Thursday 4 July 2024



Spare a little time and think for a while about action(Karma). Don't you feel that 'Action' is the insignia of life. Can you think of a fraction of a second yourself abstaining from any sort of action? Impossible. For that matter even remaining static is also an 'action'.

We can compare action with water of a perennial 'Ganga' river which will not laze till culminates into the sea. No impediments,no hindrances, no hurdles can stop its floe till it reaches its destination viz. the sea. So many impurities join with it. Still it remains pure. It has a purpose and it will not rest till it attains its resolution or commitment. That should be the attitude. The more the brisk your the more perfection you get in your action.

Having come into the world with somany 'Vasanas' and various permutations and combination of 'Trigunas(Satwa,Rajas,Tamas)'

we are destined to do our KARMAS good or bad. The control and concentration of our MANAS can help us move in the right direction. This can be attained by YOGA(Not the one on which we spend thousands or lakhs of rupees for want of health,beauty or tranquility.) It is a sincere effort to connect 'Self' to God.

Instead if you want remain as water in a pond with less action or no action, sooner or later you will become filthy,dirty coupled with foul smell. A stagnant water personifies inert, static or actionless person who is useful neither to himself nor to the society.

Bhagwan in Gita says:

na hi kascit ksanam api

jatu tisthaty akarma-krt

karyate hy avasah karma

sarvah prakrti-jair gunaih (Chapter3- Shloka5)

All men are forced to act helplessly according to the impulses born of the modes of material nature; therefore no one can refrain from doing something, not even for a moment.

Hence let us dedicate to do good.



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