Saturday, 19 July 2014

Our Glory

India is unique among the nations of the world for it's deep rooted spiritual civilization. There are forces at work today that want to suppress its spirituality and replace it with a crassly(devoid of refinement) materialistic system. This is how I read the political struggle going on in the country today.I see the present political turmoil as the outcome of forces of materialism mostly destructive in nature trying to impose an alien materialistic culture camouflaged as secularism. If they succeed, India will share the fate other ancient nations that were destroyed by the imposition of materialistic ideologies. Greece and Egypt are examples from the ancient world. American Indian civilizations destroyed by the Catholic empires of Spain and Portugal.  China at a time was engaged i think now also is engaged in destroying the highly spiritual culture of Tibet. All that the destroyers have left in these countries are imitative societies with little to call their own. A visit with inquisitiveness to any ancient country like Egypt, Greece or Mexico and see the glaring contrast between their wonderful monuments and their current cultural deprivation.This is what a materialistic ideology invariably does to a civilization.

India is unique among the nations of the world for it's deep rooted spiritual civilization. There are forces at work today that want to suppress its spirituality and replace it with a crassly(devoid of refinement) materialistic system. This is how I read the political struggle going on in the country today.I see the present political turmoil as the outcome of forces of materialism mostly destructive in nature trying to impose an alien materialistic culture camouflaged as secularism. If they succeed, India will share the fate other ancient nations that were destroyed by the imposition of materialistic ideologies. Greece and Egypt are examples from the ancient world. American Indian civilizations destroyed by the Catholic empires of Spain and Portugal.  China at a time was engaged i think now also is engaged in destroying the highly spiritual culture of Tibet. All that the destroyers have left in these countries are imitative societies with little to call their own. A visit with inquisitiveness to any ancient country like Egypt, Greece or Mexico and see the glaring contrast between their wonderful monuments and their current cultural deprivation.This is what a materialistic ideology invariably does to a civilization.

Hence a version of history is created to turn the victims into villains and the destroyers into heroes and this is what has taken place in our case also. In defending a civilization, it is extremely important for the leaders to preserve and protect its culture and traditions. Monuments can come and go, but an awareness of history and culture must be preserved. Our ancient sages and medieval heroes largely succeeded in this. That is why our civilization has survived the assault of theocratic (guided, or is pursuant to the doctrine of a particular religion or religious group.)and imperialistic forces, while other ancient civilizations have failed to large extent. 
A young French student of the Vedas, Jean Le Mée wrote:

"Precious stones or durable materials  gold, silver, bronze, marble, onyx or granite  have been used by ancient people in an attempt to immortalize themselves. Not so however by our ancient Vedic Scholars. 
See this fact:
"The pyramids have been eroded by the desert wind, the marble broken by earthquakes, and the gold stolen by robbers, while the Veda is recited daily by an unbroken chain of generations, traveling like a great wave through the living substance of mind."
But today, so many decades of years after independence, But today a different picture stands before us. Instead of trying to preserve and perpetuate its ancient heritage, and build upon it, the political party that claims to have brought freedom from colonial rule is trying to glorify the destroyers and even restore foreign rule! How do we explain this? For all the period after independence, the leaders have failed to build national institutions rooted in the culture and the history of the land. Instead, they have been trying to import ideas and models from their former colonial masters. This has now reached its absurd limit with the party claiming to have fought for freedom from European rule asking a European to lead them and the country! This is enough to make one wonder if these leaders really understand the meaning of nationalism. I hope   they do not . 

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