Friday, 17 November 2017

Bitter gourd or Karela or కాకర (in Telugu)

Bitter gourd or Karela or కాకర (in Telugu)
Bitter gourd or Karela or కాకర (in Telugu) is one vegetable used in the preparation of various dishes. Unfortunately most of us overlook it on account of its bitterness. To tell the truth it has got so many medicinal values. Above all, daily consumption of the squash of bitter gourd is a more powerful health tonic.
The bitter gourd contains nutrients like iron, magnesium and vitamin to potassium and vitamin C. An excellent source of dietary fiber, it also contains twice the calcium of spinach, beta-carotene of broccoli, and the potassium of a banana. Precisely we shall try to know the various crucial contributions of it to human body.
First of all let us know the fact that the regular daily usage of bitter gourd juice is nectar to the human body. Medicines and sincere advices certainly taste bitter but if followed keep the mental and physical strengths intact. To dilute the bitterness of the Karela juice we may add honey, Jaggery juice, or some fruit juice may be added to it. However pure honey is the best. Jaggery juice can be considered as an alternative.
I shall try to bring selective qualities of this vegetable that supports our health.
1. Karela Helps in Maintaining Blood Sugar Levels
The World Health Organisation has estimated that over 382 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. Bitter gourd contains an insulin-like compound called Polypeptide-p or p-insulin which has been shown to control diabetes naturally. According to a 2011 study, published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacolgy, a four-week clinical trial showed that 2,000 mg of Karela when taken on regular basis reduced the blood glucose level significantly in the patients suffering from type-2 diabetes. Studies have shown that this plant-based insulin in bitter gourd helps patients with type-1 diabetes as well.  Consult a doctor before doing so.

2. Karela Lowers Bad Cholesterol Levels
Bangalore-based Nutritionist, Dr. Anju Sood, says, “Bitter gourd juice is anti-inflammatory and also helps in lowering the bad cholesterol levels in the body. Thereby, it significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.” It also maintains the blood pressure of the body as it is rich in potassium, which absorbs excessive sodium in the body. It is rich in iron and folic acid which are known to decrease the risk of stroke and keep your heart healthy.

3. Karela is good for Glowing Skin and Lustrous Hair
Longing for that flawless skin? Dr. Simran Saini from Fortis Hospital in New Delhi suggests that bitter gourd juice has powerful anti-oxidants along with vitamin A and C which prevent premature skin ageing and diminishes wrinkles. Furthermore, it reduces acne, aids in treating eczema and psoriasis, as well as protects the skin from the harmful UV rays.

4. Karela Cures Hangovers and Cleanses the Liver

Bitter gourd juice swiftly wipes out alcoholic intoxication settled in your liver. The juice cleanses your bowel as well as heals many liver problems. Published in the International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition, a study concluded that a compound called Momordica Charantia provides protection against liver failure by strengthening anti-oxidant activity of the enzymes in the liver. It also boosts the functioning of your bladder.

5. Karela Helps in Weight Loss
Bitter gourd is low in calories, fat and carbohydrates. It keeps you full for longer and hence, it can easily fit in your weight loss plan. In a 2010 issue of a report published in the Journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, concluded that bitter gourd can be viewed as a natural agent for treating obesity.

6. Karela Boosts Your Immune System
In 2010, a study was published in the Pharmaceutical Research Journal which stated that bitter-melon has anti-carcinogen and anti-tumor properties. It reduced the risk of prostate, breast and cervical cancer.

7. Great for Your Eyes
Dr. Anshul Jai Bharat says that it helps in preventing vision-related problems such as cataract since it has compounds like beta-carotene and vitamin A which are healthy for your eyes and strengthens eyesight. She adds, “It is also a good home remedy to treat dark circles.

Source: Srishti Walia - Health and Ayurveda


Tuesday, 14 November 2017

The God or Allah and Brahman

The God, Allah and Brahman
Maybe the clergy of Christianity and Islam don’t want to realise Truth, as the present set-up suits them in pursuing their goal of world dominion. – Maria Wirth
We keep using the English term “God” as if we know what it means. But do we? “Of course”, many may reply: “God is the English term for the Creator of the universe, for the Highest Truth.”
At the outset the English word 'God' is masculine gender. As regards his qualities he was visible to a selected few  and told them what he wants from us humans. He is also said to be compassionate and loves those who believe in him and who follow the instructions sent down through those special people, but he won’t have any mercy for those who don’t follow his specific instructions. They will be sent to eternal hell fire.
Somehow this Abrahamic view of God has taken predominance, maybe because the majority of humans are either Christians or Muslims. This view is reinforced and fear of eternal hell is instilled in children, generation after generation. Even as adults, most don’t question their belief. It has become part of their mental make-up. And there is comfort in believing that one has the “right” belief in the “true” God and belongs to a big group of like-minded people, which will stand up for this God and defend him ferociously against any criticism. 
However, though Christianity and Islam go both back to Abraham and have similar views regarding the creator, each one insists that its own God alone is the true one. But yet the God has to declare to which side he belong, at least to those whom he trusted. From that 2000 years back (approximately) till date he could not find any dedicated devote whom he can tell any further commandment or any revision to the older ones  if it so prompts.
However they see it as their divinely ordained duty to make the whole world believe in their particular God. That means Christianity claims all must become Christians and Islam claims all must become Muslims to gain entry into heaven, and they leave no stone unturned  in pursuing their goal. The means are not important for them but only ends.
Both are united in claiming that those who worship many Gods are the worst offenders in the eyes of their “only true” God and this “Evil Practice” needs to be wiped out. So they feel justified in defaming especially Hindus whom they see as “idol worshipers”.
Let us try to scrutinize with a critical view.  Is it possible that the Supreme is a sort of superhuman entity who is heavily biased towards his followers and very much unforgiving towards “others”?
At this juncture let us explore the possibility of any other hypothesis. Here ancient India comes in. In ancient times, long before Christianity or Islam appeared, Vedic Dharma (today called Hinduism) had a very mature understanding of the Highest Truth which is generally called Brahman (there are other names, like Paramatman or Tat).
'Brahman' (Not to mistake as Brahmin) is not personal, not a superhuman entity, not male or female, but the most subtle, invisible, conscious, one basis of all. The Rishis meditated on the truth and came out with astonishing insights. They declared, “Brahman is not what the eyes can see, but That whereby the eyes can see. Brahman is not what the mind can think, but That whereby the mind can think” (Kena Upanishad).
The rishis established an impeccable truth that the God is none the less than your own self(Atman) that is with in you.
Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya gives a concrete example. For your reference I just give that. Suppose you keep 5 or 6 pieces of of broken earthen pot with some water in them when the sun is shining, we can find him (image) in all the pot pieces which are kept in open field under direct Sun light. If a piece is broken then the sun with in disappears. That is the image reaches back to the Sun. Actually this system of proving is provided by 'Nyaya Shastra' which is one among the six limbs of VEDA. Now again this Nyaya Shastra contains four disciplines called Pratyaksha(Perception),
Anumana(Inference), Upamana(Comparison and analogy) , Shabda(Testimony and reliable sources). So here Jagadguru proves in the simplest way by opting UPAMANA.
Unlike the clergy of Christianity and Islam, who rely basically on a story book, the Rishis vigorously and intelligently enquired into truth which is reflected in the ancient texts, especially the Upanishads. For example, they had criteria for what is true:
One: it must be at all times—past, present and future,
Two: it must not need anything else to shine, or in other words it has to be self-evident.
Those two criteria dismiss the whole universe as untrue and says that it needs something to “shine”—i.e. it needs consciousness. This, Acharya Shankara proves by another UPAMANA called 'Rajju Sarpa Bhranti' which means mistaking a rope to be a snake in a dim light. As long as the required light is not thrown on the rope the observer firmly believes that to be a snake. That is maya or mithya as Shankaracharya presents it.
Now we conclude that the universe is not true. So what is left? The Rishis claim that the extremely subtle, conscious basis of everything is not some separate thing at some different place. It is our very being and therefore there is a chance to “real-ise”—know it as real—by turning inwards to what is unchanging and true in us beneath the ever-changing activity of our mind and develop devotion for it.
Unfortunately, we miss out on being aware of this source of our awareness because we prefer to look outside and hardly make an attempt to stop the mental chatter once in a while. This is unfortunate because the Rishis claim that our essence is not only the source of valuable inspiration, but is also most blissful—far more blissful than what any worldly enjoyment can give. And the Rishis spoke from experience.
So the English term “God” is actually not denoting the absolute, highest Truth, but a great power in this manifested reality—more on the level of the “Gods” in Hinduism, whom these two religions  despise.
The Vedic Gods are mainly personified powers who are, as it were, in charge of running our world and on whose benevolence humans depend for a happy life. They however, unlike the two Abrahamic Gods, do not condemn anyone eternally to hell if people fail to propitiate them.
It is strange that the Christian and Muslim theologians don’t realise that their understanding of God as a personal, separate, biased entity cannot be the ultimate truth. Scientists have realised it. In fact, some scientists are aware that the ultimate truth that they seek is in all likelihood the Brahman of ancient India, and many big names in modern science, though those names sound Jewish or Christian, were inspired by India’s ancient wisdom—from Voltaire, Schopenhauer, Schroedinger, Heisenberg, Oppenheimer, Einstein till Steve Jobs and Elon Musk.
Maybe the clergy of Christianity and Islam don’t want to realise it, as the present set-up suits them in pursuing their goal of world dominion. The threat that God will send those who don’t do what the clergy tells them to do eternally to hell is surely a powerful incentive for the “believers” to stay in line. At the same time, it puts their intellect into a strait-jacket and is an affront to human intelligence.
Hindus escaped this strait jacket. They are not told what to believe. Many of them don’t believe in God or Gods, but they are sure that Brahman is the truth and the Gods are at least as real as our persons are real—temporary aspects of the one eternal Brahman. This intellectual freedom may well be the reason why all over the world their intelligence is acknowledged and admired—and this in spite of the fact that Indian students need to overcome the huge, unfair hurdle of studying in a foreign language. 
The inspiration I got from Maria Wirth, a German author and psychologist who has lived in Uttarakhand for many decades made me to add my thoughts.
The God, Allah and Brahman

Monday, 13 November 2017


I tried to bring about little known facts about Velankanni.
Velankanni is a Christian pilgrimage site and the deity is called Lady of Good Health the Portuguese-style idol is dressed in an Indian Tamil-style sari and kept in a
glass box high above the church hall.
People atribute a story to this. A lady with a child in her loins asked a milk boy on the way for some milk to the child. The boy immediately did so and after a while when he opened the MILK-CAN he found milk to the brim. A Bacillica, which is yet to be recognised by the Vatican City, was erected over a period of time. —that is what most of us have been led to believe. However we will be surprised to know about its Saiva origins.
Kanni in Tamil means Eyes or having eyes preceded by an adjective. In the agam poems of the Sangam corpus belonging to the kuriñjithiai, we find the name of an ancient lady poet bearing the name Kama-kanni’ meaning ‘Kamakshi’.
 Let us now explore the meaning of Velankanni’. It is etymologically derived from the old name Vēlana-kaṇṇi—a name by which Ambikā is known in the Dēvāram :
Mālai mathiyou nīraravampuai vārchaaiyāṉ
ēlanakaṇṇiyoum virumpummiam…
— Srī Jñāna Sambandhar
Her eyes appearing like a spear-head (Blade) (Vel = spear normally referred as the weapon of kartikeya) eyes, she is also known as vēlaa-kaṇṇi. About 10 kilometers south of the site of the Veḷāṅkaṇṇi basilica, we find another town named Karukaṇṇi (she who is black-eyed karuppu = black, If we take it as Karuna it is compassion then).
Angayakanni is Meenakshi. Like this we come across so many names of mata Parvathi related to her Eyes. This we will not find anywhere in in the references related to Christianity.
At Kōḍiyakkarai in the kuzhagar-ālayam, Ambā is known as maiyār-taa-kaṇṇi. Chēramān Perumāḷ Nāyanār and Sundaramūrti Swāmi have arrived and worshipped together at this sthalam. Aruagirināthar has also composed hymns on this shrine. One can come across her other similar names such as Kāvyakaṇṇi, Nīḷneukaṇṇi, Vēlneukaṇṇi, Varineukaṇṇi, Vāḷārkaṇṇi, etc. Māṉeukaṇṇi is another name—it means she who has wide eyes like a deer (maan in Tamil = deer):
Thus have the saints who described the mothers beautiful eyes laden with Karuna(Compassion) using many epithets.
All these names are most certainly influenced by the Dēvāram. It was considered the duty of the king to inscribe at least one or two patikas (poems of the Tirumurai) on the paliku (marble) boards in every śivālaya—it was to demonstrate that the patika of the Devāram had an inseparable association with that town.
In almost all the shore- Siva temples, for the māsi-magha tīrthavāri, it is an ancient custom to take the deitys utsava murtis (idols) to the seashore for a ritual immersion into the waters, and this tradition still prevails today.
Vēḷāṅkaṇṇi is also one among several seashore temples like Ādipurīśvara at Tiruvoṟṟiyūr, Kapālīśvara at Mylāpūr, Marundīśvara temple at Tiruvānmiyūr, Vēdapurīśvara temple in Pondicherry, Kāyārohaeśvara temple in Nāgapaṭṭanam, Kuzhagar temple in Kōḍiyakkarai, Vēdavananātha temple in Vēdārayam, Darbhārayeśvara temple in Kāraikkāl, Māsilāmainātha temple in Puhār, which are situated along the southern coast.
There is a small town called Paravai about 2 kms west of Vēḷāṅkaṇṇi. Sundaramūrti Swāmis wife Paravai Nācciyār was born there. In Tamil, ocean is called Paravai. Upamanyu Bhakti Vilāsam refers to this lady as Sāgarikā. Since the ocean has retreated, the temple here is not situated close to the shore now like it once used to be.
Nāgūr has a shore-temple of Siva as Nāganātha (Lord of Nāgas) with goddess Nāgavalli. The town gets its name from the name of this deity. Associated with Kāmika-āgama, this is a very ancient temple. The Nagore Dargah (grave site of a Sufi dervish known locally as Nagūr-āṇḍavar i.e. the god of Nagūr) was established much later during the Maratha rule. The true nāgūr-āṇḍavar (god of Nagūr) was the consort of goddess Nāgavalli—Śri Nāganātha.
In the Nāgapattanam region, one of the 63 Nāyanmārs called Adipatta Nāyanār who was born in a fisher men family in a village called Nuzhaippāḍi by the seashore—where there exists a temple.
Before Lord Muruga (Skanda) went to war against the asuras, he is said to have got the blessings of d lord Siva at Tirucchendūr. Rāmeśvaram has the world-famous pilgrimage site where Lord Rāma sought the help of Śiva on his way to Lakā. Vāḷārkaṇṇi is just one more such shore temple like all these. 


When a building site in Velankanni was dug up to lay the foundations, Somaskanda, Rama, Goddess Sivakami, Saint Sundarar, Nartana Vinayaka and 13 other pañcaloha murtis were found. They have been deposited at Kilavelur Taluk Office.
Archeologists have found large number of daiva-vigrahas (Silas, శిలలు) and pañcaloha idols buried in this location. In the Vāḷārkaṇṇi town, there is another śivālaya called Rajatagirīśvara. Whether this is an ancient temple or a recently rebuilt one is yet to be established. If its origin is found, it is possible to unearth other bits of the places history.
 A few centuries back, when the Portuguese, Danish, and French invaded these shore sites, they vandalised several Hindu temples. Thousands of Brahmins were massacred by Portuguese in Goa. The actual name of Goa is Gomanthak Pura.  They also established Christian churches there. The demolition of the Kapaliswara temple at Chennai and the Vedapuriswara temple at Pondicherry are good examples of the level of Christian vandalism.
The Goa shores had several temples which were destroyed by the Portuguese. In 1567 Portuguese missionaries destroyed about 350 temples in Goa. In those times, Hindus were even forbidden to grow the tulasi (holy basil) plant.
Cultural appropriation by missionaries:
Wearing  saffron robes, building churches that resemble temple architecture, placing dhvaja sthambas in front of churches, deliberately using Sanskrit words like Vedāgamam, Suviseam, Agni, Abhiekam, Sarvāṅga dahana bali, flag hoisting, doing ratha yātras and other rituals are being appropriated and used specifically to lure Hindus into their religion, and this has been happening over centuries. One of the aspects of this deception involves clothing idols of Mother Mary in sarees according to the Tamil style and using the name of the local Hindu deity Vēlana-kaṇṇi to refer to Mary as Vēḷāṅkaṇṇi. This is the truth.
Mother Umā is known as Periyanāyaki (Skt. bhannāyakī). In the famous Thanjāvūr temple, Siva is known by the name Bhadīśvara and his consort is called Bhannāyakī—and this is known to all. This name has been stolen without shame and used by missionaries as the name of Mary, as Periyanayaki-Mata.
Truth hurts. Christians have no reason to get annoyed. After insulting Hindu deities calling them devils, demons, etc—and on the other hand appropriating their names and symbols and using them in Christianity to refer to Jesus and Mary—this is in no way proper. They went to the extent of offering their hair that is tonsuring like in Tirumala, conducting naming ceremonies etc. near the place. Christians in Tamil Nadu who have a conscience should reflect on these things.

To be continued
Velankanni -- 3
Before I bring to your perusal of the last part of VELANKANNI I would like to convey my feeling to the readers. I am not writing these things for myself, nor do I need any recognition there for. What all I wanted is to create awareness among the youth about the atrocities of the invaders for 800 long years. Unless you know your past, you cannot evolve the precautionary measures to stop the recurrence. I am not provoking you to revolt but I want you to be very vigilant. Now the pattern of warfare is changed. Now it is a mind game. Aming committed to the detriment of the others can never think of 'Harmony' 'Unity' 'Integration' but behind these veils they hatch plots for the impairment of our 'Sanathana Dharma'
That is why I recapitulate what I said with this Upanishad vakya which was frequently used by Swamy Vivekananda:

उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत,
क्षुरासन्न धारा निशिता दुरत्यदुर्गम पथ: तत् कवयो वदन्ति |

Uttisthata Jagrata Prapya Varannibodhata
Kshurasanna Dhara Nishita Dustayadurgama Pathah tat kavayo Vadanti

Arise! Awake! Approach the great and learn.
Like the sharp edge of a razor is that path, so the wise sayhard to tread and difficult to cross.

Now let us think of some questions on Velankanni.

Some Questions:
Today Velankanni has been promoted and established as an extremely popular Christian pilgrimage site. But the questions that probe how it came to be a Christian site remain.
Is there any Biblical proof to show that Velankanni is a Christian name?
Else who named it Velankanni? Were they Portuguese sailors, or the Papal authority in the Vatican? Or is it the missionaries who came later?
Is worshiping Mary as an independent deity (opposed in Trinitarian Christianity) acceptable to Biblical and Christian theology?
If this is a common Christian shrine, why dont all sects of Christians come and worship here?
What is the relation between Arogya and the name Velankanni? (Arogya Matha—Lady of Health)
What is the relation between Velankanni and Lourdes of the East conceptually? Is there any tradition of flag hoisting and ratha yatras at other Lourdes shrines? Will European devotees of the Lady of the Lourdes shave their heads?
It has been accepted by Christians themselves that there is no basis for the apparitions of Mother Mary that are claimed to have occurred in Vēḷāṅkaṇṇi. That being the case, how did this church become Lourdes of the East?
Why is Mary, the Lady of the Lourdes, not commonly worshipped in other places as the Lady of Good Health?
Why did this site where many miracles are said to have occurred not gain the status of basilica until 1962? The miracles are claimed to be hundreds of years old, yet why did it not gain basilica status during British rule?
They say this holy site was believed to have mahima right from the start. Yet from Warren Hastings until Mountbatten, among the forty or so governor generals who ruled India, there is no record of any of them having visited the Lady of Health at Velankanni What is the reason for this contradiction?
Even those native Christian scholars such as Henry Albert Krishna Piḷḷai, who wrote Rakaya Yātrikam (a Tamil retelling of the Pilgrims Progress), Māyūram Vedanāyakam Piḷḷai, etc., who lived just a century ago do not appear to have mentioned anything about the Velankanni apparitions, or shaved their heads in Velankanni.
Even in the Christian Songs book of Devaneya Pāvāṇar who passed away in 1981, there are no songs about Arogya Mātā (Lady of Health). Is there anything more to say?
Although large numbers of Indian Christians congregate and worship at the Velankanni Church, no pope has visited or prayed to Arogya Mātā. What is the reason?
Without the approval of the Holy See, how did this become a basilica?
Does Biblical authority support ostentatious rituals in worshiping Mary, as well as large celebrations such as what we see in Velankanni?

Only when someone looks for answers with substantive proofs for all these questions, Velankannis true history will be known. 

Satya Rama Prasad Kalluri

It is interesting to know that there is another place close by - 'Nagore,' a Muslim worship centre. Around the same place, we find Hindu temples too.

The speciality of Velankanni - Many practices of Hindus like tonsure (మ్రొక్కుగా పిల్లలు, పెద్దలు కూడా గుండుచేయించుకోవడంవంటివి) can be found here as modes of worship! Many Keralite Christians too visit this place for worship and offerings.

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Cheruku Ramamohanrao

Once you read the full article you will come to know about all these things,

 · Reply · 4y

Satya Rama Prasad Kalluri

Very nice of you sir! Just I wanted to express my feeling before I forget. I do agree that you must have included all these items in your article definitely! Sorry for my undue haste, if you feel so.

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Sastry Vemuri

Very good Sir, our ancients in how many million ways prayed to mother woman and praised in various forms Shakti Worship as first gene even in science as Mother bee and queen ant and the same in subsequent thought in faith was placed by mother herself to apportion by creating physically and mentally a man and served Man starting from Rama and yet not outside his appreciation like not in Parasurama role which ended with the advent of Sita and Sita eschewing the frailty of Parasurama's mother dazzled at Gandharva's ornamental gaudy ness not the simplicity of Tama and Sita who chose Forest life to that of pomp to respect parental desire and In Turn Rama worship of Siva because is the creator and preserver and destroyer variously called in his roles as creator Brahma , preserver Vishnu and destroyer Siva and not surprising in past all faiths Atleast not alloyed by rulers perfidious act and did not differentiate Diety as many than one in all forms and names .

Your description of the Velankanni temple illustrates same. Thank you

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డా.వనదీప్ కలువగుంట

Sastry garu! This is not the spirit that Cheruku Ramamohanrao sir wants us to grasp here. It is the plot of the encroachment and deception of the conversion syndicate operating in this region with a global reach.

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Cheruku Ramamohanrao

Yes Vanadeep. That is where I am. If the Sanatana Dharmis understand this I feel I have conquered the world.

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డా.వనదీప్ కలువగుంట

Another example of deceiving Hindus through their usual copy - paste illegal business by engulfing the popular ancient and native legacy. These types of idolatry, rituals and pilgrimage are forbidden by Bible. Why are they doing it? It's an open secret. Velankanni, Karuna University and other parts of Coimbatore have become infested with conversion mafia in the guise of Hindu style worship, education, service and money as well as property transfer. The Isha foundation of Sri Jaggi Vasudev hampered their cunning tactics like anything. They started troubling Isha in every step by every possible legal and illegal means. Isha is the antidote that prevents this infection from spreading further and has indirectly prompted converted zombies also to turn towards Sanaatana Dharma. The recent row over Adi Yogi Statue sabotaged by that conversion mafia has ended in a fiasco. They are in utter despair, distress and frustration now. Now it's the turn of our dumb Hindus who visit Arogya Mata to refrain from doing so and instigate their fellow Dharmic ones to follow suit. Excellent information with precious knowledge of etymology sir! Thanks a lot.

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Talisetti Venkata Subba Rao

A great eye opener info sir


Abburi Nagabose

Very interesting .Thanks for elucidating the history of the place

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Narasimman Harisubramanian

It is amazing to know that you are having such a knowledge of Tamil literature. Historians like romila tapar concoct our history. These are all nehruvian legacy

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Cheruku Ramamohanrao

Thank You. It is Gods' grace.

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Bhanuprasad Rentala

Please translate in Telugu

 · Reply · 3y

Cheruku Ramamohanrao

I regret to do so. ఎన్నుకొన్న భాషలో వ్రాయగలను. తర్జుమా చేసే వ్యవధి లేదని తెలుపుటకు చితించుచుున్నాను.

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Ravi Chandra

Sir Vallu inkedo story chebutharu kadaa Edo. Pasuvula kaaparlaku emo kanipinchadantaru

 · Reply · 3y

Cheruku Ramamohanrao

Nenu vishadhamugaa 3, 4 bhaagaalugaa vraasinaanu. Poorthigaa chadivedi.

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Savithri Bachimanchi

Very nice information

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Talisetti Venkata Subba Rao

TQS for the good info on velankanni sir


Somi Reddy Bhaktavatsala Reddy

It is visited by people of all religions. Universal brotherhood is practised .

 · Reply · 2y

Ankaraju Vadlamudi

Give it to some Tamil daily such that every tamilian know how Portuguese devoties worshipped our Hindu goddess ad their own by changing name into their accent.