'Defalsification of Indian history
is the first step for our renaissance.' - Dr. Subramanian Swami
'In this falsified history, it is made out that Hindus capitulated to Islamic invaders. But on
the contrary,unlike Iran, Iraq and Egypt where within decades the country capitulated to
become 100 per cent Muslims. India despite 800 years of brutal Islamic rule, remained 80
per cent Hindu.The fabrication of our History begins with the falsification of our chronology.
is the first step for our renaissance.' - Dr. Subramanian Swami
the contrary,unlike Iran, Iraq and Egypt where within decades the country capitulated to
become 100 per cent Muslims. India despite 800 years of brutal Islamic rule, remained 80
per cent Hindu.The fabrication of our History begins with the falsification of our chronology.
The accepted history of no country can be structured on foreign accounts of it. But Nehru
and his Leftist cronies did just that, and thus generations of Indians have been
brainwashed by this falsified history of India.
and his Leftist cronies did just that, and thus generations of Indians have been
brainwashed by this falsified history of India.
The UPA has succeeded in persuading more state governments to accept the NCERT
texts. A report on Monday (January 5, 2009) said 12 more state governments have
accepted to teach NCERT texts in their schools.For the last two weeks the Organiser is
carrying a series of articles on the NCERT textbooks prescribed for students at
texts. A report on Monday (January 5, 2009) said 12 more state governments have
accepted to teach NCERT texts in their schools.For the last two weeks the Organiser is
carrying a series of articles on the NCERT textbooks prescribed for students at
the primary, secondary and higher secondary schools. We have found these books written
with a peculiar mindset, to denationalise and deculturise the young Indian. These books
fail to make the children aware of their true heritage.
with a peculiar mindset, to denationalise and deculturise the young Indian. These books
fail to make the children aware of their true heritage.
These books seem to distort even India's freedom struggle, Mahatma Gandhi's role and try
to divide the society into different caste and class segments. Their idea is to convince the
children that India as a nation came to exist only after August 15, 1947.
to divide the society into different caste and class segments. Their idea is to convince the
children that India as a nation came to exist only after August 15, 1947.
We request the parents, teachers, students and scholars to join this academic exercise to
expose the shenanigans behind promotion of these books in Indian schools. ?Editor
expose the shenanigans behind promotion of these books in Indian schools. ?Editor
The identity of India is Hindustan, i.e., a nation of Hindus and those others who
acknowledge with pride that their ancestors were Hindus. Hindustan represents the
continuing history of culture of Hindus. One?s religion may change,
acknowledge with pride that their ancestors were Hindus. Hindustan represents the
continuing history of culture of Hindus. One?s religion may change,
but culture does not. Thus, on the agenda for a national renaissance should be the
dissemination of the correct perception of what we are. This perception has to be derived
from a defalsified history. However, the present history taught in our schools and colleges
is the British imperialist-sponsored one, with the intent to destroy our identity. India as
dissemination of the correct perception of what we are. This perception has to be derived
from a defalsified history. However, the present history taught in our schools and colleges
is the British imperialist-sponsored one, with the intent to destroy our identity. India as
a State is treated as a British-created entity and of only recent origin. The Indian people
are portrayed as a heterogeneous lot who are hopelessly divided against themselves.
Such a ?history? has been deliberately created by the British as a policy. Sir George
Hamilton, Secretary of State for India, wrote to the Home Office on March 26, 1888
are portrayed as a heterogeneous lot who are hopelessly divided against themselves.
Such a ?history? has been deliberately created by the British as a policy. Sir George
Hamilton, Secretary of State for India, wrote to the Home Office on March 26, 1888
that ?I think the real danger to our rule is not now but say 50 years hence?.. We shall
(therefore) break Indians into two sections holding widely different views?..
(therefore) break Indians into two sections holding widely different views?..
We should so plan the educational text books that the differences between
community and community are further strengthened?.After achieving Independence,
under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru and the implementing authority of the
under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru and the implementing authority of the
anglicized ICS, revision of our history was never done, in fact the very idea was
condemned as ?obscurantist? and Hindu chauvinist by Nehru and his ilk.The Imperialist
History of India .
condemned as ?obscurantist? and Hindu chauvinist by Nehru and his ilk.The Imperialist
History of India .
What is the gist of this British imperialist-tailored Indian history? In this history, India is
portrayed as the land ?conquered? first by the ?Dravidians?, then by the ?Aryans?, later
by Muslims, and finally by the British. Otherwise, everything else is mythical.
Our history books today exhibit this obsession with foreign rule. For example, even though
the Mughal rule from Akbar to Aurangzeb is about 150 years, which is much shorter than
the 350 year rule of the Vijayanagaram empire, the history books of today hardly take
notice of the latter. In fact the territory under Krishna Devaraya?s rule was much larger
than Akbar?s, and yet it is the latter who is called ?the Great?. Such a version suited
the 350 year rule of the Vijayanagaram empire, the history books of today hardly take
notice of the latter. In fact the territory under Krishna Devaraya?s rule was much larger
than Akbar?s, and yet it is the latter who is called ?the Great?. Such a version suited
the British rules who had sought to create a legitimacy for their presence in India.
Furthermore, we were also made to see advantages accruing from British rule, the primary
one being that India was united by this colonialism, and that but for the British, India
would never have been one country. Thus, the concept of India itself is owed to the
plunder of colonialists.In this falsified history, it is made out that Hindus capitulated to
Islamic invaders. But on the contrary, unlike Iran, Iraq and Egypt where within decades the
country capitulated to become 100 per cent Muslims. India despite 800 years of brutal
Furthermore, we were also made to see advantages accruing from British rule, the primary
one being that India was united by this colonialism, and that but for the British, India
would never have been one country. Thus, the concept of India itself is owed to the
plunder of colonialists.In this falsified history, it is made out that Hindus capitulated to
Islamic invaders. But on the contrary, unlike Iran, Iraq and Egypt where within decades the
country capitulated to become 100 per cent Muslims. India despite 800 years of brutal
Islamic rule, remained 80 per cent Hindu.These totally false and pernicious ideas have
however permeated deep into our educational system. They have poisoned the minds of
our younger generations who have not had the benefit of the Freedom Struggle to awaken
their pride and nationalism. It has thus to be an essential part of the renaissance agenda
that these ideas of British-sponsored history of India, namely, (1) that India as a State was
a gift of the British and (2) that there is no such thing as a native Indian, and what we are
today is a by-product of the rape of the land by visiting conquerors and their hordesand
however permeated deep into our educational system. They have poisoned the minds of
our younger generations who have not had the benefit of the Freedom Struggle to awaken
their pride and nationalism. It has thus to be an essential part of the renaissance agenda
that these ideas of British-sponsored history of India, namely, (1) that India as a State was
a gift of the British and (2) that there is no such thing as a native Indian, and what we are
today is a by-product of the rape of the land by visiting conquerors and their hordesand
(3) that India is a land that submitted meekly to invading hordes from Aryan to the English,
are discarded. Falsification of Chronology in India?s History The fabrication of our History
begins with the falsification of our chronology.The customary dates quoted for composition
of the Rig Veda (circa 1300 B.C.), Mahabharat (600 B.C.), Buddha?s Nirvana (483 B.C.),
Maurya Chandragupta?s coronation (324 B.C.), and Asoka (c.268 B.C.) are entirely wrong.
Those dates are directly or indirectly based on a selected reading of Megasthenes?
account of India. In fact, so much so that eminent historians have called if the ?sheet
anchor of Indian chronology?. The account of Megasthenes and the derived
are discarded. Falsification of Chronology in India?s History The fabrication of our History
begins with the falsification of our chronology.The customary dates quoted for composition
of the Rig Veda (circa 1300 B.C.), Mahabharat (600 B.C.), Buddha?s Nirvana (483 B.C.),
Maurya Chandragupta?s coronation (324 B.C.), and Asoka (c.268 B.C.) are entirely wrong.
Those dates are directly or indirectly based on a selected reading of Megasthenes?
account of India. In fact, so much so that eminent historians have called if the ?sheet
anchor of Indian chronology?. The account of Megasthenes and the derived
chronology of Indian history have also an important bearing on related derivations such as
the two-race (Aryan-Dravidian) theory, and on the pre-Vedic character of the so called
Indus Valley Civilization.
the two-race (Aryan-Dravidian) theory, and on the pre-Vedic character of the so called
Indus Valley Civilization.
Megasthenes was the Greek ambassador sent by Seleucus Nicator in c. 302 B.C. to the
court of the Indian king whom he and the Greek called ?Sandrocottus?. He was stationed
in ?Palimbothra?, the capital city of the kingdom. It is not clear how many years
Megasthenes stayed in India, but he did write an account of his stay, titled Indika. The
manuscript Indika is lost, and there is no copy of it available. However, during the time it
was available, many other Greek writers quoted passages from it in their own works.
These quotations were meticulously collected by Dr. Schwanbeck in the nineteenth
century, and this compilation is also available to us in English (J.M. McCrindle: Ancient
India as Described by Megasthenes and Arrian).The founder of the Mauryas, however, is
not the only Chandragupta in Indian history, who was a king of Magadh and founder of a
dynasty. In particular, there is Gupta Chandragupta, a Magadh king and founder of the
Gupta dynasty at Patliputra. Chandragupta Gupta was also not of ?noble? birth and, in
fact, came to power by deposing the Andhra king Chandrasri. That is, Megasthenes?
Sandrocottus may well be Gupta Chandragupta instead of Maurya Chandgragupta
court of the Indian king whom he and the Greek called ?Sandrocottus?. He was stationed
in ?Palimbothra?, the capital city of the kingdom. It is not clear how many years
Megasthenes stayed in India, but he did write an account of his stay, titled Indika. The
manuscript Indika is lost, and there is no copy of it available. However, during the time it
was available, many other Greek writers quoted passages from it in their own works.
These quotations were meticulously collected by Dr. Schwanbeck in the nineteenth
century, and this compilation is also available to us in English (J.M. McCrindle: Ancient
India as Described by Megasthenes and Arrian).The founder of the Mauryas, however, is
not the only Chandragupta in Indian history, who was a king of Magadh and founder of a
dynasty. In particular, there is Gupta Chandragupta, a Magadh king and founder of the
Gupta dynasty at Patliputra. Chandragupta Gupta was also not of ?noble? birth and, in
fact, came to power by deposing the Andhra king Chandrasri. That is, Megasthenes?
Sandrocottus may well be Gupta Chandragupta instead of Maurya Chandgragupta
(and Xandremes the same as Chandrasri, and Sandrocryptus as Samudragupta).
In order to determine which Chandragupta it is, we need to look further. It is, of course, a
trifle silly to build one?s history on this kind of tongue-gymnastics, but I am afraid we have
no choice but to pursue the Megasthenes evidence to its end, since the currently
acceptable history is based on it.In order to determine at which Chandragupta?s court
Megasthenes was ambassador, we have to look further into his account of India. We find
he was at Pataliputra (i.e. Palimbothra in Megasthenes? account). We know from the
Puranas (which are unanimous on this point) that all the Chandravamsa king of Magadh
(including the Mauryas) prior to the Guptas, had their capital at Girivraja (or equivalently
Rajgrha) and not at Pataliputra. Gupta Chandragupta was the first
trifle silly to build one?s history on this kind of tongue-gymnastics, but I am afraid we have
no choice but to pursue the Megasthenes evidence to its end, since the currently
acceptable history is based on it.In order to determine at which Chandragupta?s court
Megasthenes was ambassador, we have to look further into his account of India. We find
he was at Pataliputra (i.e. Palimbothra in Megasthenes? account). We know from the
Puranas (which are unanimous on this point) that all the Chandravamsa king of Magadh
(including the Mauryas) prior to the Guptas, had their capital at Girivraja (or equivalently
Rajgrha) and not at Pataliputra. Gupta Chandragupta was the first
king to have his capital in Patliputra. This alone should identify Sandrocottos with Gupta
Chandragupta. However some 6-11th century A.D. sources call Pataliputra the Maurya
capital, e.g., Vishakdatta in Mudrarakshasa, but these are based on secondary sources
and not on the Puranas.Pursuing Megasthenes? account further, we find most of it
impossible to believe. He appears to be quite vague about details and is obviously given to
the Greek writers? weakness in letting his imagination get out of control. For example, ?
Chandragupta. However some 6-11th century A.D. sources call Pataliputra the Maurya
capital, e.g., Vishakdatta in Mudrarakshasa, but these are based on secondary sources
and not on the Puranas.Pursuing Megasthenes? account further, we find most of it
impossible to believe. He appears to be quite vague about details and is obviously given to
the Greek writers? weakness in letting his imagination get out of control. For example, ?
Near a mountain which is called Nulo there live men whose feet are turned back-wards
and have eight toes on each foot.? (Solinus 52.36-30 XXX.B.) ?Megasthenes says a race
of men (exist in India) who neither eat or drink, and in fact have not even mouths, set on
fire and burn like incense in order to sustain their existence with odorous fumes?..?
and have eight toes on each foot.? (Solinus 52.36-30 XXX.B.) ?Megasthenes says a race
of men (exist in India) who neither eat or drink, and in fact have not even mouths, set on
fire and burn like incense in order to sustain their existence with odorous fumes?..?
(Plutarch, Frag. XXXI). However, Megasthenes appears to have made one precise
statement of possible application which was picked up later by Pliny, Solinus, and Arrian.
As summarized by Professor K.D. Sethna of Pondicherry, it reads:?Dionysus was the first
who invaded India and was the first of all who triumphed over the vanished Indians. From
the days of Dionysus to Alexander the Great, 6451 years reckoned with 3 months
additional. From the time of Dionysus to Sandrocottus the Indians reckoned 6452 years,
the calculation being made by counting the kings who reigned in the intermediate period
to number 153 or 154 years. But among these a republic was thrice established, one
statement of possible application which was picked up later by Pliny, Solinus, and Arrian.
As summarized by Professor K.D. Sethna of Pondicherry, it reads:?Dionysus was the first
who invaded India and was the first of all who triumphed over the vanished Indians. From
the days of Dionysus to Alexander the Great, 6451 years reckoned with 3 months
additional. From the time of Dionysus to Sandrocottus the Indians reckoned 6452 years,
the calculation being made by counting the kings who reigned in the intermediate period
to number 153 or 154 years. But among these a republic was thrice established, one
extending?..years, another to 300 and another to 120. The Indians also tell us that
Dionysus was earlier than Heracles by fifteen generations, and that except for him no one
made a hostile invasion of India but that Alexander indeed came
Dionysus was earlier than Heracles by fifteen generations, and that except for him no one
made a hostile invasion of India but that Alexander indeed came
and overthrew in war all whom he attacked.?While there a number of issues raised by this
statement including the concoction that Alexander was victorious in battle across the
Indus, the exactness with which he states his numbers should lead us to believe that
Megasthenes could have received his chronological matters from none else than the
statement including the concoction that Alexander was victorious in battle across the
Indus, the exactness with which he states his numbers should lead us to believe that
Megasthenes could have received his chronological matters from none else than the
Puranic pundits of his time. To be conclusive, we need to determine who are the ?
Dionysus? and ?Heracles? of Megasthenes? account.Traditionally, Dionysus (or Father
Bachhus) was a Greek God of wine who was created from Zeus?s thigh. Dionysus was
also a great king, and was recognised as the first among all kings, a conqueror and
constructive leader. Could there be an Indian equivalent of Dionysus whom Megasthenes
quickly equated with his God of wine? Looking through the Puranas, one does indeed find
such a person. His name is Prithu.Prithu was the son of King Vena. The latter was
considered a wicked man whom the great sages could not tolerate, especially after he told
them that the elixir soma should be offered to him in prayer and not to the gods
(Bhagavata Purana IV.14.28). The great sages thereafter performed certain rites and killed
Vena. But since this could lead immediately to lawlessness and chaos, the rshis decided
to rectify it by coronating a strong and honest person. The rshis therefore churned the right
arm (or thigh; descriptions vary) of the dead body (of Vena) to give birth to a fully grown
Dionysus? and ?Heracles? of Megasthenes? account.Traditionally, Dionysus (or Father
Bachhus) was a Greek God of wine who was created from Zeus?s thigh. Dionysus was
also a great king, and was recognised as the first among all kings, a conqueror and
constructive leader. Could there be an Indian equivalent of Dionysus whom Megasthenes
quickly equated with his God of wine? Looking through the Puranas, one does indeed find
such a person. His name is Prithu.Prithu was the son of King Vena. The latter was
considered a wicked man whom the great sages could not tolerate, especially after he told
them that the elixir soma should be offered to him in prayer and not to the gods
(Bhagavata Purana IV.14.28). The great sages thereafter performed certain rites and killed
Vena. But since this could lead immediately to lawlessness and chaos, the rshis decided
to rectify it by coronating a strong and honest person. The rshis therefore churned the right
arm (or thigh; descriptions vary) of the dead body (of Vena) to give birth to a fully grown
Prithu. It was Prithu, under counsel from rshi Atri (father of Soma), who reconstructed
society and brought about economic prosperity. Since he became such a great ruler, the
Puranas have called him adi-raja (first king) of the world. So did the Satpatha Brahmana
(v.3.5 4.).In the absence of a cult of soma in India, it is perhaps inevitable that
Megasthenes and the other Greeks, in translating Indian experiences for Greek audiences,
should pick on adi-raja Prithu who is ?tinged with Soma? in a number of ways
society and brought about economic prosperity. Since he became such a great ruler, the
Puranas have called him adi-raja (first king) of the world. So did the Satpatha Brahmana
(v.3.5 4.).In the absence of a cult of soma in India, it is perhaps inevitable that
Megasthenes and the other Greeks, in translating Indian experiences for Greek audiences,
should pick on adi-raja Prithu who is ?tinged with Soma? in a number of ways
and bears such a close resemblance to Dionysus in the circumstances of his birth, and
identify him as Dionysus. If we accept identifying Dionysus with Prithu, then indeed by a
calculation based on the Puranas (done by DR Mankad, Koti Venkatachelam, KD Sethna,
and others), it can be conclusively shown that indeed 6,451 years had elapsed between
identify him as Dionysus. If we accept identifying Dionysus with Prithu, then indeed by a
calculation based on the Puranas (done by DR Mankad, Koti Venkatachelam, KD Sethna,
and others), it can be conclusively shown that indeed 6,451 years had elapsed between
Prithu and a famous Chandragupta. This calculation exactly identifies Sandrocottus with
Gupta Chandragupta and not with Maurya Chandragupta. The calculation also identifies
Heracles with Hari Krishna (Srikrishna) of Dwarka.This calculation must be necessarily
long and tedious to counter the uninformed general feeling first sponsored by Western
Gupta Chandragupta and not with Maurya Chandragupta. The calculation also identifies
Heracles with Hari Krishna (Srikrishna) of Dwarka.This calculation must be necessarily
long and tedious to counter the uninformed general feeling first sponsored by Western
scholars, that the Puranas spin only fair tales and are therefore quite unreliable.However,
most of these people do not realise that most Puranas have six parts, and the
Vamsanucharita sections(especially of Vishnu, Matsya, and Vagu) are a systematic
presentation of Indian history especially of the Chandravansa kings of Magadha.In order to
most of these people do not realise that most Puranas have six parts, and the
Vamsanucharita sections(especially of Vishnu, Matsya, and Vagu) are a systematic
presentation of Indian history especially of the Chandravansa kings of Magadha.In order to
establish these dates, I would have to discuss in detail the cycle of lunar asterisms, the
concept of time according to Aryabhatta, and various other systems, and also the
reconciliation of various minor discrepancies that occur in the
concept of time according to Aryabhatta, and various other systems, and also the
reconciliation of various minor discrepancies that occur in the
Puranas. Constraints of space and time however, prevent me from presenting these
calculations here.However, on the basis of these calculations we can say that Gupta
Chandragupta was ?Sandrocottus? c.327 B.C. His son, Samudragupta, was the great king
who established a unified kingdom all over India,and obtained from the Cholas, Pandyas,
calculations here.However, on the basis of these calculations we can say that Gupta
Chandragupta was ?Sandrocottus? c.327 B.C. His son, Samudragupta, was the great king
who established a unified kingdom all over India,and obtained from the Cholas, Pandyas,
and Cheras their recognition of him. He also had defeated Seleucus Nicator,while his
father Chandragupta was king. On this calculation we can also place Prithu at 6777 B.C.
and Lord Rama before that. Derivation of other dates without discussion may also be
briefly mentioned here: Buddha?s Nirvana 1807 BC,Maurya Chandragupta c. 1534 BC,
Harsha Vikramaditya (Parmar) c. 82 BC.The European scholars have thus constructed an
enormous edifice of contemporary foreign dates to suit their dating. A number of them
are based on misidentification. For instance, the Rock Edict XIII, the famous Kalinga edict,
is identified as Asoka?s. It was, however, Samudragupta?s (Samudragupta was a great
conqueror and a devout admirer of Asoka.
father Chandragupta was king. On this calculation we can also place Prithu at 6777 B.C.
and Lord Rama before that. Derivation of other dates without discussion may also be
briefly mentioned here: Buddha?s Nirvana 1807 BC,Maurya Chandragupta c. 1534 BC,
Harsha Vikramaditya (Parmar) c. 82 BC.The European scholars have thus constructed an
enormous edifice of contemporary foreign dates to suit their dating. A number of them
are based on misidentification. For instance, the Rock Edict XIII, the famous Kalinga edict,
is identified as Asoka?s. It was, however, Samudragupta?s (Samudragupta was a great
conqueror and a devout admirer of Asoka.
He imitated Asoka in many ways and also took the name Asokaditya. In his later life, he
became a sanyasi). Some other facts, which directly contradict their theories, they have
rather flippantly cast aside. We state here only a few examples ?
became a sanyasi). Some other facts, which directly contradict their theories, they have
rather flippantly cast aside. We state here only a few examples ?
such facts as (1) Fa-hsien was in India and at Patliputra c. 410 AD. He mentions a number
of kings, but makes not even a fleeting reference to the Gupta, even though according to
European scholars he came during the height of their reign.
of kings, but makes not even a fleeting reference to the Gupta, even though according to
European scholars he came during the height of their reign.
He also dates Buddha at 1100 BC. (2) A number of Tibetan documents place Buddha at
2100 BC. (3) The Ceylonese Pali traditions leave out the Cholas, Pandyas, and Cheras
from the list of Asoka?s kingdoms, whereas Rock Edict XIII includes them. In fact, as many
scholars have noted, the character of Asoka from Ceylonese and other traditions is
2100 BC. (3) The Ceylonese Pali traditions leave out the Cholas, Pandyas, and Cheras
from the list of Asoka?s kingdoms, whereas Rock Edict XIII includes them. In fact, as many
scholars have noted, the character of Asoka from Ceylonese and other traditions is
precisely (as RK Mukherjee has said) what does not appear in the principal edicts.
The accepted history of no country can be structured on foreign accounts of it. But Nehru
and his Leftist cronies did just that, and thus generations of Indians have been
brainwashed by this falsified history of India.
and his Leftist cronies did just that, and thus generations of Indians have been
brainwashed by this falsified history of India.
The time has come for us to take seriously our Puranic sources and to re-construct a
realistic well-founded history of ancient India, a history written by Indians about Indians.
Such a history should bring out the amazing continuity of a Hindu nation which asserts its
identity again and again. It should focus on the fact that at the centre of our political
thought is the concept of the Chakravartian ideal ? to defend the nation from external
aggression while giving maximum internal autonomy to the janapadas. A correct,
defalsified history would record that Hindustan was one nation in the art of governance, in
the style of royal courts, in the methods of warfare, in the maintenance of its agrarian
base, and in the dissemination of information. Sanskrit was the language of national
communication and discourse. An accurate history should not only record the periods of
glory but the moments of degeneration, of the missed opportunities, and of the failure to
forge national unity at crucial junctures in time. It should draw lessons for the future
generations from costly errors in the past. In particular, it was not Hindu submission as
alleged by JNU historians that was responsible for our subjugation but lack of unity and
effective military strategy.Without an accurate history, Hindustan cannot develop on its
correct identity. And without a clearly defined identity, Indians will continue to flounder.
Defalsification of Indian history is the first step for our renaissance.
realistic well-founded history of ancient India, a history written by Indians about Indians.
Such a history should bring out the amazing continuity of a Hindu nation which asserts its
identity again and again. It should focus on the fact that at the centre of our political
thought is the concept of the Chakravartian ideal ? to defend the nation from external
aggression while giving maximum internal autonomy to the janapadas. A correct,
defalsified history would record that Hindustan was one nation in the art of governance, in
the style of royal courts, in the methods of warfare, in the maintenance of its agrarian
base, and in the dissemination of information. Sanskrit was the language of national
communication and discourse. An accurate history should not only record the periods of
glory but the moments of degeneration, of the missed opportunities, and of the failure to
forge national unity at crucial junctures in time. It should draw lessons for the future
generations from costly errors in the past. In particular, it was not Hindu submission as
alleged by JNU historians that was responsible for our subjugation but lack of unity and
effective military strategy.Without an accurate history, Hindustan cannot develop on its
correct identity. And without a clearly defined identity, Indians will continue to flounder.
Defalsification of Indian history is the first step for our renaissance.
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