Saturday, 31 December 2016

FOUR WHEELER (Life is a Vehicle)

Life is a vehicle. May be two wheeler, three wheeler or four wheeler, but hard to be a mono wheeler. Mono wheelers are the Saints and Rishis who live for others by word and deed and whom we cannot find so easily. Let us first accept that we are ordinary people with many things in common. Even among us we may see some experts playing some feats who can be categorised as circus artists who work for money. Our crafty Babas of whatever religion with a sobriquet attached to them perform certain uncommon things in the guise of miracles. Even in this ordinary life, God, the ring master, certain times make us do feats without any preliminary experience even. Of course we are puppets in his hands.
Let us come back to life. I said life is a vehicle. May be two wheeler. If that is so its spread on the ground is less and is therefore more prone to fall down. The three wheeler will have balancing problem. It is much subjected to down fall in case of crisis. If crisis occurs it runs to climax. Therefore for a home led by the driver that is the head of the house, life is a vehicle. His ambition is a four wheeler though he starts with two wheeler. For an individual having family, the four wheeler is a car. The make model and brand depend on his abilities and capabilities.
However great the car is in every respect it should have the four wheels and the wheels with full of air. Air gives the car the stress, the tension, the resistance, but if it is not there, tyres become flat and the car halts or may be succumbed to a threat or accident. If the air is above adequacy the tire will get busted and it causes many a damage to the extent of it being even fatal. Hence the air is to be limited to the extent needed. That gives pressure to the vehicle to act on the path or the road to reach your destination. Destination is fulfilment of life ambition may be devotional or mundane, in this case.

Initially consider the four wheels as you your wife, your father and mother. Even when you get your children they will be under your care only and hence the wheels remain as they are. As the time changes you will replace the worn out wheels that is father and mother whose time is out, by yourself and your wife and your children will be the new set of wheels, I mean they are comprised of rims and tyres.

So now let us come back to the air. We have realised that stress given by air is must for the vehicle. But the air should have a check, otherwise you would not be aware of what is happening and what happens. This stress is of four kinds if you keenly observe. 1. Personal 2. Family 3. Professional 4. Social.

Let us discuss one by one. The personal stress may come from your sickness, from all the fatigue that you bring from the office, may be by some incident on the way back home. When you give more importance to your stress it dominates you and you will lose control on your mind and for a man with imbalance of mind anything may happen before he reaches home. If the tyre is punctured, it becomes flat and the car will have more friction and cannot run. So to maintain the stress steady, the medicine you need is laughter, and  its generator is called humor. This is a boon given to you by God. Make use of it as much as possible. That enhances or enriches your absorbing capacity. It always remains inversely proportional to stress. It enables the mind to be lighter and also enthuses it to think of solutions than harping on problems. I tell a small story. There was a big deluge in a forest and a person who doesn't know swimming was caught in it. Suddenly he found himself preceding a lion floating in the water. He caught the lion's tail and reached the shore. The moment he realised he is reaching the shore he could catch hold of the trunk of a small tree and saved himself the lion swam for some more distance and could go into forest. Here the point is holding the tail of a lion. Even if we presume that the lion knows that somebody is holding the tail, in such a big flow of water, lion cannot turn to catch the man. Hence both were safe. Here, for the man, though it is a threat, the presence of mind led him to the shore. That comes to you when you do not go on adding weight to the problem and on the contrary you take it light and start thinking of a solution. That is how you can keep the tyre intact. For this stability of mind you need one thing that I shall let you know afterwards.

Now let us come to the second one. While family aberrations are to be covert, your sickness is to be overt. What I mean is the family inconsistencies should never go outside. It diminishes the image of the entire family. Similarly a person who is ill should disclose to his friends and neighbors so that he may get a proper advice as to whom he should approach for the treatment. In the family front your spouse is the best person to share, provided you are in harmony with her. Of course it is reciprocal. Once you release your steam to another object you feel relaxed. Suppose there is very hot water in the vessel, and you want to empty the vessel without spoiling the ground. You take a towel and dip it in the vessel. The water will be suck and the heat reaches to room temperature. The cloth is your wife and the hot water is your stress. Don't overburden your mind by the problem devote it for the solution. Wife is the best friend philosopher and guide. Maintain excellent chemistry with her. She will lead the home front including your father and mother. When a problem occurs deal it with the member concerned separately and not collectively.
There is a sloka in Sanskrit.
Jaya duHkham jara duHkham
Janma duHkham punaH punaH
Samsaara saagaram duHkham
Tasmaat jaagrata jaagrata
So we are entering into this ocean knowingly. So you know you will be entangled in Samsara. Develop coolness. Never be over reactive when you get complaints, deal with every individual of the family separately. Control your emotions. For this also I shall let you know the remedy at the end.

Now we come to the third one that is professional. It comes to you through your higher-ups in the office, from your own colleagues, from the work pressure etc.
Here the rule that you must consider is 'Take things to your stride.' Here I tell my real experience. My boss with all the stress he received from his boss came back to his chamber called me inside and started delivering all the steam. I went on coolly listening to him and at the end I said good night and went home. The next day, as usual I went to office an hour before, and fifteen minutes later the boss came and called me inside. With all frustration, he questioned me 'Why brother you din't respond to my feelings yesterday evening and extend your helping hand'. I told 'Yes sir. I admit you told about your grief but nowhere did you mention me to accomplish the task. Had you had that faith you would have certainly taken my name'. As my Boss was too good a person and hence he immediately accepted his mistake and wanted me to accomplish it. Here is the twist. Because I know the psychology of my Boss I prepared a plan to execute to fulfil the desire of my Boss, as I was aware that he would ask me the next day about my opinion. He offered the task and I could finish it off ahead of the other Bosses of his cadre. This was a live incident that had happened. What I wanted to convey in this regard is that we should be of proactive nature. When you expect a threat be ready with a solution also. Don't overburden your mind by the problem devote it for the solution. Be proactive is the suggestion. Let us see its remedy at the end.

Here is the fourth one that is social stress. Your friends, neighbors, relatives, colleagues etc. All said and done you are in a society. You should have reciprocity, kinship and the frequency between them and you should have a fine tuning otherwise you cannot survive peacefully. It mostly runs by 'give and take policy'. Honesty and sincerity are the two tools that should always be with you. In this case you get the stress by their problems or their problems to which you are made a party. Any way you have to sharpen your thinking to find a solution but if you become panicky and run away from the problem the followers leave you and that will be another problem to you. So have clarity of mind, have a clear judgment of whom you are allowing closure to you, own their problem and try honestly to find a solution. In this case also if the stress becomes more the tyre will puncture. So how to overcome this. Yes there is a solution. We will start discussing about it now.

Suppose you run to catch a bus. You have an aim and you are running a race. But you are running alone. There is one more who can run with you if you surrender to him and beg. He is none other than God. When the God is with you, your RACE transforms into GRACE. So now you have realised the destination. What are the points to ponder there for? Your dedication, your devotion, your concern, commitment and concentration will certainly equip you with the necessary ability and stability to realise him. Once he is installed in your mind and heart he will instill all that is required for you to confront any situation without losing any cool. That comes by ‘Samadhi Sthiti’ and actually Samadhi means some death-like situation and not death. We mistake it to be burying a dead body also. But it is not so. The word Samadhi literally means Sama and Dhi. Sama means equanimous and Dhi means the buddhi or intellect. If you reach that kind of equanimous (Strong and Selfposessed) state of intellect, it is known as Samadhi. It requires rigorous practice. That you will attain after a long long practice.  But initially if you start practicing your emotion will start getting curtailed. That is, of the eight limbs of Samadhi (yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi)  you are practising Savikalpa Samadhi(According to Paramahansa Yogananda, in this state one lets go of the ego and becomes aware of Spirit beyond creation. The soul is then able to absorb the fire of Spirit-Wisdom that "roasts" or destroys the seeds of body-bound inclinations.) and that is enough to throw away all the dirt of stress and strain from your mind. You will become cool, undeterred by any external pressures and that will enable you to solve all your problems. ‘He’ has the fuel and mechanism in his hands. Your surrender will enable you to drive the car smoothly.


Friday, 23 December 2016



It is very much heartening to note that most of the present day parents do not have any iota of compunction in their minds, of what they are doing by taking away their children far away from this 'Sanatana Dharma'. My request to the present day parents is to spare a little time to ruminate on
1. What they have to do and what they are doing a lot can be learnt and thus make their children learn what is good and what is bad.
2. Any little opportunity they get to tell or teach their children they should grab it and infuse in their mind so many things that can remove the stumbling blocks and pave a smooth path for their children's movement towards the real treasure of knowledge of our Dharma. See this fact which I obtained from Google regarding the Christians. Most Christians belong to denominations that practice infant baptism. Denominational families that practice infant baptism include Catholics, Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, Anglicans, Lutherans, Presbyterians and other Reformed denominations, Methodists and some Nazarenes, and the Moravian Church. Are we nowadays inculcating the children to have trust in our Paramatma of any form.

3. Parents who teach English before/without teaching their children their Mother Tongue, parents who treat pilgrimages as tourist activities, parents who prefer to buy a cake instead of making ‘kheer’ on their children’s birthdays (just to avoid the extra work), parents who do think that feeding their children ‘eggs and/or meat, beef’ on a regular basis will make them strong (as against eating as per their natural diet), parents who feel that teaching about Sanatana Dharma, culture and heritage is a waste of time and money, all are the enemies of Sanatana Dharma though they don’t realize it yet.

4. Let anything good from anywhere be allowed by their children to be subsumed and in the process making them full-fledged or a complete personality and not a complicate personality.

5. It should not be forgotten that the biggest enemies of Sanatana Dharma are the leftists who have instilled or injected the media, education, temple administration, politics, unions, etc. They do not let any modern educational institutes teach about our ancient knowledge systems, they will not let any history books be altered, they insist on having only Islamic rulers in our school History books, they use our temple monies for purposes other than promoting Sanatana Dharma, they keep talking about ‘intolerance’ of the majority religion, want our country to be split into a hundred pieces and God know what else. All this is in the open and still nobody is seemingly able to stop them. A failed system which is now trying to destroy our heritage and culture.

6. Some pseudo scholars teach or preach that past is past and look at the present. Let us see one thing. Any corporate organisation draws its inferences from the past performance and the impediments that came across to abstruct the growth. Taking care of those things the organisation marches ahead. If not so the history repeats.

7. Valmiki and Vyasa exhorted abut forbearance. They said 'Kshamaya nishtitaam jagath'. But they never condemned slaying Ravana and Duryodhana. Hence we should know about the past to pave path for the future with due precautions lest we are making ourselves instrumental to allow the foreign bodies into our Sanathana Dharma.

8. If children are the peas and beans the parents are the pods. They should first learn to protect their children from the menace expected to be caused by the so called religions who more trust in Jihad and Crusades.

Though 'Offence is best course of defense' we need not go for it but we should be equipped with all the arms and ammunition to confront such delinquent and  reprobate organisations who always feel that what all they think or do is correct.


Sunday, 18 December 2016



Yajnavalkya who wrote the Shatapatha Brahmana (as well as the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad)
in which he describes the motion of the sun and the moon and advances a 95 year cycle
to synchronize the motions of the sun and the moon
Lagadha who authored the Jyotisha Vedanga
Baudhayana the author of the Sulvasutra named after him
Apastambha “
Katyayana “
Panini the Grammarian for the Indo Europeans
Pingala Binary System of number representation.

Aryabhata the astronomer laureate of ancient India. He goes into great detail describing the celestial relationship between the Earth and the cosmos in his Aryabhatiya He was the first man to give Sin Tables to the world not any other European. He was the first Shastrajnya who discovered ‘0’ from Vedas.
Varahamihira who synthesized the knowledge of celestial movements and also jyothisha Shastra. His Brihatsamhitha contains architecture, temples, planetary motions, eclipses, timekeeping, astrology, seasons, cloud formation, rainfall, agriculture, mathematics, gemology, perfumes and many other topics.
The author of the Jaina treatises the Suryaprajnapati, Chandraprajnapati and the seventh section of Jambudvipaprajnapati

These are only a few. In fact the list is very very long.


Saturday, 3 December 2016



A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. — Cicero
Under the guise of ‘Secularism’, people in power conveniently peddling anti-religious measures against certain community, rather than being non-religious(religion neutral)…The definition needs to be amended and redefined in order to protect it’s sanctity from the clutches of the miserable anti-national clan.
The plot of the novel SATANIC VERSES starts with Prophet Muhammad’s biography by the greatest Middle Age historian Al Tabari. Tabari records that when the Quraysh
(A powerful merchant tribe that controlled Mecca and its Kaaba and that, according to Islamic tradition, descended from Ishmael.
 Islamic prophet Muhammad was born into the Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe. )started opposing Muhammad’s mission in Mecca and even started persecuting his followers, to reduce the tension and patch up reconciliation, he had recited a verse (53:21) that gave the Arab goddesses Al-Lat, Al-Manat and Al-Uzza power to intercede with Allah. That verse greatly elated the Quraysh. They joined Muhammad in prostration at the Kaba, thinking that from now Islam and their ancestral religion could coexist peacefully in Mecca. But later on, Muhammad annulled that verse and removed it from the Quran, saying that it was not from Allah, but the Satan had put it on his tongue. This Satan’s verse controversy formed the plot of Salman Rushdie’s novel, “The Satanic Verses”. Therefore, Rushdie did not depict the entire Quran as verses of the Satan, nor did he invent the Satanic Verse idea.


Vedas and Bible Comparison of God

Vedas and Bible

Providence showers mercy
On the most heinous sinners even
May we be sinless
Before Merciful God !
And endeavour to rise high
By following the universal laws
Of the Eternal Almighty.
                      - Rig Veda 7/87/7
According to Holy Vedas, Creator of the cosmos is benign Father of all creatures.  Father never harms his children.  He may scold his children but never destroys them.  God Almighty, being beneficent Father of all His children, never hurts and harms them.  He is ocean of mercy which is showered on all equally and impartially.  He pours His benign bliss, bounty and benediction on all beings.  It is His grace, greatness, grandeur and glory.

Oh Loving Lord
It is Thy divine grace and glory
Grandeur and truthfulness
That Thou bestowest
Thy bliss and benediction
On Thy devotees.
                      - Rig Veda 1/1/6

(i) Biblical God massacred all first-born babies 

At midnight God killed all the first-born babies, both human and animal, in the land of Egypt.
20. 29. And it came to pass, that at midnight the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle.
                                                                                                      Old Testament - Exodus , 12/29
Colin Maine, the renowned Welsh writer (now settled in Australia), states fearlessly :
If we examine the Bible-both Old and New Testaments-we find that the Bible god is more of a sadistic monster than a god of love.  If he were to appear on earth as a human being, he would most likely be incarcerated in a mental hospital as a dangerous psychopath. (43)
Old Testament
- Colin Maine
James Anthony Foude opines :
I will not, I must not believe that the all just, all merciful, all good (Christian) God can be such a Being as I find Him there (in the Bible) described. (44)
- James Anthony Foude
(ii) Biblical God killed the Jews by sending fiery serpents
21. 6. And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.
Old Testament - Numbers, 21/6
What was their offence ? They spoke against the Lord and against Moses.(iii) Biblical God got the Jews swallowed alive by the earth

22. 32. And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them (the Jews) up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods.
                                                                                         Old Testament- Numbers, 16/32

23. 33. They (the Jews), and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them ; and they perished from among the congregation.
- Numbers, 16/33
What was their offence ? Because they gathered themselves and spoke against Moses and Aaron.



India has once again successfully foiled an attempt by a major European major dermaceutical company to take patent on a medicinal composition containing turmeric, pine bark and green tea for treating hair loss.

“India once again has been successful in protecting its traditional knowledge by preventing an attempt made by Europe’s leading dermaceutical laboratory — Pangaea Laboratories Limited, to take patent on a medicinal composition containing turmeric, pine bark and green tea for treating hair loss,” an official statement issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology said.

Traditionally Ayurvedic doctors did not even charge to maintain the people’s health, they took minimal support from pious Kings for the welfare of the citizens of the state. Still today, Ayurvedic medicines are very reasonably priced because the remedies, the herbs and ingredients are accepted as a gift from the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna and God’s incarnation Sri Dhanvantari. As long as those caring for the remedies are not greedy money-minded, the knowledge and right to produce Ayurvedic remedies can be kept pure with India and distributed for the benefit of the whole world. When those in so-called positions to sell the Lord’s blessing on mankind desire to “make some money out of such “so-called” if at all treasures?!!” to the godless westerners, who are very expert at changing (read polluting) and overpricing everything, then all will lose. Good this time, things were done right.

For more than 200 years Portuguese , Dutch and more so British looted this country of gold . spices , killed indigenous hand woven clothing , after 400 years of looting by marauding tribes that came from Afghanistan , Mongolia etc in the name of religion . All because the people of this country that is Bharat , were divided despite belonging to the same religion , culture .
Now all MNCs after advertising their so called beauty products , fooling even the educated , are finding it difficult to continue to sell. They have now resorted to poaching Ancient Ayurveda which was thrown to dust by British brain washing .
Arise you Indians , learn your ancient potential , and try to live with the home grown medicinal herbs abundant in India.