Saturday, 12 March 2022

Who are Andhras?

Who are Andhras?

 It is not easy rather impossible to confirm the origin of any culture and the date of its origin. Different tribes, classes, and societies gradually combined over a period of time and transformed society had evolved. This is the evolution of a society. I have written this article basing on the research work of Brahma Sri Kota Venkatachalm garu who is a resplendent diamond

Andhra society is one of the ancient societies of India. One can encounter several tales about Andhras in Ithihasas like Mahabharata and Ramayana, in Puranas, and Budhdhist Jataka Tales. This confirms the ancient nature of Andhra society.

Andhras and Kalingas supported the Kauravas during the battle between Kauravas and Pandavas (The Mahabharata Yudhdham). Sahadeva defeated the kingdoms of Pandya, Chola, Odhra, Chera, Andhra, and Kalinga while performing the Rajasooya yajna, as depicted in the Mahabharata Chanoora was killed by Srikrishna in Madhura. Harivamsapuranam corroborates the fact that Chanoora was the king of Karoosa Desa (KarooSa dESam) (on the North side of Vindhya and on the North banks of Yamuna River) and was an Andhra  too.

There is a misconception that Viswamitra condemned the "Naramedha Yagam", freed Sunassepu, the Yajna paSuvu, and adopted him as his son. He asked his children who were hundred in number to consider him as their brother. While the first fifty accepted the proposal the rest lead by his son Madhucchanda opposed it and received the curse from him to become Aatavikas (Forest Dwellers). They became Andhra (not Aandhra) tribal people. They were cursed to be Vedabahyas (Not entitled to lead the life as prescribed by Vedas. This is a story happened in Yaivaswata Manuvantara i.e. 11, 98.24,226 approx. before.

Then who are Andhras? Yayati who ruled Bharata Khanda some 3, 10, 31, 034 approx. had a son by name ‘Anuvu’ in whose dynasty ‘Bali’ was born (Not Balichakravarthi related to Vamana Story). He had 6 Sons by name ‘Anga’ Vanga’ ‘Kalinga’ ‘Sumha’ Pundra’ ‘Aadhra’.

Bali divided his kingdom into 6 and each son started his own kingdom by his own name. Thus the subjects of Andhra became ‘Aandhras’ and not otherwise. Thus Aandhras are followers of Vedic culture and not tribal people who cannot create Chatur Varnas as per Vedas. As they being forest Tribals will not have access to come to towns and cities to learn Vedas from scholars, to learn ruling from Kshatriyas to learn tread from Vaishyas and to learn various services to the society by Shudras. Is it not ridiculous to imagine their going to all these varnas earn and equip themselves and build Kingdoms for ruling?

The following Sloka from Vyasa Bhagavata (9-23-Sloka 5,6) confirms the said fact:

అంగ వంగ కళింగాద్యాః సుంహ పున్డ్రాంధ్ర సంజ్ఞితాః l

జజ్ఞిరే దీర్ఘ తమసో బలేః క్షేత్రే మహేక్షితః ll 5

చక్రుస్ప్వనామ్నావిషయాన్ శాదిమాన్ ప్రాచాకామ్శ్చ్యతే l 6

Meaning, Raja “Bali’ with the blessings of Sage Dirghatama had six sons as said above and they created their own kingdoms to the South-East of Vindhyā in their own names.

Jataka tales were written during 200-250 BC. Tel River is a subriver of Mahanadi in Orissa. This confirms that Andhras ruled the region of ‘Tel River’ and might have been called as Teluguvaru (తెలుగువారు)

Andhra tribes established relationships with Naga, Yaksha, and Dravida (Deep South surrounded by Seas and not any separate sect or dynasty) tribes of Vindhya mountains who already were living there then. Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada are Dravidian languages. Rayalaseema was the first settlement of Tenugu (identify here! TENUGU is used here) people. Later Telangana was occupied. The name "Tenugu" transformed into "Telugu". From "Telugu" words like "Telagalu", "Telangana", "Telanganyulu" (a subsect of Andhra Brahmins), and "Teligiri" originated. A tribe called "Tailang" (taila'ng) in Burma is proposed to be related to Telugu people.

Tenugu (Tenugu) is the meaning for those who travel towards south. In Tamil and Kannada "ten" means south side (Dakshina Dikku).

One more thing to bring to the notice of the readers is that there is nothing like Aryan Theory as no races like Aryans and Dravidians what so ever have ever existed. Please continue reading the following facts the excerpts of which were taken by me from Smt. Satya Sarada Kandula.


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