Catholic Church in Rwanda apologised 1994 genocide
In the spring of 1994, violence erupted in Rwanda after a plane carrying then
president Juvenal Habyarimana was shot down. Thousands of ethnic Tutsis, a
minority group who became a target after Habyarimana’s death, sought refuge in
the country’s Catholic and Protestant churches.
Hutu militia surrounded the churches, shooting into the crowd, throwing grenades
into the building, and killing those inside with machetes. According to witness
accounts, many died at the hands of priests, nuns, and clergymen. “More
Rwandese citizens died in churches and parishes than anywhere else,” the group
African Rights, wrote in an account of the violence, in 1995.
**The Catholic Church in Rwanda apologised on Sunday for the Church’s role in the said genocide, saying it regretted the actions of those who participated in the
“We apologize for all the wrongs the Church committed. We apologize on behalf of
all Christians for all forms of wrongs we committed. We regret that Church
members violated [their] oath of allegiance to God’s commandments,” said the
statement by the Conference of Catholic Bishops, which was read out in parishes
across the country.
The statement acknowledged that Church members planned, aided and carried out the genocide, in which more than 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus were
killed by Hutu extremists. ** (** - The Guardian, 21 November 2016)
Can it suffice the broken hearts of the kin of the victims? So the essence of the
episode is do whatever you want, we have such a God with us who will condone
every sin of us and keep a place in heaven for us when we reach there.
sreyan sva-dharmo vigunah para-dharmat svanusthitat
sva-dharme nidhanam sreyah para-dharmo bhayavahah
Know and follow your swadharma that must be your aptitude
It is always better to die following your own dharma than to embrace any other religion. Their's is only religion and not Dharma the way of life.
The image is showing the head priest standing before and looking at the wall
hanger (let us say) containing numerous skulls
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