Sunday, 3 February 2019

We have everything....

We have everything

We think we have everything

Without that one which is to be with in


We have tanks of no leakage

Equipt of branded pipage

But only thing ever to matter

Is, there is no trace of water


We have hottest dry summer

Also coolest conditioner

What we not have is the power

Which we can see never ever


We have cars so excellent

And too, drivers so efficient

But no roads with good surface

Which can add cars matching grace


We have huge, big and great banks

We have appealing and adorable schemes

More n more prospective clients

With great zeal we open many accounts

Then we regret for lack of infrastructure

By the time we get, 

We think of Going for restructure


We have five star hospitals

And too super star doctors

But to pay, the bill stays in the sky

To meet it is far high


When, one, we see in hardship

We extend then our friendship

And gently condemn apathy

Consoling him with sympathy

Bursting out in great emotion

And then taking gulping motion

We say sorry for his state

Leaving the rest for his fate


We have children tethered to there

Afield jobs n ersatz style

Earning wife n hi-fi life

Off springs n there opulent schools

Indic brains with US designs

For doyens, the eyes dried up

With no stock of least a tear to drop


We are wise we are rich

But unmindful of human touch

We think we have everything

Without that one which is to be with in

Cheruku Rama Mohan Rao


  1. So fine highly emotional about water. Current. Cars. Banks. Doctors. Children Riches. Etc

  2. Deep.... Solution may not be in school ..It is there in unity to defy the odds i guess.
