Friday, 13 June 2014

Wendy Doniger

  • Vvs Sarma From Katherine Mayo in 1927 to Wendy 

  • Doniger now  are systematically attacking Hindu gods and puranas 
  • sponsored by foreign governments and churches and our own 
  • Hindu-left-liberal-secular gang of self 
  • styled intellectuals are upholding their freedom of speech in 
  • slandering Hinduism. 
  • This is because our own brothers cut jokes on gods and such 
  • activities must be stopped.

Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty (born November 20, 1940) is an American Indologist who has taught at the University of Chicago since 1978. She received a PhD from Harvard University in June 1968, with a dissertation on 'Asceticism and Sexuality in the Mythology of Siva'. Doniger holds the Mircea Eliade Distinguished Service Professor Chair in History of Religions at the Divinity school of University of Chicago. She considers herself an expert of Hinduism.
It is her book, ‘The Hindus: An Alternative History’ was published in 2009 by Viking/Penguin. According to the Hindustan Times, The Hindus was a No. 1 bestseller in its non-fiction category in the week of October 15, 2009.
To give a sample of her scholarly work on the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, see how she introduces the story: she writes:
“Where Rama and his brothers have different mothers and different wives but share both a single human father and a single divine father, the five Pandavas have one mother (and one wife) and one human father but different divine fathers.
“In this disastrous levirate, two wives give birth to three sons (two of whom have, for great-grandparents, a female fish, two Brahmins, and five Kshatriyas, while the third has a Kshatriya, a female fish, two Brahmins and four slaves. Are you still with me?)”
[Quoted from “The pulping of Wendy Doniger's Book” - by Bhaskar Menon on 15 Feb 2014]
She is a perfect example of Sigmund Freud’s case studies of mentally sick patients and it is not difficult to imagine her mental construct of a Siva Linga, which she delved deep into in her Ph D dissertation. Wendy Doniger gets Ramnath Goenka award for spitting in the face of Hindus … This is Indian response to her scholarship. (A tweet on Twitter)
Shiksha Bachao Andolan brought a civil case in 2011 against Penguin India arguing that the book was insulting to Hindus, containing what they described as "heresies". BBC news shouts “Penguin India to Recall and Destroy Renowned American Scholar’s Book on Hinduism” and our self-styled historian Ramachandra Guha called the decision “deeply disappointing” while Cabinet minister Jairam Ramesh described the decision as "atrocious". People like Arundhati Roy joined the bandwagon.
Harvard supporting free speech is exposed by their treatment of Dr Subramanian Swamy for writing a newspaper article. The ivy league universities have enough of poisonous ivy. Beware. 
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  • 4 people like this.
  • Giridhar Mamidi It is always the case for authors to get 
  • into lime light for their commercial interests to deride soft 
  • religions and project 
  • themselves as thinking "out of the box", rationalistic and 
  • progressive thinkers, 
  • but in reality they are just half-baked professors with distinct 
  • revulsion to non-Christian thoughts.

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