Wednesday, 29 November 2023

 Great Mathematician Madhava of Kerala

Till 800 years before invasions, knowledge florished and it had grown by leaps and bounds. Among the invaders, the uneducated barbarians destroyed our knowledge by vandalising our treasures of books and the other set of cunning people who ruled for about 300 years plagiarised our remaining knowledge and presented our own old wine in their new bottle. Afterwords, during the first 500 years where the converts also followed the traditions and customs, with particular reference to Kerala knowledge flew though in a snail's pace. Hence great astronomers and mathematicians, ayurvedic exponents emerged in that region.

Madhava is one such great personolities whose contribution to Astronomy, Geometry, Trigonometry and Calculus are remarkable.


Please read the article in the following link.

Madhava of Sangama grama is an Indian mathematician from the 14th century and is also known to be a great astronomer. He was born in the Indian state of Kerala in 1350. Very less is known about the early education of Madhava, but his great contributions in mathematics and astronomy are still widely acknowledged. He is famous for establishing the Kerala School of Astronomy and Mathematics.

List and Biographies of Great Mathematicians

Madhava of Sangamagrama is an Indian mathematician from the 14th century and is also known to be a great astronomer. He was born in the Indian state of Kerala in 1350. Very less is known about the early education of Madhava, but his great contributions in mathematics and astronomy are still widely acknowledged. He is famous for establishing the Kerala School of Astronomy and Mathematics.

Many of the mathematicians who came after Madhava and worked further on his discoveries have been found to refer to him and acknowledge his work in their publications. But, most of Madhava’s own work cannot be found today. Madhava did a lot of work and contributed to various subjects of mathematics. Some of them include;Infinite series,

Trigonometric functions can also be expressed through infinite series; many of these series were discovered by Madhava. The series that he derived and proved include;

Madhava’s sine series (power series for sine)

Madhava’s cosine series (power series for cosine)

MadhavaGregory series or GregoryMadhava series (power series for inverse tangents)

Madhava’s formula for π (obtained by expansion of power series for inverse tangents)

These series initially written by Madhava (as his successors show in their books) later got rediscovered by mathematicians of the West who represented those using modern notations. For instance, Madhava’s sine series and cosine series got rediscovered by Isaac Newton in 1670, Madhava’s series for arctangent got rediscovered by James Gregory in 1671 while in 1676 Wilhelm Leibniz rediscovered all of Madhava’s series. This is the reason his series are often known as Leibniz series.

Madhava also discovered applications of his infinite series by expanding them. One of them was his formula for pi through which he obtained the value of pi up to 13 decimal places. This formula is also popular by the name of MadhavaNewton series or MadhavaLeibniz series or Leibniz formula for pi or LeibnitzGregoryMadhava series due to its rediscovery by Gregory in 1671 and later by Leibniz in 1676.


By constructing the table of sines; Madhava applied his infinite series in trigonometry as well. In this table, he gave trigonometric sine values corresponding to twenty four angles that represented equal intervals in a circle.


Madhava’s contributions in algebra are also phenomenal. Some of his algebraic works include;

Rational fractions of π

Polynomial expansion methods

Convergence of infinite series

Infinite continued fractions

Use of iteration to solve transcendental equations

Use of continued fractions for approximation of transcendental numbers


Madhava took some results of the earlier mathematicians and worked on them. Many of his results formed basis for prominent future developments in calculus.

Kerala School of Astronomy and Mathematics

Kerala School of Astronomy and Mathematics was a great initiative taken by Madhava that led many intelligent minds onto the path of new discoveries. This school ran for about two centuries after Madhava and it brought forth many researches and discoveries in the fields of mathematics, astronomy and linguistics.


This great Indian mathematician died in 1425. Many mathematicians are of the opinion that works done by Madhava and others from the Kerala School got transferred to Europe by the Jesuit missionaries and traders who were very active in that region of India in the 14th and 15th centuries.

Swasti. that region of India in the 14th and 15th centuries.

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Northern Lights

What are the Northern Lights? According to the ancient Vedic teachings, the north pole contains the pivot of the universal earth plane in the form of the magnetic Meru Mountain (hence compasses point to the North Pole), and all stars revolve around that pivot like lights on a spinning chandelier.

On top of this universal mountain, which crosses both physical and higher dimensional realms, are divine beings, and this concept is found in the folklore of many ancient cultures, for example stories of Mount Olympus and Zeus. The words themselves are even cognates derived from the older traditions: Zeus -> Dyaus, in Sanskrit Dyau Pitar(ద్యౌ+పితర్), literally the “Sky Father”, later becoming Jupiter. So, these concepts of Zeus and Jupiter were borrowed from older Vedic traditions, as was the idea of a universal mountain upon which divine beings reside at the center of the earth plane.

These divine beings were called in Sanskrit as Devas, which means “the effulgent shining ones”. Dyo (ద్యో, ద్యు+తి అనగా వెలుగు. మనము aura అంటాము. మానవులలో చర్మ చక్షువునకు అది కనిపించదు, దేవతల విషయములో అది కనిపిస్తుంది. ద్యు నుండి దివి, దివి నుండి దేవత పుట్టినాయి.) In fact, the very English word “divine” etymologically comes from the Sanskrit word “deva”, and this can easily be understood that it is a cognate of Deva.

The English word divine, the word deity, the Greek word dios (“divine”) and the latin word deus (“God”) all come from this original Sanskrit concept of deva (“effulgent beings”) and dyaus, the effulgent “sky father”. Nearly every ancient culture of the world has borrowed and built on this concept in creating their religious folklore.

So, what are the northern lights? The universe is filled with divine effulgent beings, something like angels, who prominently reside in the northern regions on the universal pivot, the magnetic mountain known as Meru. The mountain exists within our physical dimension and spans across to higher subtler dimensions and higher planes in the universe.

The effulgent divine beings (devas) travel on beams of light, and they themselves emit immense light, hence they are referred to as “the shining ones”. The lights we see in the sky known as the northern lights, are the movements of these divine beings to higher and lower realms of existence within our universe.

The Vedic teachings say the daytime of these divine beings is 6 months and the night time of these beings is also 6 months. Thus their 24 hour period of night and day is equal to our one human year. We can see a correlation between how the sun doesn’t set for 6 months in the north pole, followed by 6 months of darkness. All of these concepts were understood thousands of years ago by people who “hadn’t even visited these regions”.

The purpose of modern science is to remove divinity from every aspect of nature and leave humanity hopeless and atheistic.

To achieve this, they will say the sun (which is actually a manifestation of God within the universe) is just one of unlimited stars, in fact the smallest and weakest of all stars.

They will say this divine earth, which is a manifestation of the divine universal mother (Sri

 Devi, Bhu devi), and which spans across the entire universe (as bhu mandala), is actually just a tiny round spec floating randomly in unlimited vacant space.

They will say the human form, which was made in the image of God, just accidentally came about through evolution of monkeys and lower animals.

They will say the moon, of which there is actually only one in the entire universe, and which acts as the divine eye of God (paired with the sun) is just one of thousands and millions of “moons” orbiting every planet in the universe.

Their aim is to take everything that points to the divine creator, and make it seem insignificant and ordinary.

In fact, the Bhartiya khagola shastra is built up on the theory of relativity. They considered the Earth as centre where from they calculated every Astronomical object or event. Hence in the ‘Panchang’ which the Bharatiya Astronomers\Astrologers follow they tell specifically about the Grahanas\Eclipses, as to when they are going to occur with particular reference to a place. They called the farthest planet in the solar system as ‘Saturn’. If we see the thesaurus of ‘Saturn’ we find it as ‘giant planet that is surrounded by three planar concentric rings of ice particles. According to Roman mythology he is God of agriculture and vegetation.

In fact the same planet in Sanskrit is called ‘Sanaischara’ meaning ‘containing very slow movement’. It should not be uttered as ‘Saneshwara’ which is wrong. Jupitar is called ‘Brihaspati’ meaning ‘Bigger than the biggest planet’. That is the greatness of our Astronomers. The same case with the names os of other planets also.

Hence My Dear Young Scientists make a deep study of ‘Khagola Sastra’ and ‘Jyotish Shastra’ and discover the wonders out of them.



Tuesday, 19 September 2023



Story: The cockroach theory for self-development

At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady. She started screaming out of fear. With a panic stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach. Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got panicky. The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away but landed on another lady in the group. Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama.The waiter rushed forward to their rescue.In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.The waiter stood firm,

composed himself a nd observed the behaviour of the cockroach on his shirt. When he was confident enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and threw it out of the restaurant. Sipping my coffee and watching the amusement,the antenna of my mind picked up a few thoughts and started wondering, was the cockroach responsible for their histrionic behaviour? If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?He handled it near to perfection, without any chaos.It is not the cockroach, but the inability of the ladies to handle the disturbance caused by the cockroach that disturbed the ladies.I realized that, it is not the shouting of my father or my boss or my wife that disturbs me, but it's my inability to handle the disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbs me.

It's not the traffic jams on the road that disturbs me, but my inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam that disturbs me. More than the problem, it's my reaction to the problem that creates chaos in my life.

Lessons learnt from the story:

I understood, I should not react in life, I should always respond, the women reacted.


Saturday, 26 August 2023

Wake Up (Posted on Aug 26, 2015)

Wake Up (Posted on Aug 26, 2015)

Not a day passes without, we see a lot of negative information that is being spread about Hinduism by the social media, news media, and vested interests who want to present Hinduism in a negative light. As responsible readers we have to screen a lot of dirt people try to bring to surface about Hinduism using whatever gimmicks they have learned about the social networks. Since we have to rely upon the internet for each edition, we have to spend a lot of time to separate the propaganda and misinformation from truth. Still some news, may be on account of our misinterpretation, penetrates into our mind and blocks our thinking process . Here is an example.An educated lady,a facebook account holder, belonging to sanathana dharama had some physical set back and was attracted by a lady who was her colleague. The friend shut her eyes for some time and declared that the victim's pain had gone.She asked the victim emphasizing whether she was relieved of the pain. The victim accepted to have relieved from pain. The christian lady said it is on account of christ. The readers might not have forgotten the way their church tried none other than mother Teresa to attain sainthood and how they failed miserably. Another lady keeping the dead body in the house with the faith that Jesus restores his life. At last she was compelled to take the corpse to cemetery on account of foul smell and the threat to epidemic deceases due to dehydration and decay. In kerala the christians constructed a temple with a cross on it's top. Why all these imitations. Just to attract people.

God is not there to act as a doctor of miracles. Any ache or ailment is the out come of the deeds we performed in the earlier births or even in this birth we have to bear. It may even vanish by a spell. but there is no competence in such gullibles. Nobody need pray on our behalf. you have God within you. pray him realise him. don;t become a prey to hypocrites.

Lot of Hindus do not seem to care about their religion, but we know what kind of danger the religion and the community are currently facing in this age from organized religious propaganda and affluent organizations that want Hinduism to evaporate into History. We have to try our best to put up a brave front and fight back these elements. How long a few individuals here and there can carry the flag of Hinduism.It is very much discouraging if we see , the least attitude,and apathy shown by a majority of Hindus so far towards the few brave souls who take up its cause. There are a lot of rich influential Hindus out there, caught up in their own greed and selfishness and yet to evince interest in protecting their culture and Dharma. Let us be hopeful that people will awaken soon and notice the truth of the precarious situation through which Hinduism is passing and stand for their beliefs before it is too late.

Wake up Hindus, you have slept enough. Stop worshiping demi-gods for materialistic ends and be part of the revival, which Swami Vivekananda wanted to see in independent India. He died a hundred years ago, and here we are, just quoting him, but never truly following his vision or wisdom. Rediscover the soul of your tradition, your culture and your identity before it is completely undermined and destroyed. Think of your children, the coming generations, and their future.

India will be a servile nation without its distinct culture and identity.


Gopal Balaji

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Jyothiprakasan Sambasivapillai



Srinivasa Rao Karri

Yes sir,

Swamy Vivekananda had foreseen today's plight of followers of Sanatana Dharma and he cautioned us -

"When a man has begun to be ashamed of his ancestors and his past, the end has come"

----* Swami Vivekananda *


Gpraoo Gade

I agree with u.


Anuradha Gadiyaram

Thank you sir for educating with good informations


S Sudheer S

Sir! In kerala, these missionaries started spread rumours that Jesus was the one who invented Yoga & " surya namaskaras" and they changed it name "Jesus namaskaras".


Anuradha Gadiyaram



డా.వనదీప్ కలువగుంట

Sir...this must be the anguish and anger of every Sanaatani/Hindu...We must awaken Indians to what Indian legacy actually is...Ridiculous people propagate preposterous stuff...None can alter the stance of oeople like you and me...The problem lies with the strata of society that stays aloof from the mainstream Dharma/religion and culture...They are the soft targets...We must eliminate this absurd contemporary concept of casteism first and then educate them on the basic tenets of the so-called Sanaatana Dharma...This would equip them with the ammunition to annihilate these vicious campaigns directed towards them...HARIHI AUM...



Cheruku Ramamohanrao

VANADEEP, The problem lies with the youth and their proper understanding of this dharma. Enough if they can realise the truth envisaged by swami Vivekananda. In this regard as referred by Mr. Raghunandan, above , this dharma is a palm tree which would have seen infinite creepers entwined and eradicated. Secondly as Mr. Gowri Shankar rightly reminded "Uttisthata Jagrata Prapya Varannibodhata...' ( Arise! Awake! Approach the great and learn.) from kathopanishat which was the slogan of Swami Vivekananda . When enthusiasts like you are there I am confident that a day will come when the YOUNG INDIA will recognize and realise the greatness of this land, ancisters and the culture where Rama, Dharmaraja, Shibi, Bali, Harischandra, Prahlaada etc taken birth.




డా.వనదీప్ కలువగుంట



Sudha Jandhyala

ఇలాంటి అనుభవాలు చాలా మా మారేడుపల్లిలో జరుగుతూవంటాయి.కొంతవరకు వారితో వాదిస్తాము.సమాధానం చెప్పలేక ఒకరు వితండవాదంతో కొందరు వెళ్ళిపోయారు.ఇంకో వింత ఏమిటంటే వాకిలిముందు ముగ్గు, మామిడితోరణాలు,ఇంకా సాంప్రదాయ చిహ్నాలు.వున్న ఇళ్ళల్లో కి వచ్చి ప్రచారం చేసి మనలనిఒప్పించే శ్రమ ఎంత తీసుకుంటారో వాళ్లు


Cheruku Ramamohanrao

అందుకేనమ్మా వారి లొసుగులు మనముతెలిసి ఉంచుకొంటే మన వద్దకు వచ్చుటకు జడుస్తారు.

Monday, 12 June 2023

Amazing facts about - Ancient India


Amazing facts about - Ancient India

This blog determines dates of ancient events, including those relating to eras of Lord Rama & Shri Krishna, based on astronomical dating of planetary configurations narrated in Vedas and Epics, by making use of planetarium software. These dates are corroborated by ecological studies, satellite imagery, archaeological, geological & oceanographic evidences.

"A purely scientific way of rewriting ancient history ignoring all linguistic guess work and religious beliefs!"

Shri Krishna's Dwarka submerged in 1443 BC

For thousands of years, we Indians have believed in the divinity of Shri Krishna. For us he was a Karmayogi par excellence who gave us action oriented philosophy of life in the form of Bhagavad Gita. But questions have constantly haunted us as to whether Shri Krishna was a historical character or is a mythical character and whether war of Mahabharata was actually fought or was it great poet Vyasa’s imagination.

Till recent past we did not have the wherewithal to search for and establish the truth. But modern scientific tools and techniques like computers with planetarium softwares, advancements in archaeological and marine archaeological techniques, earth-sensing satellite photography and thermoluminescence dating methods, all have made it possible to establish the authenticity and dating of many events narrated in ancient texts like Mahabharata. Recent archaeo-astronomical studies, results of marine-archaeological explorations and overwhelming archaeological evidence have established the historicity and dating of many events narrated in the epic Mahabharata. These have led to the conclusion that Mahabharata War was actually fought in 1478 BC and Shri Krishna’s Dwarka City got submerged under the sea in 1443 BC.

Astronomical Evidence - In the Mahabharata references to sequential solar and lunar eclipses as also references to some celestial observations have been made. Dr. R.N.Iyengar, the great scientist of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore examined relevant references and searched for the compatible dates by making use of planetarium software (PVIS and EZC). He concluded that most of these references were internally consistent and that the eclipses and celestial observations of Mahabharata belong to the period 1493 BC - 1443 BC of Indian History. (refer Indian Journal of History of Science/38.2/2003/77-115).

In the Mahabharata there are references to three sequential solar eclipses and to some other planetary positions. Reference to the first solar eclipse comes in the Sabha Parva (79.29), graphically described by Vidur when Pandavas start their journey to the forest on being banished for 12 years of life in exile and one year of life incognito after they had lost everything in the game of dice. After 13 years of exile and incognito life, Pandavas came back to Hastinapur and they demanded their kingdom back but Duryodhana refused. Several efforts to prevent war failed and war became imminent. There is a reference to the second solar eclipse in the Bhisma Parva (3.29), following a lunar eclipse occurring within the same fortnight a few days before the actual war of Mahabharata. These eclipses occurred after 14-15 years of the first solar eclipse The epic also refers to some unfavourable planetary positions between the second solar eclipse and the beginning of the war on Kartika Purnima (Bhisma Parva 3.14 to 3.19). On Kartika Krishna Ashtami, Saturn was near Rohini and Mars was between Jayestha and Anuradha. Twenty two days later, on Kartika Purnima, Saturn was near Rohini, Mars was near Jayestha, a rough planet (probably uranus) was between Citra and Swati. Another white planet (possibly Jupiter) had moved from Purva-bhadra to Uttar-bhadra. Reference to the third solar eclipse comes in the Mausala Parva (2.19 to 2.20) occurring in the 36th year of the Mahabharata War. This was visible from the city of Dwarka which is stated to have been subsequently submerged under the sea. For these observations to be internally consistent, there should had been three solar eclipses within a period of 50 years. The first one and the second one after a gap of 14-15 years should have been visible from Kurukshetra whereas the third solar eclipse should have been visible from Dwarka after 35 years of the second one.

From references to these eclipses and celestial observations Dr. Iyengar prepared the list of compatible dates and concluded that these eclipses alongwith the stated planetary positions were observable during the period 1493 BC - 1443 BC because the planetarium software shows that:

(i) On 19.3.1493 BC there was solar eclipse visible from Kurukshetra.

(ii) After about 15 years, on 1st June, 1478 BC, there was a solar eclipse visible from Kurukshetra which was preceded by a lunar eclipse during the same fortnight on 16th May 1478 BC.

(iii) About 3 months later, there was Kartika Krishna Ashtami on 20.9.1478 BC when Saturn was near Rohini (in Bhar-Kritika) and Mars was between Jayestha and Anuradha.

(iv) Three weeks later, on 12.10.1478 BC, there was Kartika Purnima when the war actually started. On that day, Saturn was still near Rohini (as it actually moved from Bhar Kritt to Rohini between 1.6.1478 BC to 10.11.1478 BC). Mars was near Jayestha. Uranus, which probably is referred to as rough planet, was between Citra and Swati. Jupiter had moved from Purva-bhadra to Uttar-bhadra on 12.10.1478 BC.

(v) In the 36th year after Mahabharata war in October 1478 BC, a solar eclipse could be seen from Dwarka on 7.1.1443 BC.

Thus as per archaeo-astronomical calculations, Mahabharata War was fought in 1478 BC and Dwarka City got submerged in 1443 BC. These conclusions arrived at are corroborated by marine archeologists, archeologists as well as by the historians who have analysed the genealogy charts of rulers given in Puranas.

Marine Archaeological explorations around Dwarka - The on-shore and off-shore explorations carried out in and around Dwarka during last 50 years have revealed that Dwarka was a prosperous city in ancient times which was destroyed and reconstructed several times. The work of great excavators like Shri Z.D.Ansari and Shri M.S.Mate and chance discovery of temples of 9th century AD and 1st century AD buried near the present Dwarkadhish Temple prompted setting of a Marine Archaeology Centre jointly by National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) and Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). A project for marine archaeological explorations in Dwarka was initiated under the dynamic leadership of great marine archaeologist Dr. S.R.Rao who has the distinction of being awarded “The World Ship Trust Award” for outstanding research done in this field.

Dr. S.R.Rao’s team consisted of expert under-water explorers, trained diver-photographers and experienced archaeologists. The technique of geophysical survey was combined with the use of echo-sounders, mud-penetrators, sub-bottom profilers and under-water metal detectors. This team carried out twelve marine archaeological expeditions between the year 1983 to 1992 AD and articles/antiquities recovered were sent to Physical Research Laboratory for dating. By using thermoluminescence, carbon dating and other modern scientific techniques, artifacts were found to be belonging to the period 15th century BC to 18th century BC. In his great work “The Lost City of Dwarka”, Dr. S.R.Rao has given graphic and scientific details of these discoveries and artifacts. He has concluded that:

(i) The land for building the city of Dwarka had been reclaimed from the sea between 16th to 15th century BC and a fortified city was built on boulder packing with outer gateway to the sea and inner gateway to Gomti river. This corroborates the references in the Epic Mahabharata as per which Dwarka city was built by Shri Krishna after reclaiming the land from the sea and it was built only a few years before the Game of Dice in 1493 BC.

(ii) The thermoluminescence dating of lustrous Redware Pottery items found during explorations revealed that these were 3520 years old i.e. around 16th-15th century BC.

(iii) The most famous rectangular seal with engraved motifs of bull, unicorn and goat found in trench UW6 in the sea bed was dated as belonging to 16th century BC. The seal corroborates the references made in the ancient manuscripts that every citizen of Dwarka was required to carry a mudra(seal) as a mark of identification.

3 animal headed mudra, votive jar and copper bell

(iv) A copper bell and a copper lota, brass-items including U-shaped objects with holes at both ends and a bronze bell, all were dated as belonging to 15th century BC. Stone anchors with double holes and triangular prismatic stone anchors recovered from under the sea were similar to the ones found in Lothal excavations belonging to 23rd century BC.

(v) A votive jar with seven characters inscribed was found. Reading based on Semitic-Indus-Phonetic value revealed that script is old Indo-Aryan and similar to the other Indus seal inscriptions. The date assigned to this votive jar and inscriptions is 15th-14th century BC.

(vi) Three iron nails and a stake, four potsherds and one small bottle of iron were dated 16th-15th century BC indicating limited use of iron.

Thus, conclusions arrived at after carrying out these under-water archaeological explorations support and validate the dates arrived at through astronomical calculations. These also prove that the reconstructed city of Dwarka was a prosperous port town and that it was in existence for about 60-70 years in the 15th century BC before being submerged under the sea in the year 1443 BC.

artist's view based on marine archaeological reports and sumerged wall

Other Archaeological excavations - Most of the cities referred to in Mahabharata e.g.Mathura, Hastinapur, Indraprastha, Kurukshetra and Dwarka were situated in the territories which are at present known as Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, UP, Rajasthan and Gujarat. Extensive excavations carried out in these areas have shown that Indus Civilization flourished in these areas between 3400-1500 BC. The excavations carried out in Lothal in Gujarat have proved the existence of very advanced civilization between 2300 BC to 1600 BC. The town was divided into the dock, the arcopolis and the industrial, commercial, residential sectors. Artifacts recovered include gold jewellery and copper utensils. Archaeological surveys at Kalibhangan in Rajasthan have identified the existence of a planned fortified city between 2500-1700 BC. Artifacts excavated include baked bricks, semi precious stones, copper and bronze articles. Photographs taken by American earth-sensing satellite known as Landsat have confirmed that the river Saraswati described in the Rigveda as flowing from the “mountain to the sea” was indeed a great river before 2000 BC. Archaeological explorations on the ancient beds of the Saraswati e.g. at Kunal near Kurukshetra and at Banawali in Punjab have confirmed the existence of highly advanced civilisation during 3400-1500 BC. Artifacts excavated include silver jewellery and articles made of copper and bronze. Taken as a whole archaeological excavations establish the continuous evolution of Sindhu-Saraswati civilisation between 3400-1500 BC culminating in the Mahabharata period. The inhabitants of all the excavated places had similar ethnic features, spoke similar languages, followed similar religious rites which were vedic in nature, knew about horse and rice, had advanced knowledge of mathematics, made extensive use of copper and had discovered the use of iron. These discoveries match with the details in the Epic as also with the belief of the historians that the use of iron was discovered in India in 16th century BC. The War of Mahabharata acted as a watershed, putting an end to the ‘copper age’ and ushering in the ‘iron age’ in 15th century BC. Archaeological excavations thus support the conclusion that Mahabharata War was fought in 1478 BC.

Attempts have also been made to determine the year of Mahabharata War from the details available in scriptures and ancient texts which include Puranas. When events are unrecorded for quite some time and they are passed on to the succeeding generations through Shruti and Smriti traditions, the inaccuracies and myths get mixed with reality on account of differences in the perceptions of different individuals. However, it is for the objective rational individual mind to find out and differentiate facts from fictions. Important informations, including the genealogy charts of rulers after Yudhishtira, are available in Srimad Bhagvatam, Matsya Puran and Vayu Purana. On the basis of such evidence, famous historian Lord Cunningham assigned the year 1424 BC to the War of Mahabharata. Another historian Shri S.B.Roy in his work ‘Date of Mahabharata Battle’ also arrived at the same conclusion by combining the literary and the astronomical route.

All these are very important pieces of evidence which prove that epic Mahabharata is not merely a myth but is history and its central character Shri Krishna was a man with extra-ordinary abilities, around whom legends were built over the years. The common man started having faith in the divinity of this Supreme Hero, who for them is God incarnate.

After knowing all this, there can be no doubt in the mind of any rational person that what has been taught to us in our school history books is not all correct. As per our history books, Aryans came to India from Central Asia in their war Chariots in 15th century BC. They defeated and destroyed the natives who were “aboriginal savages” . According to this theory both the Vedas and the Sanskrit language were brought into India by these Aryan invaders. The most influential proponents of this theory were Max Muller and William Jones who were linguists and they arrived at this conclusion on being struck by the affinities between Sanskrit and European languages.This theory is not supported by any archaeological, physical or scientific evidence. When subsequently archaeological excavations at more than 1100 sites scattered all over major parts of India proved beyond doubt the existence of flourishing Indus civilization during 3400 BC to 1500 BC then the proponents of Aryan invasion theory reacted by suggesting that the invading Aryans had defeated the ‘Dravidian inhabitants’ of the Indus valley, least realising that such theoretical assumption would change the character of invading Aryans from bringers of civilisation to destroyers of great civilisation and culture developed by the native Indians.

The four sets of evidences referred to earlier point more to the probability that nobody had come to India from Central Asia or from any other place. In fact, Indo-Aryan, kings and warriors had come to Kurukshetra in their war Chariots from all over India to participate in the Mahabharata War and that a whole lot of people got killed in that war. The killers as well as the killed, the victors as well as the vanquished, the charioteers as well as the foot soldiers, all were Indians who had already experienced thousands of years of prosperous and advanced civilisation. Archaeology also records a continuous indigenous evolution of vedic civilisation going back to 5000 BC at sites like Mehrgarh and Koldi. It is sad that, so far we have not known even a fraction about our ancient civilization and cultural achievements. Detailed factual data in our ancient texts and sanskrit manuscripts is beckoning us to carry out further researches. By making use of most modern scientific instruments and techniques we must discover the true facts about our most ancient past. If we do that, we may be able to gather supportive evidences to reassert that ours was the oldest civilisation in the world that flourished in India and that our ancestors i.e. vedic Aryans had travelled from India to various parts of Asia and Europe to spread our knowledge, civilisation and culture. When this is recorded we would be able to hold our heads higher and will be able to take on the future with greater confidence.


Saroj Bala

Director, I-SERVE Delhi

Tuesday, 30 May 2023

 Desi Cow Ghee, gingelly oil are More Healthier than Refined Oils

“It is advisable to avoid refined oils. Since during the refining process oils are heated to high temperatures resulting in their degradation and generation of toxic substances. Refined oils, particularly high in PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids), degrade easily and therefore should be avoided for frying. On the contrary, oils high in saturated fats — like ghee, coconut oil — can be used for Indian cooking, as they are comparatively stable during frying,” Santosh Jain Passi, study co-author and public health nutrition consultant and former director of Institute of Home Economics, University of Delhi, wrote in the study.
cow ghee, gingelly oil, least groundnut oil for us. Kerala , people use coconut oil. mustard oil for Bengal. The usage depends on the climatic conditions of the respective areas. These are worthy and harmless and suitable to specified places . they contain saturated fats mostly. even at the boiling point the do not lose nutrients.
I seldom used the olive oil Which does not pertain our home land. We better consume what is given to us,