Monday, 29 November 2021

Kerala and Calculus


Kerala and Calculus

According to Bhagavata Purana and the other scriptures the civilisation and culture had started in Kerala lakhs of years ago. The civilisation in Kerala is different from other parts of ‘Bharata’ is different in many facets. The Martial Art ‘Kalaripayattu’. The Keralites honestly trust that Parushurama is the founder of ‘Kalaripayattu’, Ayurvedam and Vedanga Jyothishyam. The Brahmanic and Vedic culture of Kerala also varies from the other parts of Bharat. Ayurvedic culture of Kerala is unique. People opted for naval rout alone could reach Kerala but not those who crossed Hindukush. ‘Vishu’ ‘Onam’ are the grand festivals they celebrate without religion. Kerala is the hub of all spices and Malabar cost in particular.

Saint Thomas among the 12 apostles of Chris said to have landed in the Malabar ((May be meeting of water with the base of the row of mountains.) cost. The first Indian mosque was built in Kalankallur (Kodungallur) by Muhammad ibn Malik. Mappila Muslims are but one among the many communities that form the first Muslim population of Kerala, as I presume. "Mappila' means 'Son-in-law'. Probably the intruders who got settled in Kerala by marrying Kerala girls are termed as 'Mappila'. For a true Bharatiya it sounds pathetic. Muslims are referred to as 'Yavanaka Mappila' and the Saint Thomous Christians are called 'Nasrani Mappila' and Cochin Jews are called 'Juda Mappila'. However the word 'Mappila' is heart rending t note that Kerala could not find any appropriate word for the immigrants.

Kerala gave to the world ‘Jagadguru Sankaracharya’ who is unparallel to any philosopher till date. Added to this Kerala gave many great mathematicians, Astronomers, and Ayurvedic Bhishgvaras (Doctors).

Though this introduction is unwanted and unnecessary for 'Kerala and Calculus'I took this as the opportunity to tell about the dominant religions other than 'Sanathana Dharma'. Kerala, especially Malabar stood as the portal for knowledge transfer. As an example the Syrian Catholics settled in Malabar centuries before and the Catholic scholar and Arch Bishop comes back to India and exports the knowledge of our Numerals to Western World.

Vaskodagama in fact did not discover India nor did he claim to have discovered in his writings. It is all the European, left and Muslim writers who distorted our History and the then Government cared a tuppence to the writings. He was said to have been helped by a Gujarati ‘Trade Sailor’ having trade links with South Africa especially Lisbon, who was provided by the then king. Pliny and Ptolemy (105=170 AD) also mentioned that the sea route and trade were well established with Bharat through ‘Kerala’. Muziris in the Malabar cost as mentioned in the writing of the then foreigners, is still to be located with its present name.

In the year 662, Severus returns again to his lost subject (Fol. 170) and says that the Greeks learnt Astronomy from the Chaldeans who are the Syrians, which might have gone overseas through voyages from ‘Bharata’. He concludes that learning belongs to all and gives as an example the Hindus who have found a means of expressing all the numbers with 9 signs. This is here the oldest Eastern Mention of the Indian figures. Which have been published in the journal Asiatique, Oct. 1910, p. 225-7.

Kerala has thousands of years of ancient Vedic Culture, rich heritage. We would have studied at the High School Level about

Geometry: Which is about their shapes and their properties

Algebra: About proportions and their relationships.

Probability: About chances and occurrences.

Calculus: Calculating the rate of change of any given aspect.

Let us elaborate this a bit. Suppose a cricket batter hits the ball, it will create a path till touching the ground. What is the Velocity of the ball at its peak height is the derivative and what the area is swept by the ball is the integration. These are the two main components dealt in Calculus. Coming back, let us think about when will the ball hit the ground in time? In a nutshell derivative or differential calculus deals about calculating the implied properties of the ball like position of the ball velocity of the ball and change in the velocity etc. Integration deals with magnitudes like lengths areas and volumes.

Let us just touch Khagola Sastra.

In fact Jyotisha Sastra and Khagola sastra are two different subjects.  While Khagola Sastra deals with the distance of the planets, there volume and their rotation round the sun etc. Jyotisha Sastra deals with the light received on earth by various planets and the relative effect on mankind. Calculus deals with 1. Time Computation, 2. Rate of change of planetary positions 3. Size and velocity of planets. In Fact trigonometry and Geometry also have their organic roots in Khagola Sastra. The root word ‘Trikonamithi’ is the origin for ‘Trigonometry’ and ‘Jyamithi’ is for ‘Geometry’, taken from Sanskrit.

Madhava of Sangamagrama (location with the modern name yet to be known), the follower of Aryabhata school of Astronomy, has been called "the greatest mathematician-astronomer of medieval India", or as "the founder of mathematical analysis; some of his discoveries in this field show him to have possessed extraordinary intuition". O'Connor and Robertson state that a fair assessment of Madhava is that he took the decisive step towards modern classical analysis.

Madhava laid the foundations for the development of calculus, which were further developed by his successors at his Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics (Certain ideas of calculus were known to earlier mathematicians.) in 14th century. He also extended some results found in earlier works, including those of Bhaskara II.


The Kerala School was well known in the 15th and 16th centuries, by the period of the first contact with European navigators in the Malabar Coast. At the time, the port of Muziris, near Sangamagrama, was a major center for maritime trade, and a number of Jesuit missionaries and traders were active in this region. Given the fame of the Kerala School, and the interest shown by some of the Jesuit groups during this period in local scholarship, some scholars, including G. Joseph of the U. Manchester have suggested that the writings of the Kerala School may have also been transmitted to Europe around this time, which was still about a century before Newton.

Charles Whish (1834). "On the Hindu Quadrature of the circle and the infinite series of the proportion of the circumference to the diameter exhibited in the four Sastras, the Tantra Sahgraham, Yucti Bhasha, Carana Paddhati and Sadratnamala". Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland which was collected and translated into English 200 Years ago, for Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. He wrote about the technicalities of Calculus, Trigonometry and Geometry related to Astronomy by the said school. This is the first recorded evidence of our indigenous Calculus, which crossed to overseas.

The Tantrasangraham consists of eight chapters viz.

1.       Madhya Prakaranam (Mean Longitude of planets)

2.    Ravigrahana Prakaranam (calculation of Solar Eclipses)

3.    Sputa Prakaranam (True longitudes of Planets)

4.    Vyateepaatha Prakaranam (Relativity of Sun and Moon)

5.    Chaaya Prakaranam (Gnomonic Shadow)

6.    Dushkarma Prakaranam (Possible errors and corrections)

7.    Chandragraha Prakaranam (Calculation of Lunar eclipses)

8.    Shrungonnathi Prakaranam (earth and Moon Positions)

Tantra Sangraham written in 1501 AD deals with the technics of finding out solutions for various Astronomical Problems. The original is in palm leaves in Sanskrit with Malayalam script. These chapters are totally dependent on Mathematical calculations related to the said branches of Mathematics. He defines π, in the book as follows:

व्यासे वारिधि निहते  रूपाहृते व्यास सागाराभिहते  l

त्रिशारादी विशा संङ्ज्ञाभक्त मृणं स्वं पृथक क्रमात कुर्याथ ll

π = 4(1-1\3 +1\5 – 1\7+ 1\9…….) is the exact meaning of the above sloka. Expressing a finite quantity like π, in an infinite series to gain precession is the foundational thought of Calculus.

This is in fact to be named as Madhava Series but unfortunately all the contributions by ‘Bharata’ were plagiarized by the Westerners and they gave their names to all of them without feeling any shy for their deeds. Let me bring to your notice a bare fact that all the contributions by Westerners are given to the world around 15th Century when the Britishers started occupying ‘Bharata’ and renaissance started in their country. Why can’t those people start their research work earlier?  Govinda Swami (800-850 AD) Newton-Gauss interpolation 1750 AD. I can give good number of examples like this but reading these mathematics formulae will not be palatable for the ordinary reader who is not conversant with advanced mathematics.

With regard to the quadrature of the circle, initially Whish had been convinced by his older colleagues, Warren and Hyne, to change his view and believe that the series had been given to the Hindus by Europeans, but he reverted to his earlier opinion when he discovered proofs of the results in the Yuktibhasa. He published a now famous paper On the Hindú Quadrature of the Circle, and the Infinite Series of the Proportion of the Circumference to the Diameter Exhibited in the Four Sástras, the Tantra Sangraham, Yucti Bháshá, Carana Padhati, and Sadratnamála which was published in the Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland in 1834. Whish writes in his paper about the results in the Tantra Sangraham, the Carana Padhati, and the Sadratnamála:-

The approximations to the true value of the circumference with a given diameter, exhibited in these three works, are so wonderfully correct, that European mathematicians, who seek for such proportion in the doctrine of fluxions, or in the more tedious continual bisection of an arc, will wonder by what means the Hindu has been able to extend the proportion to so great a length. Some quotations which I shall make from these three books, will show that a system of fluxions peculiar to their authors alone among Hindus, has been followed by them in establishing their quadratures of the circle; and a few more verses, which I shall hereafter treat of and explain, will prove, that by the same mode also, the sines, cosines, etc. are found with the greatest accuracy. ... Having thus submitted to the inspection of the curious eight different infinite series, extracted from Bráhmanical works for the quadrature of the circle, it will be proper to explain by what steps the Hindu mathematician has been led to these forms, which have only been made known to Europeans, through the method of fluxions (Fluxions are the technical component of Calculus as a subject), the invention of the illustrious Newton. ... it is a fact which I have ascertained beyond a doubt, that the invention of infinite series of these forms has originated in Malabar, and is not, even to this day, known to the eastward of the range of Gháts which divides that country, called in the earliest times Céralam, from the countries of Madura, Coimbatore, Mysore, and those in succession, to that northward of these provinces.

It would be fair to say that Cadambathur Tiruvenkatacharlu Rajagopal (1903-1978) was the first person to continue Whish's work. Rajagopal writes in 1949 in [10]:-

A little over a century has elapsed since the first attempt was made to mark on the map of modern scholarship this virgin continent [Hindu mathematics]. The person who sighted the unknown coast was, by an odd trick of time, an English civilian of the Hon East India Company, Charles M Whish by name. Whish's paper carrying the abbreviated title "On the Hindu Quadrature of the Circle", submitted to the 'Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland' on 15th December 1832, did not advertise his importance as the discoverer of a strange hinterland. There was little in the title of the paper to assure its readers that the material offered to them had with difficulty drawn from that stock of mixed mathematics which the children of Kerala had till then looked upon as its exclusive property; there was nothing in it which suggested that the author had overcome the exclusivism of the Keraliyas with the help of their pundits and princes - a help by no means easy to secure then, for, as we know today, the companions of our author in the civil service of the Hon East India Company were "fortune-hunting adventurers lost to all sense of public morality" who did much to alienate the sympathies of the natives.

Key contributions of Kerala’s School of Astronomy:

Madhava (1350 – 1420) Newton Power Series for Sine and Cosine 1643 – 1727 AD

       -Do-               Approximations for value Pi - Newton                   -do-

       -Do-               Taylor Series for Sine and Cosine Functions 1685 – 1731 AD

       -Do-               Lebiniz series for inverse Tangents   1646 - 1716

Neela Kantha 1444 – 1544 Lebiniz power series for Pi                 - Do -

Parameshwara 1360 - 1455   L’Huliar’s Formula of Cyclic Quadrilaterals 1750 - 1840

Govindaswami 800-850 AD Newton-gauss interpolation Newton-gauss 1751 AD

These facts say that Kerala’s contributions to mathematics are far older than the European discoveries if seen unbiased. It is certain that these Sanskrit works when travelled across the sea were translated into their respective languages and may be were owned by their renowned mathematicians.

The Kerala School of astronomy and mathematics was founded by Madhava of Sangamagrama in Kerala, South India and included among its members: Parameshvara, Neelakanta Somayaji, Jyeshtadeva, Achyuta Pisharati, Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri and Achyuta Panikkar. It flourished between the 14th and 16th centuries and the original discoveries of the school seems to have ended with Narayana Bhattathiri (1559–1632). In attempting to solve astronomical problems, the Kerala school astronomers independently created a number of important mathematics concepts. The most important results, series expansion for trigonometric functions, were given in Sanskrit verse in a book by Neelakanta called Tantrasangraha and a commentary on this work called Tantrasangraha-vakhya of unknown authorship. The theorems were stated without proof, but proofs for the series for sine, cosine, and inverse tangent were provided a century later in the work Yuktibhāṣā (c.1500–c.1610), written in Malayalam, by Jyesthadeva.

The work of the Kerala mathematicians anticipated the calculus as it developed

in Europe later, and in particular it involves manipulations with indefinitely small quantities (in the determination of circumference of the circle etc.) reminiscent

of the infinitesimals in calculus; it has also been argued by some authors that the

work is indeed calculus already. The overall context raises a question of possible

transmission of ideas from Kerala to Europe, through some intermediaries. No definitive evidence has emerged in this respect, but there have been discussions on the issue based on circumstantial evidence.

I conclude this article with a request to the readers that I tried to make this attempt above my stature, with inherent zeal than the caliber, to make them know about the great people of our Motherland ‘Bharata’ and not ‘India’.

References taken from various texts of eminent authors of our motherland and abroad for authenticity of the article.


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