Thursday, 23 December 2021

List of Christmas myths ( The Bible's story of the birth of Jesus by Steve Rudd)

List of Christmas myths 

( The Bible's story of the birth of Jesus by 

Steve Rudd)

MYTH #1: Christmas on December 25th is found in the Bible.

TRUTH: There is no celebration of the birth of Christ in the Bible on any day, but began through human tradition to be celebrated about 250 AD in the spring and on December about 325 AD.

MYTH #2: December 25 is the birthday of Jesus.

TRUTH: December 25 was the birthday of Mithra, the pagan God of light. In 325 AD, Roman emperor Constantine re-assigned the meaning to the birthday of Jesus, the true God of light. The Christian meaning over

MYTH #3: Mary wanted to spend the night at an inn, but there were no "motel rooms" available because the inn was full.

TRUTH: There was no space (room) in the "upper room" of a private house because other family members had got there first, not a public inn, motel, hotel etc.

MYTH #4: Mary remained a virgin until the day of her death.

TRUTH: Although Joseph did not have sex with Mary until after she gave birth to Jesus, Mary and Joseph had many other children: “Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers, James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? “And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” (Matthew 13:55-56)

MYTH #5: They spent the night in a separate building like a barn where the animals were kept.

TRUTH: There was no room on the upper floor of the house so they spent the night on the main floor of the house where the animals were kept inside the house. Most ancient Jewish houses had a common area on the main floor, including a manger where animals ate and slept at night, and an upper room where everyone slept. It is possible that there was a separate barn, but this would often be attached to the house directly.

MYTH #6: There were three wise men.

TRUTH: There were three gifts, gold frankincense and myrrh. There may have been 10 wise men, we don’t know, but each of them likely brought some gold frankincense and myrrh. Since these were common currency items of value, each wise man, regardless of the actual number, brought a little of all three.

MYTH #7: The star of Bethlehem shone over the manger the night Jesus was born.

TRUTH: The wise men did not come to Jerusalem until after Mary had purified on day 33 after the birth of Jesus. It was at that point the star began to move slowly ahead of the wise men till it hovered over the place Jesus was located. This means that the star was not hovering over Jesus the night he was born. The star shone over a house, not a barn or an inn. "And they came into the house and saw the Child with Mary His mother" (Matthew 2:11). It is never called "the star of Bethlehem", simply, "His star". The shepherds were directed by an angel (not a star) to the manger of Jesus the night he was born. The star led the "wise men from the east", who traveled at least 700 km from the Persian or Babylonian area, to the house of Joseph and Mary. This trip would take at least 30 days after the birth of Jesus when you average 25 km per day travel time. After Jesus had been circumcised on the 8th day in the temple, and Mary performed her purification on the 33rd day, Jesus may have been taken to Joseph's home in Nazareth and this is where the star led the wise men: “When they had performed everything according to the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own city of Nazareth.” (Luke 2:39). The star, therefore, might have shone over Nazareth, not Bethlehem. The flight to Egypt did not happen until after Mary's purification on the 33rd day. Only after this did the Magi arrive in Jerusalem. They were directed to Bethlehem, not by the star, but because Jewish authorities quoted Micah 5:2. However, the redirection of the Magi to an alternate return route coupled with the same hour of the night urgent departure, both lend weight to the star leading the Magi to the same house Jesus was born.

MYTH #8: The wise men arrived the night Jesus was born in a manger.

TRUTH: The shepherds came to the manger (Luke 2:8-10), but not the wise men came to Joseph's house. In fact, Herod orders the slaughter of the babies two years of age and younger. This means that the child would be well under two years old, in order that no error could be made in killing Jesus, but it also indicates that Jesus was older than a newborn.

MYTH #9: God wants Christians to remember and celebrate the birthday of Christ!

TRUTH: The scriptures do not tell us to celebrate the birth of Christ but to celebrate His death... and not once a year at "Easter" but every Sunday through the Lord's Supper. (Acts 20:7)

Thursday, 9 December 2021



The psychology of the Church is religious and political. They want a halo of martyrdom because martyrs and saints are fuel for the gargantuan engines of the Church (like jihads for Islam) without which it cannot sustain. As Dr S. Radhakrishnan observed, “The intolerance of narrow monotheism is written in letters of blood across the history of mankind from the time when first the tribes of Israel burst into the land of Canaan. The worshipers of the one Jealous God are egged on to aggressive wars against people of alien cults. They invoke Divine Sanction for the cruelties inflicted on the conquered. The spirit of old Israel is inherited by Christianity and Islam. Wars of Religion which are the outcome of fanaticism that prompts and justifies the extermination of aliens of different creeds are particularly unknown in Hindu India”. (The Hindu View of Life, 1927, Oxford University, p 55) 

Monday, 29 November 2021

Kerala and Calculus


Kerala and Calculus

According to Bhagavata Purana and the other scriptures the civilisation and culture had started in Kerala lakhs of years ago. The civilisation in Kerala is different from other parts of ‘Bharata’ is different in many facets. The Martial Art ‘Kalaripayattu’. The Keralites honestly trust that Parushurama is the founder of ‘Kalaripayattu’, Ayurvedam and Vedanga Jyothishyam. The Brahmanic and Vedic culture of Kerala also varies from the other parts of Bharat. Ayurvedic culture of Kerala is unique. People opted for naval rout alone could reach Kerala but not those who crossed Hindukush. ‘Vishu’ ‘Onam’ are the grand festivals they celebrate without religion. Kerala is the hub of all spices and Malabar cost in particular.

Saint Thomas among the 12 apostles of Chris said to have landed in the Malabar ((May be meeting of water with the base of the row of mountains.) cost. The first Indian mosque was built in Kalankallur (Kodungallur) by Muhammad ibn Malik. Mappila Muslims are but one among the many communities that form the first Muslim population of Kerala, as I presume. "Mappila' means 'Son-in-law'. Probably the intruders who got settled in Kerala by marrying Kerala girls are termed as 'Mappila'. For a true Bharatiya it sounds pathetic. Muslims are referred to as 'Yavanaka Mappila' and the Saint Thomous Christians are called 'Nasrani Mappila' and Cochin Jews are called 'Juda Mappila'. However the word 'Mappila' is heart rending t note that Kerala could not find any appropriate word for the immigrants.

Kerala gave to the world ‘Jagadguru Sankaracharya’ who is unparallel to any philosopher till date. Added to this Kerala gave many great mathematicians, Astronomers, and Ayurvedic Bhishgvaras (Doctors).

Though this introduction is unwanted and unnecessary for 'Kerala and Calculus'I took this as the opportunity to tell about the dominant religions other than 'Sanathana Dharma'. Kerala, especially Malabar stood as the portal for knowledge transfer. As an example the Syrian Catholics settled in Malabar centuries before and the Catholic scholar and Arch Bishop comes back to India and exports the knowledge of our Numerals to Western World.

Vaskodagama in fact did not discover India nor did he claim to have discovered in his writings. It is all the European, left and Muslim writers who distorted our History and the then Government cared a tuppence to the writings. He was said to have been helped by a Gujarati ‘Trade Sailor’ having trade links with South Africa especially Lisbon, who was provided by the then king. Pliny and Ptolemy (105=170 AD) also mentioned that the sea route and trade were well established with Bharat through ‘Kerala’. Muziris in the Malabar cost as mentioned in the writing of the then foreigners, is still to be located with its present name.

In the year 662, Severus returns again to his lost subject (Fol. 170) and says that the Greeks learnt Astronomy from the Chaldeans who are the Syrians, which might have gone overseas through voyages from ‘Bharata’. He concludes that learning belongs to all and gives as an example the Hindus who have found a means of expressing all the numbers with 9 signs. This is here the oldest Eastern Mention of the Indian figures. Which have been published in the journal Asiatique, Oct. 1910, p. 225-7.

Kerala has thousands of years of ancient Vedic Culture, rich heritage. We would have studied at the High School Level about

Geometry: Which is about their shapes and their properties

Algebra: About proportions and their relationships.

Probability: About chances and occurrences.

Calculus: Calculating the rate of change of any given aspect.

Let us elaborate this a bit. Suppose a cricket batter hits the ball, it will create a path till touching the ground. What is the Velocity of the ball at its peak height is the derivative and what the area is swept by the ball is the integration. These are the two main components dealt in Calculus. Coming back, let us think about when will the ball hit the ground in time? In a nutshell derivative or differential calculus deals about calculating the implied properties of the ball like position of the ball velocity of the ball and change in the velocity etc. Integration deals with magnitudes like lengths areas and volumes.

Let us just touch Khagola Sastra.

In fact Jyotisha Sastra and Khagola sastra are two different subjects.  While Khagola Sastra deals with the distance of the planets, there volume and their rotation round the sun etc. Jyotisha Sastra deals with the light received on earth by various planets and the relative effect on mankind. Calculus deals with 1. Time Computation, 2. Rate of change of planetary positions 3. Size and velocity of planets. In Fact trigonometry and Geometry also have their organic roots in Khagola Sastra. The root word ‘Trikonamithi’ is the origin for ‘Trigonometry’ and ‘Jyamithi’ is for ‘Geometry’, taken from Sanskrit.

Madhava of Sangamagrama (location with the modern name yet to be known), the follower of Aryabhata school of Astronomy, has been called "the greatest mathematician-astronomer of medieval India", or as "the founder of mathematical analysis; some of his discoveries in this field show him to have possessed extraordinary intuition". O'Connor and Robertson state that a fair assessment of Madhava is that he took the decisive step towards modern classical analysis.

Madhava laid the foundations for the development of calculus, which were further developed by his successors at his Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics (Certain ideas of calculus were known to earlier mathematicians.) in 14th century. He also extended some results found in earlier works, including those of Bhaskara II.


The Kerala School was well known in the 15th and 16th centuries, by the period of the first contact with European navigators in the Malabar Coast. At the time, the port of Muziris, near Sangamagrama, was a major center for maritime trade, and a number of Jesuit missionaries and traders were active in this region. Given the fame of the Kerala School, and the interest shown by some of the Jesuit groups during this period in local scholarship, some scholars, including G. Joseph of the U. Manchester have suggested that the writings of the Kerala School may have also been transmitted to Europe around this time, which was still about a century before Newton.

Charles Whish (1834). "On the Hindu Quadrature of the circle and the infinite series of the proportion of the circumference to the diameter exhibited in the four Sastras, the Tantra Sahgraham, Yucti Bhasha, Carana Paddhati and Sadratnamala". Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland which was collected and translated into English 200 Years ago, for Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. He wrote about the technicalities of Calculus, Trigonometry and Geometry related to Astronomy by the said school. This is the first recorded evidence of our indigenous Calculus, which crossed to overseas.

The Tantrasangraham consists of eight chapters viz.

1.       Madhya Prakaranam (Mean Longitude of planets)

2.    Ravigrahana Prakaranam (calculation of Solar Eclipses)

3.    Sputa Prakaranam (True longitudes of Planets)

4.    Vyateepaatha Prakaranam (Relativity of Sun and Moon)

5.    Chaaya Prakaranam (Gnomonic Shadow)

6.    Dushkarma Prakaranam (Possible errors and corrections)

7.    Chandragraha Prakaranam (Calculation of Lunar eclipses)

8.    Shrungonnathi Prakaranam (earth and Moon Positions)

Tantra Sangraham written in 1501 AD deals with the technics of finding out solutions for various Astronomical Problems. The original is in palm leaves in Sanskrit with Malayalam script. These chapters are totally dependent on Mathematical calculations related to the said branches of Mathematics. He defines π, in the book as follows:

व्यासे वारिधि निहते  रूपाहृते व्यास सागाराभिहते  l

त्रिशारादी विशा संङ्ज्ञाभक्त मृणं स्वं पृथक क्रमात कुर्याथ ll

π = 4(1-1\3 +1\5 – 1\7+ 1\9…….) is the exact meaning of the above sloka. Expressing a finite quantity like π, in an infinite series to gain precession is the foundational thought of Calculus.

This is in fact to be named as Madhava Series but unfortunately all the contributions by ‘Bharata’ were plagiarized by the Westerners and they gave their names to all of them without feeling any shy for their deeds. Let me bring to your notice a bare fact that all the contributions by Westerners are given to the world around 15th Century when the Britishers started occupying ‘Bharata’ and renaissance started in their country. Why can’t those people start their research work earlier?  Govinda Swami (800-850 AD) Newton-Gauss interpolation 1750 AD. I can give good number of examples like this but reading these mathematics formulae will not be palatable for the ordinary reader who is not conversant with advanced mathematics.

With regard to the quadrature of the circle, initially Whish had been convinced by his older colleagues, Warren and Hyne, to change his view and believe that the series had been given to the Hindus by Europeans, but he reverted to his earlier opinion when he discovered proofs of the results in the Yuktibhasa. He published a now famous paper On the Hindú Quadrature of the Circle, and the Infinite Series of the Proportion of the Circumference to the Diameter Exhibited in the Four Sástras, the Tantra Sangraham, Yucti Bháshá, Carana Padhati, and Sadratnamála which was published in the Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland in 1834. Whish writes in his paper about the results in the Tantra Sangraham, the Carana Padhati, and the Sadratnamála:-

The approximations to the true value of the circumference with a given diameter, exhibited in these three works, are so wonderfully correct, that European mathematicians, who seek for such proportion in the doctrine of fluxions, or in the more tedious continual bisection of an arc, will wonder by what means the Hindu has been able to extend the proportion to so great a length. Some quotations which I shall make from these three books, will show that a system of fluxions peculiar to their authors alone among Hindus, has been followed by them in establishing their quadratures of the circle; and a few more verses, which I shall hereafter treat of and explain, will prove, that by the same mode also, the sines, cosines, etc. are found with the greatest accuracy. ... Having thus submitted to the inspection of the curious eight different infinite series, extracted from Bráhmanical works for the quadrature of the circle, it will be proper to explain by what steps the Hindu mathematician has been led to these forms, which have only been made known to Europeans, through the method of fluxions (Fluxions are the technical component of Calculus as a subject), the invention of the illustrious Newton. ... it is a fact which I have ascertained beyond a doubt, that the invention of infinite series of these forms has originated in Malabar, and is not, even to this day, known to the eastward of the range of Gháts which divides that country, called in the earliest times Céralam, from the countries of Madura, Coimbatore, Mysore, and those in succession, to that northward of these provinces.

It would be fair to say that Cadambathur Tiruvenkatacharlu Rajagopal (1903-1978) was the first person to continue Whish's work. Rajagopal writes in 1949 in [10]:-

A little over a century has elapsed since the first attempt was made to mark on the map of modern scholarship this virgin continent [Hindu mathematics]. The person who sighted the unknown coast was, by an odd trick of time, an English civilian of the Hon East India Company, Charles M Whish by name. Whish's paper carrying the abbreviated title "On the Hindu Quadrature of the Circle", submitted to the 'Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland' on 15th December 1832, did not advertise his importance as the discoverer of a strange hinterland. There was little in the title of the paper to assure its readers that the material offered to them had with difficulty drawn from that stock of mixed mathematics which the children of Kerala had till then looked upon as its exclusive property; there was nothing in it which suggested that the author had overcome the exclusivism of the Keraliyas with the help of their pundits and princes - a help by no means easy to secure then, for, as we know today, the companions of our author in the civil service of the Hon East India Company were "fortune-hunting adventurers lost to all sense of public morality" who did much to alienate the sympathies of the natives.

Key contributions of Kerala’s School of Astronomy:

Madhava (1350 – 1420) Newton Power Series for Sine and Cosine 1643 – 1727 AD

       -Do-               Approximations for value Pi - Newton                   -do-

       -Do-               Taylor Series for Sine and Cosine Functions 1685 – 1731 AD

       -Do-               Lebiniz series for inverse Tangents   1646 - 1716

Neela Kantha 1444 – 1544 Lebiniz power series for Pi                 - Do -

Parameshwara 1360 - 1455   L’Huliar’s Formula of Cyclic Quadrilaterals 1750 - 1840

Govindaswami 800-850 AD Newton-gauss interpolation Newton-gauss 1751 AD

These facts say that Kerala’s contributions to mathematics are far older than the European discoveries if seen unbiased. It is certain that these Sanskrit works when travelled across the sea were translated into their respective languages and may be were owned by their renowned mathematicians.

The Kerala School of astronomy and mathematics was founded by Madhava of Sangamagrama in Kerala, South India and included among its members: Parameshvara, Neelakanta Somayaji, Jyeshtadeva, Achyuta Pisharati, Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri and Achyuta Panikkar. It flourished between the 14th and 16th centuries and the original discoveries of the school seems to have ended with Narayana Bhattathiri (1559–1632). In attempting to solve astronomical problems, the Kerala school astronomers independently created a number of important mathematics concepts. The most important results, series expansion for trigonometric functions, were given in Sanskrit verse in a book by Neelakanta called Tantrasangraha and a commentary on this work called Tantrasangraha-vakhya of unknown authorship. The theorems were stated without proof, but proofs for the series for sine, cosine, and inverse tangent were provided a century later in the work Yuktibhāṣā (c.1500–c.1610), written in Malayalam, by Jyesthadeva.

The work of the Kerala mathematicians anticipated the calculus as it developed

in Europe later, and in particular it involves manipulations with indefinitely small quantities (in the determination of circumference of the circle etc.) reminiscent

of the infinitesimals in calculus; it has also been argued by some authors that the

work is indeed calculus already. The overall context raises a question of possible

transmission of ideas from Kerala to Europe, through some intermediaries. No definitive evidence has emerged in this respect, but there have been discussions on the issue based on circumstantial evidence.

I conclude this article with a request to the readers that I tried to make this attempt above my stature, with inherent zeal than the caliber, to make them know about the great people of our Motherland ‘Bharata’ and not ‘India’.

References taken from various texts of eminent authors of our motherland and abroad for authenticity of the article.


Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Is Supreme Court an ISIS accomplice, Mr. Khurshid? By Sri S. Gurumurthy


Is Supreme Court an ISIS accomplice, 

Mr. Khurshid?

By Sri S. Gurumurthy

Hindutva depicts the way of life of Indian people, their state of mind and ethos.

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Published: 15th November 2021 09:32 AM |   Last Updated: 15th November 2021 09:32 AM | A+A A-

Senior Congress leader and former Union Minister Salman Khurshid Senior Congress leader Salman Khurshid (Photo | PTI)

By S Gurumurthy

Hindutva depicts the way of life of Indian people, their state of mind and ethos. Hindu, Hindutva and Hinduism cannot be confined to the narrow limits of religion alone excluding the content of Indian culture and heritage. Or confined to merely describing persons practicing the Hindu religion as a faith. Hindutva or Hinduism cannot be equated with narrow fundamentalist Hindu religious bigotry or as depicting hostility, enmity or intolerance towards other religious faiths or as professing communalism.” Who said this? Wait. It is only half the question. Here is the other half.


A book titled Sunrise over Ayodhya authored by an eminent political leader but not so eminent a lawyer and released recently says that the Hindutva movement in India is the ideological counterpart of international Islamist  terror outfits — Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Nigerian Boko Haram. Both have killed tens of thousands of innocent people, kept thousands as sex slaves and concubines, tortured and mutilated human bodies, forcibly converted people and waged war against states with the aim of establishing a global Islamic State consisting of only Muslims, and eliminating all others. What is that book and who is its author? The answer to both will make the full story.


The answer to the first is that it is the Supreme Court which in 1995 expounded on facts and ruled that Hindutva and Hinduism are the way of life, culture and ethos of Indian people. The author of the book who equates Hindutva to ISIS and Boko Haram is Salman Khurshid, a Congress leader, also a lawyer who asked the court in 2019 to reconsider its 1995 decision. Now, is Khurshid just equating the philosophy of Hindutva to the ideology of ISIS or Boko Haram? Or is he mocking the Supreme Court for expounding the ISIS-like Hindutva as the ethos, culture and way of life of India? Interesting questions which the Indian discourse is unfortunately ignoring.    

Convergent threesome

Khurshid’s party colleagues P Chidambaram, a better known lawyer and Digvijaya Singh, a better known leader, were at his book release event. They are an ideologically convergent threesome. Khurshid defended the terrorist outfit Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), banned by both the Vajpayee and Manmohan governments, in courts to get it declared as a peaceful outfit, and also wanted the Hindutva judgment uprooted.  Chidambaram, a better legal brain, used it as the Home Minister to fabricate the idea of Hindu terror as an equivalent to Islamic terror.

Digvijaya Singh had been endeavoring to create and sustain the image of Hindu terror for long. The three gentlemen share the view that either terror has no religion, or if it has, Hindu terror has to be innovated to give company to Islamic terror. Khurshid’s book now attempts to upgrade the idea of Hindu terror from local to global status by equating the Hindutva movement in India with ISIS and Boko Haram. Now look at what ISIS and Boko Haram are, with which Khurshid compares the Hindutva movement.

ISIS and Boko Haram

The ISIS claims to be the inheritor of the Islamic Caliphate founded by the earliest Islam to which it mandates the world’s Muslims should owe loyalty. According to the US think tank Wilson Center, ISIS divides the world as Muslims on the one side and non-Muslim Kufrs on the other, led by America, Russia and Jews. It celebrates “terrorism as worship of Allah as He ordered” Muslims. The Islamic Networks Group (ING) lists murdering innocents, persecuting Christians and Yazidis, forced conversions, human torture and mutilation of bodies, oppression of women, sex slavery, concubinage and harsh punishments as ISIS’ pastime in its endeavour to establish global Islamic rule.

According to ISIS has killed, between 2013 and 2018, over 28,000 innocents. The reported in 2018 that ISIS holds some 3,000 women and girls as sex slaves and gifts them to foreign fighters. Good looking girls of the small Yazidi community of 4, 00,000 are its first choice as sex slaves. An NBC report of 2015 says some 1,100 ISIS sex slaves are living in Germany.

Now come to Boko Haram. The Nigerian jihadi group wants to eliminate fake Muslims and establish true Islamic state in Nigeria. Reuters reported in 2015 that 2.3 million people were displaced by Boko Haram, and some 2,50,000 people ran away from Nigeria as refugees. The Independent reported in the same year that in 2014 alone some 6,600 were killed by Boko Haram. It is with terror outfits with such a record that Khurshid compares the democratic and electoral movement for Hindutva.

In 2016, 21 years later, a seven-judge bench of the Court refused to reconsider the Hindutva decision. In 2019, Khurshid moved the court to refer the Hindutva ruling to a five-judge bench, but failed. Having failed in the court, he has now written a book equating Hindutva with ISIS and Boko Haram. Is it an attack on Hindutva or on the court that approved Hindutva?         

SC views on Hindutva date back to 1960s and 1970s

The Hindutva judgment was not shaped by politics. It was rendered when its opponent, the Congress party, was in power and its exponent, the BJP, was in opposition. Hindutva entered the Indian political domain in 1991 to be precise, when the BJP and Shiv Sena had included it as their philosophic mascot in election manifestos. Their elections were challenged on the ground that Hindutva constituted a religious, communal appeal. This forced the Supreme Court to answer whether Hindutva was religious and communal.

In 1995, the Court ruled that Hindutva had an expansive meaning and inclusive content and was not religious. But the verdict that Hindutva was dominantly the way of life, culture and ethos of India was not an innovation by the court in 1995. It rested on a series of past Constitutional bench decisions of the Court on what Hinduism meant, including a remarkable judgment by the famous Justice Gajendragadkar in 1966 and the landmark decision in 1976 by a Constitution bench consisting of Chief Justice A N Ray, Jaswant Singh, M H Beg, P N Shinghal and R S Sarkaria.

The 1976 case had called for a judicial probe into the Hindu philosophy to decide whether a Hindu family consisting of a Christian wife and child could be regarded as a Hindu undivided family. In a path-breaking verdict, quoting precedents, the Court ruled that, Hinduism being not limited to religion, a Hindu undivided family could have Christian members — a most liberal decision indeed in the world of hostile religious ideologies. The court quoted the global literature, Encyclopaedia Britannica, to support its ruling on Hinduism.

Not religious, civilisational

Encyclopaedia Britannica makes nine profound points about Hinduism. One, Hinduism incorporates all forms of belief and worship without selecting or eliminating any; two, the Hindu, inclined to revere the divine in every manifestation, is doctrinally tolerant, leaving others — both Hindus and non-Hindus — to follow whatever creed and worship suit them best; three, a Hindu may embrace a non-Hindu religion without ceasing to be a Hindu; four, the Hindu is disposed to regard other forms of worship, strange gods, and divergent doctrines as inadequate rather than wrong or objectionable; five, the Hindu tends to believe that the highest divine powers complement each other for the well-being of mankind; six, the Hindu considers few religious ideas to be finally irreconcilable; seven, the core of Hinduism does not even depend on the existence or non-existence of God or on whether there is one God or many; eight, since religious truth is said to transcend all verbal definition, it is not conceived in dogmatic terms in Hinduism; and nine, Hinduism is both a civilisation and a conglomerate of religions, with no beginning, no founder, no central authority, no hierarchy, and no Organisation. Besides the 1976 decision, the 1995 decision pointed out that even in the Constitution (Art 25), the word Hindu includes Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs, implying that Hindu is not just a religious term.

The 1995 ruling also relied on the philosopher-statesman Dr S Radhakrishnan and historian Arnold Toynbee to hold Hinduism is not a religion. Toynbee said: “Hinduism takes it for granted that there is more than one valid approach to truth and to salvation and that these different approaches are not only compatible with each other, but are complementary.” This matches with the first six points in Encyclopaedia Britannica. According to Dr Radhakrishnan, Hindu had originally a territorial and not a credal significance, and implied residence in a well-defined geographical area. Aboriginal tribes, savage and half-civilized people, the cultured Dravidians and the Vedic Aryans were all Hindus as they were the sons of the same mother. For him, the Hindu is a civilisational idea.

The 1995 Hindutva ruling also quoted from justices Bharucha and Ahmadi in the 1994 Ayodhya demolition case. They had said, “Hinduism is a tolerant faith. It is that tolerance that has enabled Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism to find shelter and support upon this land.” If Hinduism were just a religion, would it have sheltered other aggressive religions and helped them to grow? How can the Hindutva ruling, which rests on such undisputed and unalterable philosophical, historical, factual and legal grounds, be intellectually disputed or legally reviewed?

Hindutva and Hinduism not different

Wayanad Congress MP Rahul Gandhi keeps parroting that ‘Hinduism and Hindutva are not the same, Hinduism is good but Hindutva is bad.’ Obviously he hasn’t read the Supreme Court judgments of 1966, 1976 on Hinduism, on the basis of which it had rendered its Hindutva judgment in 1995. Rahul cannot be aware that even his great grandfather Jawaharlal Nehru had once held the same views as the Supreme Court now. In his Glimpses of World History (1935) Nehru even accepted the concept of Hindu nationalism. He had said, “It (is) not draw a line between Hindu nationalism and true nation­alism. The two overlap as India is the only home of Hindus and they form a majority there” (p 720).

And he went on to say, “A famous disciple of Ramakrishna’s was Swami Vivekananda, who very eloquently and forcibly preached the gospel of nationalism. This was not in any way anti-­Muslim or anti anyone else. Vivekananda’s nationalism was Hindu nationalism, and it had its roots in Hindu religion and culture” (p 507). Nehru had no objection to Vivekananda’s Hindu nationalism. Writing later in the Foreign Affairs magazine (January 1937), Nehru emphasised that the “Indian background and unity is essentially cultural; not religious in the narrow sense of the word” — exactly what the Supreme Court had said in 1995. That Nehru changed his mind later, cannot retroactively alter the facts.

Maharishi Aurobindo had said in his famous Uttar Para speech that India will live as long as Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma will. Mahatma Gandhi said in his fundamental text Hind Swaraj written in 1909, in which he refused to change a comma or full stop as late as in 1940 that Sethu in the South, Jagannath in the East and Hardwar in the North and sacred rivers brought about the unity of India. There was broad convergence among Vivekananda, Gandhi, Nehru and Aurobindo on the Hindu character of India. It was blatant pseudo secular, minority appeasement vote bank politics that distorted the Hindu cultural foundation of India.

QED: Even his party colleague Ghulam Nabi Azad rejects Khurshid’s atrocious book equating Hindutva with ISIS! As Khurshid has equated Hindutva approved by the Supreme Court to ISIS, here is the question to him: Is the Supreme Court an ISIS accomplice, Mr Khurshid?

S Gurumurthy

Editor, Thuglak, and commentator on economic and political affairs


Thursday, 28 October 2021

Conversation between the software engineer Husbands and his wife

Conversation between the software engineer Husbands and his wife

Husband - hey dear, I am logged in.

Wife - would you like to have some snacks? Husband - hard disk full. Wife - have you brought the saree?

Husband - Bad command or file name.

Wife - but I told you about it in morning Husband - erroneous syntax, abort, retry, cancel.

Wife - hae Bhagwan! Forgot it! Where's your salary.

Husband - file in use, read only, try after some time.

Wife - at least give me your credit card, I can do some shopping.

Husband - sharing violation, access denied. Wife - i made a mistake in marrying you.

Husband - data type mismatch.

Wife - you are useless. Husband - by default.

Wife - who was there with you in the car this morning?

Husband - system unstable press ctrl, alt, del to Reboot.

Wife - what is the relation between you & your Receptionist?

Husband - the only user with write permission.

Wife - what is my value in your life?

Husband - unknown virus detected.

Wife - do you love me or your computer?

Husband - Too many parameters.

Wife - i will go to my dad's house.

Husband - program performed illegal operation, it will Close.

Wife - I will leave you forever.

Husband - close all programs and log out for another User.

Wife - it is worthless talking to you.

Husband - shut down the computer.

Wife - I am going Husband - It’s now safe to turn off your computer.

Saturday, 23 October 2021



(The following information is copied from Google. Anybody can read it and find out the truth by their search and research). Nothing is added from my side.

1. Gandhi used to sleep with girls of age between18 to 25. Very few people know about this but its true (for details you can read books by Dr L .R. BALI named “RANGEELA GANDHI” & “KYA GANDHI MAHATMA THE”) the girls who slept with

Gandhi accepted this. Gandhi used to say that he is doing all this for his BRAHMCHARI Experiments. What from his experiments he wanted to prove nobody knows? Gandhi himself accepted this that at the time of going to London for higher studieshe decided to keep himself away from MEAT, DARU and SEX, but he accepted that he could not control himself in the matter of SEX.

2. Gandhi went to South Africa just to earn money and name because here in India he could not do well, there he went mainly to save Abdullah & co. whose business was smuggling and charged very much for this.

3. In 1932, Gandhi collected crore 32 lakh in the name of “TILAK SWRAJ” fund, which was collected

For the use of DALITS. However, he did not spend a single penny on DALITS.

4. Throughout his entire life Gandhi kept on shouting that, he is in support of AAHIMSA. However, at

The time of Second World War he himself sends Indian army for the fight from England's side. AAHIMSA kaha gYI uss waqt?

5. During daytime, Gandhi spent the day in the Jhuggis but he spent the night in the rest house of Birla’s.

6. Gandhi advised people to live a simple life, but his simplicity was that when he was in jail there were

three women in the jail to serve him for his simplicity.

7. Gandhi did not open a single door of a Hindu temple in Gujrat his home province in India for the


8. Gandhi used to say that Subhash Chandra Bose is like his own son, but Gandhi went on hunger strike until Bose leaves his post in congress. Gandhi signed a treaty with British govt. that if he found Bose we will handover him to them (Bose was wanted those days).

9. Gandhi kept people in dark by saying that he was trying to save Bhagat Singh. However, the truth is that he never tried to contact VICEROY about Bhagat Singh issue. This all is said by the friend of Viceroy and Bhagat Singh named MANMATH NATH in his writings. Gandhi was scared to see the popularity of Bhagat Singh because his popularity was increasing of which Gandhi was insecure.

10. Gandhi said that if Pakistan is created, it will only happen after his death. However, it was Gandhi who signed 1st on the proposal of making Pakistan.

11. Gandhi cheated all Indians at ROUND TABLE CONFERENCES by not giving the details in proper & those details, which were true.

12. Gandhi started so many ANDOLANS & LEHARS against British govt. but after a month or so he withdrew all those ANDOLANS & LEHARS. Then what was the use of starting all those? What about the sacrifice of all those people who took part in those ANDOLANS? In addition, he never went to lead people in those ANDOLANS. Even Gandhi’s own sons were against him but I do not know why people were following him.

13. Now a days almost all Hindu people see him as a revolutionary, but what he said was "I have come here on earth to fulfill the laws of caste.” How can one say such a person as a revolutionary? A true revolutionary never thinks according to caste line, rich or poor. These are very few points there are many more truths about Gandhi. In addition, from above point’s you people can decide about Gandhi. In BABA SAHEB’s own words “Gandhi Age is the Dark Age of India”. BABA SAHEB has also said in an interview to BBC that “A PERSON WHO CHEATS AND KEEPS OTHER PEOPLE IN DARK, IF YOU CALL SUCH PERSON A MAHATMA, THEN GANDHI IS A MAHATMA..


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Tuesday, 5 October 2021




Seven Wonders of Jagannath Temple are as follows - (keep your scientific brain in silent mode and then read it. Still if you don’t believe this, better check yourself by going to Jagannath Puri- Orissa):

1. Flag always flaps in opposite direction of wind.

2. From any place in Puri you will find Sudarshan Chakra (Chakra at top of Temple) is facing you only.

3. Normally in daytime breeze comes from sea to land and in the evening, it is opposite but in Puri it’s totally opposite.

4. No bird or planes fly above the Temple.

5. The shadow of the main dome is not visible at any time in any direction.

6. The quantity of cooked food inside the Temple remains same for entire year. But same prasadam can feed few thousand people or 20 lac people; still it won’t not get wasted or never be inadequate.

7. In Jagannath Temple kitchen, 7 pots are kept on each other and cooked on wood fire. In this process, top pot gets cooked first and the bottom one last. After entering from Singhadwara’s first step, inside the Temple, one can’t hear any sound of ocean but when you cross the same step outside, you can hear it. Mostly we notice this in the evenings clearly.

It is the belief that Prasadam is cooked by Laxmidevi herself every day; only pure devotees of Lord can see Her inside the Temple kitchen, but I have yet to see a pure devotee.


Friday, 17 September 2021

Spirituality ( A small write-up)

 Spirituality (Asmall write-up)

Spirituality is an inward journey, carried forward every day. It's a journey where you shed your outer skin and come in contact with your inner self — the soul. 

I strongly believe there is a guided force that acts upon me and has helped me become what I am over the years. The battle between free will and listening to the inner voice will remain eternal. Similarly, in the debate over material and spiritual rewards; you cannot have both, as the path to acquire each is different. Ultimately, it's one's upbringing, consciousness and circumstances that decide the path you'll choose. 

I feel every person born in this world has a purpose, the difference lies in the fact that some realise it, some don't. Spirituality touches that part of you that isn't dependent on material things or physical comforts — it consists of things that make you happy.

I love to be in the lap of luxury; but I keep telling myself that desires don't last. The yardstick of luxury is different for every person. There's nothing wrong in being acquainted with the good things in life, but forgetting to draw the line is dangerous. I never forget to bring awareness to my daily tasks and remind myself I am a creation of the spirit of love and joy.


May we drink the life-giving waters always


May we drink the life-giving waters always

ओं शन्नो देवीरभिष्टये

आपो भवन्तु पीतये

शंयोरभि स्रवन्तु नः

OM shanno deviirabhistaye

aapo bhavantu piitaye

shañyorabhi sravantu naha

O God! O Illuminator of All! Grace us with the fulfillment of our proper end. May we drink the life-giving waters. May they always flow to us in peace.

This is the greatness of water and thus its creator. This small write-up i post for those who are ignorant of the ritual at the time of sandhya vandana or devatarchana, pooja etc.

After reciting the Achamana mantra, the devotee sips water from his right hand three times. Sipping water serves three primary functions in the performance of Achamana.

The first is to cool the throat and clear it of any physical impurities such as dust or phlegm. This helps prepare the vocal mechanism for the work of reciting the Sandhya vandana mantras clearly.

The second function is to awaken the vital powers of the human organism, driving away lethargy and drowsiness. This is important as the mantras must be recited with vitality to ensure that the vibratory energy they represent is properly manifested.

The third function is to remind us of our dependence upon the Grace of God for our survival. Without water, which is His Gift to us, we would surely perish and thus be unable to attain our proper end in life. We are here reminded of this fact, and this helps to put us in the proper state of mind conducive to successful meditation.

Therefore, the act of sipping water serves to initiate the preparatory work of uniting and harmonizing the physical, vital and mental aspects of man as undertaken through Sandhya vandana, preparing him for the supremely spiritual experience of Upaasana.
