'Moul'ana-'Mal'ana-'Mole'ana For India
Mr F. K. Khan Durrani who in his book
'The Meaning of Pakistan' holds that ' All Muslims, whether they live in
Pakistan or Hindustan, constitute one nation, and we of Pakistan
must always treat our co-religionists in Hindustan as flesh of our
flesh and blood of our blood/ 8
He further continues to say `There is not an inch of soil of India which our forefathers did not once purchase with blood. We cannot be false to the blood of our forefathers. India, the whole of it, is therefore our heritage and it must be reconquered for Islam....."
Incredible! If a thug, by force, robs a thing from you, and later you repossess it, the thug still has the proprietary claim on the thing. Such is Islamic logic! No amount of goodwill is capable of changing Islamic theology and its inherent political ambition of world conquest. Western world still has some guts and pride that it will fight Islam to the end.
The worry is about India run by treacherous and corrupt politicians. Hindus have no pride in their cultural heritage, nor can they be accused of having any sense of Honor. A thousand years of Islamic terror has made them escapists (a euphemism for cowardice). They seek and follow leaders who promise them easy solutions without fight or conflict. They cloak their cowardice in the veil of Ahimsa and peace. Any Hindu who speaks up for legitimate rights of Hindus is branded as communalist, chauvinist, fascist, etc. by the brainwashed zombies who call themselves secularists. Beware Hindus! India is the only land you can call your home (in contrast to Christians and Muslims, who can claim several dozen homelands) and Islam has a very determined design on it. It has slowly but surely made much progress by increasing its population through higher birthrate and very thoughtfully planned illegal immigration. Kaleem, this is what makes these `chauvinist' Hindus angry.
Khaleda says that Sardar Patel had the gall to publicly insist that Maulana Azad cannot be trusted alone with the Cabinet Mission that had been sent to India by British. Whether Khaleda is really ignorant of what a sort of man Maulana is? Among Several papers written on this subject,let us consider the quote from Koenraad Elst:
`When the partition seemed unavoidable, Azad patronized proposposals where half of all members of Parliament and of the government had to be Muslims (then 24% of the population), with the other half to be divided between Hindus, Ambedkarites, Christians, and the rest. Thus, Muslims would rule and non-Muslims would be second-class citizens electorally and politically. The Cabinet Mission plan, proposed by the British as the ultimate sop for the Muslim league, equally promised an effective parity between Muslims and non-Muslims at the central government level and a veto right for the Muslim minority. Without Gandhiji or other leaders knowing, Maulana assured the British negotiators that he would get the plan accepted by the Congress. When he was caught in the act of lying to the Mahatma about the plan and his assurance, he lost some credit even among the naive Hindus who considered him a `moderate'. But he retained his position of trust in Nehru's cabinet and continued his work for the ultimate transformation of India into a Muslim state."
Now we can assess how great Moulana Abdul Kalaam Azad is, whom even today portray as great muslim of moderate thoughts in the text books priscribed for children of secondary education, and Pundit Javaharlal Nehru who is greater than him.