In kerala, these missionaries started spread rumours that Jesus was the one who invented Yoga & "Surya Namaskarams" and they changed its name "Jesus namaskaras".

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Anuradha Gadiyaram


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డా.వనదీప్ కలువగుంట

Sir...this must be the anguish and anger of every Sanaatani/Hindu...We must awaken Indians to what Indian legacy actually is...Ridiculous people propagate preposterous stuff...None can alter the stance of people like you and me...The problem lies with the strata of society that stays aloof from the mainstream Dharma/religion and culture...They are the soft targets...We must eliminate this absurd contemporary concept of casteism first and then educate them on the basic tenets of the so-called Sanaatana Dharma...This would equip them with the ammunition to annihilate these vicious campaigns directed towards them...HARIHI AUM...

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Cheruku Ramamohanrao

VANADEEP, The problem lies with the youth and their proper understanding of this dharma. Enough if they can realise the truth envisaged by swami Vivekananda. In this regard as referred by Mr. Raghunandan, above, this dharma is a palm tree which would have seen infinite creepers entwined and eradicated. Secondly as Mr. Gowri Shankar rightly reminded "Uttisthata Jagrata Prapya Varannibodhata...' (Arise! Awake! Approach the great and learn.), from Kathopanishat which was the slogan of Swami Vivekananda. When enthusiasts like you are there I am confident that a day will come when the YONG INDIA will recognize and realise the greatness of this land, ancisters and the culture where Rama, Dharmaraja, Shibi, Bali, Harischandra, Prahlaada etc taken birth.


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డా.వనదీప్ కలువగుంట


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Sudha Jandhyala

ఇలాంటి అనుభవాలు చాలా మా మారేడుపల్లిలో జరుగుతూవంటాయి.కొంతవరకు వారితో వాదిస్తాము.సమాధానం చెప్పలేక ఒకరు వితండవాదంతో కొందరు వెళ్ళిపోయారు.ఇంకో వింత ఏమిటంటే వాకిలిముందు ముగ్గు, మామిడితోరణాలు,ఇంకా సాంప్రదాయ చిహ్నాలు వున్న ఇళ్ళల్లో కి వచ్చి ప్రచారం చేసి మనలని ఒప్పించే శ్రమ ఎంత తీసుకుంటారో వాళ్లు

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Cheruku Ramamohanrao

అందుకేనమ్మా వారి లొసుగులు మనముతెలిసి ఉంచుకొంటే మన వద్దకు వచ్చుటకు జడుస్తారు.






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1 comment:

  1. కొంతమంది హిందువుల్లో ఐకమత్యం లేకపోడంవల్ల, ఇతర మతాలవాళ్ళు ఇచ్చే సొమ్ముకి, హోదా కి బానిసలై, వాళ్ళ దగ్గర పడిఉండడం అలవాటైపోయింది.
    ఇలాంటి అలవాట్లవల్ల, హిందువులు కొన్ని వందల సంవత్సారాల నుండి మొగుల్ నవాబుల దగ్గర, బ్రిటిష్ వాళ్ళ దగ్గర, ఆ తర్వాత కాంగ్రెస్ పార్టీ దగ్గర 2014 వరకు బానిసలాగానే స్థిరపడిపోయారు.

    ఇప్పటికి, ఇంకా కొంతమంది నాయకులలో (ఆ నవాబుల నాటి) హిందూ దేవాలయాలని కొల్లగ్రోట్టే మనస్తత్వం ఖణఖణాలలో ఉండిపోయింది!

    అందువల్లే మన దేవాలయాలని మనమే రక్షించుకోవాలని, బీజోకే ఓటు వెయ్యమని ప్రార్థిస్తున్నాం 🙏

    Due to lack of solidarity & because of inter-rivalry amongst some of our (ancestors) Hindu Kings, they accustomed to being slaves for monetary gains or status given by foreign invaders

    Due to such practices, Hindus had been enslaved by the Mughal Nawabs for hundreds of years; from1600 AD & onwards by the British; right from 1947 to 2014 by the Congress.

    Still, devilish mentality (looting Hindu temples) of erstwhile invaders (Moghuls & Britishers) do exist in some RegiinalPolitical Parties/politicians, especially DMK in TN, YCP in AP, Left Front & Congress in Kerala. All these are anti-Hindu, Anti-Indian & anti-brahmin parties. Beware.

    That is why, we appealed to all patriotic & nationalist citizens to vote for BJP, the only Nationalist party which will/can ensure restotation of our 'Sanathana Dharma' and uphold the diginity & respect to our religion/culture/ tradition.
    🙏Jai Hind 🙏

    భారమంతా దేముడిమీదపెట్టి, మనం ఇంట్లో ముక్కుమూసుకొని కూర్చుంటే, ఏమవుతుంది? "గాలిలో దీపం పెట్టి దేముడా! నీదే భారమన్నట్లు ఉంటుంది"
    మన ప్రయత్నం మనమే చెయ్యాలి!
    ఆ తరువాత దేముడు సహాయం చేస్తారు.

    మన ధర్మాన్ని, మన సంప్రదాయాన్ని సంరక్షించే పార్టీ కి (BJP కి )ఓట్ వెయ్యడానికి లక్ష ప్రశ్నలు వేస్తారు!
    దేవాలయాల ధనం, సంపత్తి దోచుకొనే పార్టీల వెంట తిరుగుతారు !

    బీజేపీ కే ఓటువేయ్యండి 🙏
    ఆంధ్రాలో దేవాలయాళన్ని ప్రభుత్వ ఆధీనంనుండి తోలింగించబడతాయి!
    స్వచమైన సనాతన ధర్మాన్ని గౌరవించి, అనుసరిస్తున్నారని, నిరూపించండి !
