Tribute to Your Nation 09\02\2021
Try not to know
the paths of sun and Moon
Nor try to
change the axis of the Earth
Nor endeavor to
know about DNA or Jeans
As there is no
need to find the roots of mankind
Be not *Gripple,
for, the wealth is ripple
He gives you
what you deserve and not you desire
To give thy
poor neighbor you are capable
Be kind and the
needy, may be, you behind
*emulousness *egotism you be blind
Be delighted
and crave not for wealth
Prevent *pique,
detach desire, be as *angelic sky
How long clouds
*calamitous hover on your head
Find the truth,
have faith in Him, whom you hum
This takes you
and your neighborhood too
To the place
where you have *tranquility
But no
*tribulation, this, a real tribute to your nation
emulousness=Strong desire to surpass the others; egotism=too much boasting;
Pique=anger; angelic= one who manifests goodness, purity and selflessness;
calamitous= disastrous; Tranquility=calmness; Tribulation=distress.
Rama Mohan Rao