Sunday, 16 December 2018

Aping the Occidental

Aping the Occidental
It is very pathetic to blindly acknowledge the west with particular reference to US, anything on our face by them say it language, fashion, ideology, education discipline or anything we will be fond of ruminating it without evincing any interest to know about it.

The greatest damage done to our country, our Sastras and our scholars is securing our ancient authentic knowledge about anything they need, with their dramatics take away to their land and gradually declare it to be their own. After independence this is how they grab our ancient knowledge and never acknowledge.

Of course for about 800 years our knowledge was destroyed by disastrous conflagrations by Muslim rulers owing to their fanaticism and little literacy. Their after India was ruled by the most cunning western countries who cheated us by various strategies, by closure of Sanskrit gurukulas, by introducing English as medium of instruction, by misinterpreting Vedas and by introducing pseudo theories like Aryan theory etc. As the Indians were the oppressed they were compelled to obey the ruler’s dictates and gradually they got imbibed the trash thrusted on them to be true. Most of our traditions and culture gradually faded into pitch black oblivion. If, still any such thing which is called Indianness is there that is getting eroded by US craze by the present generation. 
 Let us just see what is making the present youth to get more inclined to go certain countries abroad.
The main factor is the currency value of the country like USA, Canada, Australia and other European countries as they have the highest value for their currency when compared to India. The other perception is that educational standards of these countries are far better than the Indian education system and where research is not a sham and jobs offer better opportunity and better quality of life. Heavy competition among Indian graduates with in the country. A fancy of exploring a different kind of world and people of different cultures which helps the students in gaining knowledge globally.
Let us try to deal with the above problems one by one. The first one is the low value of rupee compared to the said countries.
High fuel prices have a direct bearing on the non-food parts of CPI (Consumer Price Index) and WPI (Wholesale Price Index) inflation and it may have a bearing on the RBI’s decision to go for another interest rate hike in its efforts to contain inflation.
There is nothing the government can do to check the rise in global crude oil prices, nor can it do much to check the fall of the rupee as it is driven mostly by external factors. If the excise duty is reduced by Rs. 1/litre it might lead to reduction in revenue collections of around Rs. 7,000-8,000 crore on an annualized basis”. When the problem is clearly visible how to tackle deal solve and overcome, the problem should not be a problem for the Government. The clear sighted genii working for the government should be deployed for the purpose and arrange to put a check to the problem. So thus the low rupee value can be checked. Any solution needs a commitment.
As regards standards of education, I would like to quote an example. Let me at the outset tell you about the education structure prevalent in our ancient Gurukula system. The research of great Nationalist Sri Rajiv Dixit ji reveals that there was Gurukula system irrespective the place being a city town or a village. These Gurukuls used to contain the student strength ranging from 250 to 10 thousand and beyond. Actually this was stated by
Thomas Babington Macaulay in the British parliament which is said to be remaining as a record in its library. Answering to a question as to how the class is maintained where the strength is say, 100. He replied then the upadhyaya used to select ten bright students, gives them tips as to how to teach and bring up his class mate to a standard level. So each such student will be allotted 9 from the class. He equips them with adequate knowledge. Now I come to the example I wanted to quote. There was one professor by name Bruc Lipton in Wisconsin University wrote a book called Biology of Belief. He was not getting adequate money and hence switched over to a medical college in West Indies. There he found majority student not up to the mark. He told than to give rankings as 1, 2 and 3 let each student considered to be bright undertake 5 students and train them. The one who succeeds in getting his lot passed he will get 1st rank awarded with a Gold Medal. He could achieve 100% success. He also took his students to Wisconsin Medical College where they proved themselves brighter than WMC students. Is this not the practice that was adopted in our Gurukulas? Hence don’t belittle yourself and your country by adopting everything coming from them as a great invention. There are so many Indian innovations which reach USA get renamed in Latin, take a U-tern and come back to India. Now after obliterating the fools proof Indian education system and totally and blindly adopting Macaulay’s system our education standards have gone down drastically.  As the affluent enroll their children in sophisticated schools and colleges where these students in general pay all the importance to everything but not education. The poor and below middle class cannot afford the costs and hence settle with mediocre educational institutions. Where from we can get the standards.
Two non-resident US students used to come to me for learning mathematics and our traditions and culture. When I tested them I could find nothing exemplary in them but for speaking in English which is their native language. Another problem is competition. Yes, when the population is more the competition will also be more. Therefore the Governments both State and Central should show their sincerity to address the problem. If the leaders stand selfish, the subjects will not remain shell-fish. They come out and enter into seas and go overseas. Hence it should be a collective effort of both the Government and the country men to act according to their responsibilities so that the name of the country, the ancestors and the culture will not be jeopardized.
There is another point which, I think did not occur to several knowledge treasures of our country. Though this was prevailing like a shadow in my mind, I could get enough light on this by Sri Rajiv Malhotra. The following is the gist of what he said:
A very large but unacknowledged contribution, of Indian dharma traditions, has been in Mind Sciences. This covers psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, clinical therapies and metaphysics of mind. The lecture is a brief survey of many westerners who are famous as pioneers, but their appropriation from India remains largely unknown. These individuals include: Sigmund Freud, Jung, Ken Wilber, Stephen Bachelor, Owen Flaganan, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Stephen LaBarge, Francisco Varela, Kevin Thompson, Sam Harris, Herb Benson, Mind-Life Institute, Templeton Foundation, California Institute of Integral Studies, etc.
Mr. Rajiv Malhotra gives several examples of these people who appropriated great information from renowned information from genuine Gurus of our mother land reshape, re-characterise, changing the meaning in a very subtle way and giving it a Latin or English name that suits their plagiarised restitched version. How and why this is happening? Prima facie two things are achieved. 1. Westerners are intelligent and knowledgeable 2. Orientals with special reference to Indians are parasites totally inclined on Occidental wisdom. There are two more things I guess. 1. They get bulks of money if they brand it and spread as their innovation by patenting it. 2. The will be shot to international fame. 3. They will get considerable sponsorship from big religious and other Organisations of the like.

Hence it is imperative on the Indian youth to keep an eye on this to know the greatness of their ancestors, their inventions, and strive to uphold the theories and bring them to light. While doing so it is also most important to reinvent the technical words and thus language preferably Sanskrit.
With an urge to the youth that the time has come for them to think of their nation, its greatness and pride and contribute their mite to do so.


1 comment:

  1. Very interesting information given. But let's keep fingers crossed for the future.
